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Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some C++ and mex code written as a Matlab wrapper around the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should compile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows compilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installation instructions are included in a Readme.txt in the downloaded files.) Thus from within Matlab one can grab the RGB data from specified frames from a named video file. The code should be able to read all video clips that are readable by ffmpeg. Note that we are making this code freely available, however no promises are made as to its reliability or that the code will be supported. However, if bugs are found and easy to fix, then new releases will probably be made available. It should be noted also that ffmpeg is lgpl. -Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some Files and C code written as a wrapper around Matlab the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should c ompile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows co mpilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installa tion instructions are included in a Readme.txt in the downloaded files.) Thus from within Matlab ab one can grab the RGB data from specified frame 's from a video file named. The code should be able to read all video clips that are readable by ffmp eg. Note that we are making this code freely avai Cheers, however no promises are made as to its reliabili ty or that the code will be supported. However, if bugs are found and easy to fix. then new releases will probably be made availab le. It should be noted also that ffmpeg is lgpl.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 薛斌

The Simulation Symbol Timing Synchronization using Matlab-The Simulation Symbol Timing Synchroniza tion using Matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : catchtsu

This toolbox has functions to perform nonlinear diffusion images. This kind of image filtering is particularly useful for reducing noise and to simplify images for further segmentation. Much of these functions are based on Perona and Malick s work, and also on J. Weickert s papers. The fast AOS diffusion is implemented. There is also 3D diffusion functions, color image diffusion and Coherence-Enhancing diffusion -This toolbox has functions to perform nonl inear diffusion images. This kind of image fi ltering is particularly useful for reducing no ise and to simplify images for further segmenta tion. Much of these functions are based on Peron a and Malick's work, and also on J. Weickert's papers. The hypothetical fast AOS fusion is implemented. There is also 3D diffusi on functions, color image diffusion and Coherence- enhancin g diffusion
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 142kb Publisher :

A fast approach to the detection and correction of skew documentsIn this paper, a fast approach is proposed to detect and correct skew documents.-A fast approach to the detection and correc tion of skew documentsIn this paper, a fast approach is proposed to detect and correc t skew documents.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.28mb Publisher : 石决明

车辆图象识别论文! 车辆图象识别论文! 请仔细查看,和上一个不一样.不要以为是雷同的。-vehicle image recognition papers! Vehicle Image Recogni tion papers! Vehicle Image Recogni tion papers! Please look carefully, and the last one not the same. Do not think that is the same.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.12mb Publisher : happyboy007

MATLAB implementation of SPIHT (without Arithmatic coding stage). % Performance evaluation : this toolbox VS. SPIHT % Test image: lena512.raw % bpp SPIHT(dB) This code(dB) % 0.1000 29.8107 29.3202 % 0.2000 32.7202 32.2514 % 0.3000 34.5479 34.0331 % 0.4000 35.8422 35.4857 % 0.5000 36.8623 36.5939 % 0.6000 37.6650 37.3759 % 0.7000 38.2581 38.0491 % 0.8000 38.9390 38.7058 % 0.9000 39.5218 39.3437 -MATLAB implementation of SPIHT (without A rithmatic coding stage). Performance evalua% tion : this toolbox VS. SPIHT%% Test image : lena512.raw%% bpp SPIHT (dB) This code (dB)% 0. 1000 29.8107 32.7202 0.2000 29.3202% 32.2514% 0.3000 0.4000 34.5479 34.0331% 35.8422 35.485 7% 0.5000 0.6000 36.8623 36.5939% 37.6650 37.3 759% 38.0491% 0.7000 0.8000 38.2581 38.9390 38 .7058 0.9000 39.5218 39.3437%
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 178kb Publisher : jason..

