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功能:在AT91SAM7-EK 板上实现用串口(DBGU)操作mmc /sd 上的ucfs文件系统,支持fat文件格式。实现了文件(夹)建立,读写,删除,格式化,容量显示等基本功能,有需要的朋友可以继续添加新功能 。实现了ucos接口,要用到其他的存储介质更容易。因为有现成的ucfs接口驱动。详细情况见文件包中的说明 。 不是高手,做的不好的地方请大家谅解。-functions : In AT91SAM7-EK board realized using serial (DBGU) Operating mmc / sd text on the ucfs Ware System, fat file format support. Implementation of the document (SCH) Establishing literacy, delete, format, capacity display basic functions, need friends can continue to add new features. OUT Interface realized that we had to use other storage media more easily. Because of off-the-shelf ucfs driven interface. See details of the documents included in the note. Not masters, do the bad things that please understanding.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 565.38kb Publisher : moise_yc

功能:在AT91SAM7-EK 板上实现用串口(DBGU)操作mmc /sd 上的ucfs文件系统,支持fat文件格式。实现了文件(夹)建立,读写,删除,格式化,容量显示等基本功能,有需要的朋友可以继续添加新功能 。实现了ucos接口,要用到其他的存储介质更容易。因为有现成的ucfs接口驱动。详细情况见文件包中的说明 。 不是高手,做的不好的地方请大家谅解。-functions : In AT91SAM7-EK board realized using serial (DBGU) Operating mmc/sd text on the ucfs Ware System, fat file format support. Implementation of the document (SCH) Establishing literacy, delete, format, capacity display basic functions, need friends can continue to add new features. OUT Interface realized that we had to use other storage media more easily. Because of off-the-shelf ucfs driven interface. See details of the documents included in the note. Not masters, do the bad things that please understanding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 565kb Publisher : moise_yc

获得磁盘详细信息,包括磁盘的序列号,磁盘容量,磁盘的介质等-Disk access detailed information, including disk serial number, disk capacity, disk media, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : glen

DL : 0
循环冗余码校验(CRC)是一种可靠性很高的串行数据校验方法。介质循环冗余码校验的基本原理,并分别用单片机和CPLD作了循环冗余码验的软件实现和硬件实现。包括汇编语言和VHDL语言源程序-Cyclical redundancy check (CRC) is a high reliability of the serial data validation methods. Media cyclical redundancy check of the basic principles, and were made with MCU and CPLD Cyclic Redundancy Code inspection software and hardware realize realize. Including assembly language and VHDL language source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : llhg

MTK = "Media Tek Inc." MTK6218 = "6218 USB Modem Driver" Serial.SvcDesc = "USB Serial emulation modem driver"
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : Richard

通讯/手机编程 语音压缩 3G开发 android开发 Symbian Windows Mobile BREW编程 J2ME TAPI编程 串口编程 并口编程 USB编程 Modem编程 传真(Fax)编程 GPS编程 手机短信编程 手机彩信(MMS)编程 手机WAP编程 RFID编程 MTK 游戏 外挂编程 射击游戏 模拟服务器 棋牌游戏 游戏引擎 其他智力游戏 其他游戏 多媒体 Audio midi mpeg/mp3 IP电话/视频会议 DVD 流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4 视频捕捉/采集 嵌入式/单片机编程-Communications/mobile phone development programming 3G voice compression android development of Symbian Windows Mobile BREW programming J2ME TAPI programming USB serial port programming parallel programming programming programming Modem Fax (Fax) Programming GPS Programming Programming SMS phone color letter (MMS) mobile phone WAP Programming programming programming RFID plug-in programming MTK shooter game servers board games simulation game engine games other games other intellectual Multimedia Audio midi mpeg/mp3 IP phone/video conferencing DVD streaming media/Mpeg4/MP4 Video Capture/Acquisition Embedded/Microcontroller Programmer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : 王龙

用串口控制鼠标及 Windows Media Player 11 -Control the mouse with serial port and Windows Media Player 11
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : Frank Zhang

DL : 0
在移动数据通信系统信号经传播媒介到达接收端会发生畸变,现行的通信系统普遍采用 自适应均衡技术来克服ISI和多普勒扩展。自适应均衡技术需要重复发送已知的训练序列直至 有效均衡为止I。“盲均衡(Blind Equalization,BE)111”技术仅利用接收序列本身的相关性便可 均衡信道特性。-Signal in the mobile data communication systems to reach the receiver via the mass media distortion occurs, the existing communication systems are generally adaptive equalization to overcome ISI and Doppler spread. Adaptive equalization techniques need to send a known training sequence repeated until an effective balance date I. " Blind equalization (Blind Equalization, BE) 111" technology is only used to receive serial correlation in itself can be balanced channel characteristics.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : qiaohui

SMII接口的mac控制器,通过测试。使用verilog语言!-The Serial Media Independent Interface, SMMI, is a low pin count version of the MII normally used between ethernet MAC and PHY. The Serial Media Independent Interface (SMII) is designed to satisfy the following requirements: Convey complete MII information between a 10/100 PHY and MAC with two pins per port allow multi port MAC/PHY communications with one system clock Operate in both half and full duplex per packet switching between 10 Mbit and 100 Mbit data rates allow direct MAC to MAC communication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1011kb Publisher : weixin

Designing and programming a USB mass-storage device or embedded USB host involves a variety of interfaces, protocols, and structures. Every USB mass-storage device must support two interfaces: • A USB device interface to enable the device to communicate with a PC or other USB host. • An interface between the device’s microcontroller or other CPU and the storage media. Flash-memory cards typically use the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), MultiMediaCard bus, SD-Card bus, or a bus derived from the ATA interface or PC-Card bus. Hard drives typically use the ATA parallel interface. A USB mass-storage device must implement these protocols and structures: • Generic USB protocol. Every USB device must respond to requests sent by the USB host and other events on the bus. • USB mass-storage protocol. Every USB mass-s-Designing and programming a USB mass-storage device or embedded USB host involves a variety of interfaces, protocols, and structures. Every USB mass-storage device must support two interfaces: • A USB device interface to enable the device to communicate with a PC or other USB host. • An interface between the device’s microcontroller or other CPU and the storage media. Flash-memory cards typically use the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), MultiMediaCard bus, SD-Card bus, or a bus derived from the ATA interface or PC-Card bus. Hard drives typically use the ATA parallel interface. A USB mass-storage device must implement these protocols and structures: • Generic USB protocol. Every USB device must respond to requests sent by the USB host and other events on the bus. • USB mass-storage protocol. Every USB mass-s
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : sivam1

串口转以太网目前可以采用串口转以太网模块来实现,变得非常简单易用,但是在该技术中出现的一些新问题、使用误区需要引起注意。串口转以太网并不是简单传输媒介的变化,而是串口到TCP/IP的协议转化。其中关系到的关键技术包括:TCP/IP的工作模式问题、串口分帧技术、9位技术。这里详细分析这些串口转网口的技术。-Serial to Ethernet can currently be used serial to Ethernet module to achieve, very easy to use, but the technology of the emergence of some new problems, the use of misunderstanding needs attention. Serial to Ethernet is not a simple transmission media change, but the serial to TCP/IP protocol conversion. Which is related to the following key technologies: TCP/IP working mode, serial frame technology, the 9 technology. Here a detailed analysis of the serial port to network technology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : lwqq

MFC实现的火车票务系统,使用CImageList显示图标按钮,使用串行化存储票务信息,使用文件作为存储媒介。-MFC implementation of the train service system, the the CImageList display icon buttons, the use of serial storage ticket information, use the file as storage media.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35.08mb Publisher : 张贺

病毒隔离系统是公司针对目前电视台、电台制作网络中,由于外来节目上传常带病毒的现状专门研究开发,采用公司自主设计开发的协议,避开常 用的TCP/IP协议进行数据传递,这样病毒程序就无法通过自身的复制传播。本系统硬件上采用多个高速串口(MOXA串口,速率可达900k波特率),软件上采用特殊 的传输控制协议完成音频媒体文件数据的发送,实现音频等低码率素材的多倍速数据摆渡。底层传输通道类型在配置的时候可选,从而根据不同的需求进行推广。-Virus isolation systems for television, radio production network, upload often the status of the virus as foreign programs dedicated research and development, the use of independent design and development agreement to avoid the often TCP/IP protocol used for data transmission, so that the virus program can not be spread through its own replication. The hardware of the system with multiple high-speed serial port (MOXA serial rates up to 900k baud rate), using a special software Transmission control protocol to complete the data transmission of audio media files, audio and other material of low bit rate multi-speed data ferry. The underlying transport channel types are optional, at configuration time, depending on the needs of the promotion.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 风萧萧

This walkthrough creates a sequence of media items to create an interactive move experience complete with a progressive video pre-roll, a dynamic streaming preview, a SWF based quiz and if passed, access to watch the whole clip via dynamic streaming.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 766kb Publisher : ssccmmshs