Demonstrates 1-D FDTD initial state formation. Please edit the FLAGS for demonstration of different cases. BASED ON "1-D Digital Waveguide Modeling for Improved Sound Synthesis".-Demonstrates 1-D FDTD initial state forma tion. Please edit the FLAGS for demonstration o f different cases. BASED ON "1-D Digital Wavegu ide Modeling for Improved Sound Synthesis. "
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : chunfenglay

Single Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization Simulation(单载波频域均衡仿真程序)-Single Carrier Frequency Domain Equaliza tion Simulation (single-carrier frequency-domain simulation program balance)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 谢文武

摘 要:针对茄子图像的灰度和颜色特点,利用MATLAB中丰富的图像处理函数,分别进行了色差分割和色调分割。在 色调分割中,采用了自动选取阈值的Otsu法。在去除残留噪音的处理中,采用标注的方法对二值图像的各连通区域进行面积 统计。保留最大面积的区域,从而使分割效果大大改善。利用多参数来衡量分割效果,使评价做到最大程度的客观、合理。-Based on the gray- level and color characteristics of eggp lant image, hue and color- difference segmentation were conducted by using the rich image p rocessing functions embedded inMATLAB. The auto threshold- adap tivemethod ofOtsu operation was specially used for hue segmentation. And upon the elimination of the residue noise, labelingmethod for statistical calculation was introduced for the connected regions of the binary image. Themaximum areaswere p reserved to imp rove segmentation effects. In addi2 tion, multi- indiceswere app lied to assess the effect of segmentation, in order to get impersonal and reasonable assessment
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 552kb Publisher : renyh

DL : 1
,在MATLAB环境下对 学生自主学习成绩决策表进行了求解,分析了该决策表的上近似集、下近似集、不可分辨关系、约简、核集、属性依赖度的概念,从而 在原始数据的基础上得出了条件属性与决策属性间的关系。 -The knowledge theory based on rough set can help to simplify the knowledge proceeded from originaldata. In the paper it intro- duces the rough set theory and its principle algorithms. MATLAB Rough SetToolbox is programmed to analyze the decision table of self-learn- ing system from students score database.The concepts such as the upper approximation, lower approximation, indiscernibility relation, reduc- tion, core set, and attribute-importance are analyzed based on the score database table.Thus, the relations between condition attributes and de- cision attributes of the score database are obtained on the basis of original data.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 334kb Publisher : 水晶

摘要:正交频分复用(OFDM)是第四代移动通信的核心技术。该文首先简要介绍了OFDM基本原理,重点研究了理想同步情 况下,保护时隙(CP)和不同的信道估计方法在高斯信道和多径瑞利衰落信道下对OFDM系统性能的影响。在给出OFDM系 统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了整个系统的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。最后给出在不同的信道条件下,保 护时隙、信道估计方法对OFDM系统误码率影响的比较曲线,得出了较理想的结论。 -O FDM is the key techno logy of 4G in the field of mobile comm unication.In this article O FDM ba sic p rinc ip le is briefly in troduced.Then,the influence of CP and d iffe rent channe l e stim a tion on the system pe rfo rm ance is emp ha tica lly analyzed respectively in Gauss and R ayle igh fading channe ls in the cond ition of ideal synchronization.B e sides,based on the given system mode l O FDM system is compu te r sim u la ted w ith MA TLAB language and the refe rentia l design p rocedure is given.Fina lly,the B ER cu rves of CP and channe l e stim ation a re given and comp ared.The conclusion is sa tisfac to ry.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : 海之魂

:针对时滞系统的特点和采用神经网络单值预测控制存在的不足,提出了多步超前预测与补偿的控制算 法,有效地增加了控制力度,改善了动态性能,并论述了增加的预测与补偿步数与稳定的关系 -With regards to the characteristics of time-delay system and the weakness of single predictive control, this pa- per puts forward a control scheme of multi-step-ahead prediction and compensation, which increases control power effectively, and improves dynamic characteristics ofthe system. The paper also discusses the relationship between the step number of predic- tion and compensation and the stability of systems
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : liubo

动态矩阵的预测控制源程序,可以实现预测控制中的模型预测和优化算法。- this pa- per puts forward a control scheme of multi-step-ahead prediction and compensation, which increases control power effectively, and improves dynamic characteristics ofthe system. The paper also discusses the relationship between the step number of predic- tion and compensation and the stability of systems.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : liubo