DL : 0
CH395 是以太网协议栈管理芯片,用于单片机系统进行以太网通讯。 CH395 芯片自带10/100M 以太网介质传输层(MAC)和物理层(PHY),完全兼容IEEE802.3 10/100M 协议,内置了PPPOE、IP、DHCP、ARP、ICMP、IGMP、UDP、TCP 等以太网协议栈固件。 单片机系统可以方便的通过CH395 芯片进行网络通讯。 CH395 支持三种通讯接口:8 位并口、SPI 接口或者异步串口,单片机/DSP/MCU/MPU 等控制 器可以通过上述任何一种通讯接口控制CH395 芯片进行以太网通讯。-CH395 is the Ethernet protocol stack management chip for single-chip system for Ethernet communications. CH395 chip comes 10/100M Ethernet media transport layer (MAC) and physical layer (PHY), fully compatible with IEEE802.3 10/100M protocol, built-in PPPOE, IP, DHCP, ARP, ICMP, IGMP, UDP, TCP, etc. Ethernet protocol stack firmware. SCM system can easily through the CH395 chip for network communication. CH395 supports three communication interfaces: 8 parallel port, SPI interface or an asynchronous serial port, MCU/DSP/MCU/MPU and other controllers can be any of the above control CH395 chip communication interface for Ethernet communications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 308kb Publisher : 王华远

TMS320DM36x TI SOC芯片USB IP手册-describes the Universal Serial Bus (USB) on the TMS320DM36x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 452kb Publisher : 小xie

■■Chapter 1: Hardware Overview. ■■Chapter 2: Installing Fedora. ■■Chapter 3: A Simple Temperature Sensor. ■■Chapter 4: Driving a Simple Character LCD. ■■Chapter 5: Security Monitoring Device. ■■Chapter 6: Cross Compile Environment. ■■Chapter 7: Mini Media Center. ■■Chapter 8: Adding an RTC. ■■Chapter 9: Serial Server. ■■Chapter 10: Controlling a Mains Device. ■■Chapter 11: Other Operating Systems.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.7mb Publisher : Carlos

KT540B是一个提供串口的语音芯片,完美的集成了MP3、WAV的硬解码。同时软件支持工业级别的串口通信协议,以SPIFLASH、TF卡或者U盘作为存储介质,用户可以灵活的选用其中的任何一种设备作为语音的存储介质。通过简单的串口指令即可完成播放指定的语音,以及如何播放语音等功能,无需繁琐的底层操作,使用方便,稳定可靠是此款产品的最大特点。-KT540B is a provider of serial voice chip, perfectly integrated hardware decode MP3, WAV' s. Meanwhile software supports industry-level serial communication protocols to SPIFLASH, TF card or U disk as a storage medium, the user can flexibly choose any one of them as the voice of the storage media device. Through simple serial commands to complete specified voice playback, as well as how to play the voice and other functions, without the cumbersome underlying operating, easy to use, stable and reliable is the most important feature of this product.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : 曾辉

KT603C是一个提供串口的语音芯片,完美的集成了MP3、WAV的硬解码。同时软件支持工业级别的串口通信协议,以SPIFLASH、TF卡或者U盘作为存储介质,用户可以灵活的选用其中的任何一种设备作为语音的存储介质。通过简单的串口指令即可完成播放指定的语音,以及如何播放语音等功能,无需繁琐的底层操作,使用方便,稳定可靠是此款产品的最大特点。-KT603C is a provider of serial voice chip, perfectly integrated hardware decode MP3, WAV' s. Meanwhile software supports industry-level serial communication protocols to SPIFLASH, TF card or U disk as a storage medium, the user can flexibly choose any one of them as the voice of the storage media device. Through simple serial commands to complete specified voice playback, as well as how to play the voice and other functions, without the cumbersome underlying operating, easy to use, stable and reliable is the most important feature of this product.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 曾辉

PTUF1FS是一个提供串口的语音模块,完美的集成了MP3、WAV的硬解码。同时软件支持工业级别的串口通信协议,以SPIFLASH、TF卡或者U盘作为存储介质,用户可以灵活的选用其中的任何一种设备作为语音的存储介质。通过简单的串口指令即可完成播放指定的语音,以及如何播放语音等功能,无需繁琐的底层操作,使用方便,稳定可靠是此款产品的最大特点。-PTUF1FS is a provider of serial voice module, the perfect integration of MP3, WAV' s hard to decode. Meanwhile software supports industry-level serial communication protocols to SPIFLASH, TF card or U disk as a storage medium, the user can flexibly choose any one of them as the voice of the storage media device. Through simple serial commands to complete specified voice playback, as well as how to play the voice and other functions, without the cumbersome underlying operating, easy to use, stable and reliable is the most important feature of this product.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : 曾辉
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