线性判别分析(LDA)是一种较为普遍的用于特征提取的线性分类方法。但是将LDA直接用于人脸识别 会遇到维数问题和“小样本”问题。人们经过研究,通过多种途径解决了这两个问题并实现了基于I,DA的人脸识 别 文章对几种基于LDA的人脸识别方法做了理论上的比较和实验数据的支持,这些方法包括Eigenfaces、Fish— erfaceS、DLDA、VDLDA及VDFLDA。实验结果表明VDFLDA是其中最好的一种方法。-Low—dimensional feature representation with enhanced discriminatory power is of paramount importance to face recognition(FR)system.Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA)is one of the most popular linear classification techniques of feature extraction。but it will meet two problems as computational challenging and “small sample size’’when applying to face recognition directly.After studying people solve the two problems through several ways and realize the face recogni— tion based on LDA. The short paper here makes compare on theory and experimental data analysis on several Face Recognition system using LDA—Based Algorithm,such as Eigenfaces(using PCA),Fisherfaces,DLDA,VDLDA and VD— FLDA.The experimental results show that the VDFLDA method is the best of al1.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 217kb Publisher : 费富里

数字减影血管造影( DSA) 通过向血管中注入造影剂, 使血管的整体影像的对比度有了明显的增强, 然后通 过造影前后图像的相减运算, 可以去除非血管器官的影像, 得到血管更清晰的图像, 目前广泛应用于心血管疾病的 诊断。由于患者的呼吸运动, 使得不同时间采集的图像相减后会产生运动伪影。为了消除运动伪影, 从医生临床上 对于心脏的运动以胸腔的横膈膜为参考目标得到启发, 首先得到很多幅注入造影剂之前的图像( 掩膜图像) 和一幅 注入造影剂之后的图像( 造影图像) , 然后指定其中的一幅掩膜图像作为参考图像, 其它的掩膜图像和那一幅造影图 像分别对参考图像求位移。基于上面求出的位移, 可以将候选图像集中到位移小于某一阈值的很少的几幅图像上, 然后在这几幅图像上应用改造过的搜索算法, 最终找到了运动伪影最小的那幅掩膜图像。该算法引入了绝对位移 和相对位移相结合的方法使减影图像中运动伪影得到明显消除。-In dig ital subtr action ang io gr aphy ( DSA) , the co nt rast of the v essels is gr eatly improv ed w ith the injectio n of contrast medium. In addit ion, mo re clear vessels can be visualized by eliminating the imag es o f non􀀁 vessel or gans, and those imag es ar e called subtr action imag e o r DSA. Therefo re, DSA is o f w ide use for diag no sis o f car dio vascular disease. Subtr action of imag es o bt ained befo re and after injection of contrast medium may cr eat e mo tion art ifacts due to the aspiratio n o f pat ient s. In this reg ard, being motiv ated by the docto rs􀀂 ex per ience that t he displacement of dia􀀁 phragm can be used as the reference to measur e the hear t beat, we present a method to eliminate the mot ion ar tifacts. In o ur method, fir stly , a set of DSA imag es are taken befo re injection o f contr ast medium, w hich are called mask images! and one imag e taken after injection o f contrast is called targ et image! . Seco
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 651kb Publisher : xingxing

本文提出一种联合盲自适应梯度算法的功率控制算法,该算法同时对功率向量和接收滤波器权向量进行迭代更新。仿真结果表明,采用本文提出 的功率控制算法, 在系统内用户发射总功率一定的条件下, 可以获得更高的用户信干比和更大的系统容量。-Throughout the monograph, we highlight the use of mathematical language and tools in the study of power control, including optimiza- tion theory, control theory, game theory, and linear algebra. Practical implementations of some of the algorithms in operational networks are discussed in the concluding chapter. As illustrated by the open prob- lems presented at the end of most chapters, in the area of power control in cellular networks, there are still many under-explored directions and unresolved issues that remain theoretically challenging and practically important.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 952kb Publisher : shupeng

嵌入维数自适应最小二乘支持向量机 状态时间序列预测方法 Condition Time Series Prediction Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine with Adaptive Embedding Dimension 针对航空发动机状态时间序列预测中嵌入维数难于有效选取的问题, 提出一种基于嵌入维数自适应 最小二乘支持向量机( L SSVM ) 的预测方法。该方法将嵌入维数作为影响状态时间序列预测精度的重要参 数, 以交叉验证误差为评价准则, 利用粒子群优化( P SO ) 进化搜索LSSV M 预测模型的最优超参数与嵌入维 数, 同时通过矩阵变换原理提高交叉验证过程的计算效率, 并最终建立优化后的L SSVM 预测模型。航空发 动机排气温度( EGT ) 预测实例表明, 该方法可自适应选取适用于状态时间序列预测的最优嵌入维数且预测 精度高, 适用于航空发动机状态时间序列预测。- T o deal wit h the difficulty of selecting an appro pr iate embedding dimension for aeroeng ine co ndition time series predictio n, a metho d based o n least squar es suppo rt vecto r machine ( L SSVM ) with ada ptive em bedding dimension is pro po sed. I n the method, the embedding dimensio n is identified as a parameter that af fects the accuracy o f the aer oengine condition time series predictio n par ticle sw arm o ptimizat ion ( P SO) is ap plied to optimize the hyperpar ameter s and embedding dimension of the L SSV M pr edict ion model cro ssv alida tion is applied to evaluate the perfo rmance o f the L SSVM predictio n mo del and matr ix tr ansfo rm is applied to the L SSVM pr ediction model tr aining to accelerate the crossvalidation evaluation pro cess. Ex periments on an aeroengine ex haust g as t emperatur e ( EGT ) predictio n demonst rates that the metho d is hig hly effective in em bedding dimension selection. In compar ison w ith co nv
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 334kb Publisher :

现代数字图像处理技术提高及应用案例详解(matlab版) 3.1 图像去噪技术及其实现-Modern digital image processing technology and application case explanation (matlab version) 3.1 image denoising technology and its implementation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 70kb Publisher : 方方

支持向量机的源代码,可以实现分类和回归分析。-ctions on Intelligent Systems and Technology ABSTRACT LIBSVM is a library for Support Vector Machines (SVMs). We have been actively developing this package since the year 2000. The goal is to help users to easily apply SVM to their applications. LIBSVM has gained wide popularity in machine learning and many other areas. In this article, we present all implementation details of LIBSVM. Issues such as solving SVM optimization problems theoretical convergence multiclass classification probability estimates and parameter selection are discussed in detail. we show formulations used in LIBSVM: C-support vector classifica-tion (C-SVC), ν-support vector classification (ν-SVC), distribution estimation (one-class SVM), -support vector regression (-SVR), and ν-support vector regression (ν-SVR). We discuss the implementation of solving quadratic problems
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 609kb Publisher : guolei

DL : 0
为了提高四足机器人在复杂环境下的适应性,重点研究了采用飞行时间(TOF)原理相机的四足机器人环境感知策略并改进了地形识别及路径规划算法.首先采用高斯过程回归(GPR)模型对TOF相机的距离数据进行误差校正,解决了采用传统多项式或三角函数模型进行误差修正时模型阶次过高及函数组合复杂的问题.基于得到的环境深度信息,采用数字高程模型(DEM)进行地形描述,并通过计算各栅格的坡度、粗糙度、起伏度对地形进行识别.粗糙度由该栅格所处的坡度平面与其8邻域高程点的离散程度进行计算,避免了采用高程方差计算时对粗糙度的误检测.依靠地形信息,提出了滑动窗+增量式A*(IA*)算法的路径规划方法. IA*算法通过寻找当前路径与目标投影点的最优路径进行增量式路径规划,该方法解决了采用A*算法进行重规划时效率低的问题.仿真和实验结果验证了本文方法的有效性和可靠性(文章被EI期刊收录) -In order to improve the adaptability of the quadruped robot in complex environments, the environment percep- tion strategy based on time of flight (TOF) camera is investigated, and the terrain recognition and path planning algorithms are improved. Firstly, the Gaussian process regression (GPR) model is used to calibrate the range error of the TOF camera, and with this model, the high-order computation and complex function composition caused by polynomial or trigonometric function models are avoided. Based on the depth information of the environment, the terrain is represented with the digi- tal elevation model (DEM) and recognized by the slope, roughness and step height of the grid. The roughness is obtained through the dispersion between the slope plane in which the grid locates and its 8-neighbor height points, which avoids the detection error when using the variance of the terrain height. Based on the terrain information, a path planning algorithm using sliding window and in
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 王辉
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