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摘 要:姿态信息是飞行控制中最关键的参数之一,因此姿 态测量成为飞行控制系统首要解决的问题。利用多MEMS 传感器研制了一种微型姿态测量系统。利用三轴MEMS加 速度计和三轴MEMS陀螺数据,由方向余弦矩阵的姿态表 示形式推导了扩展Kalman滤波方程,解算出飞行器的俯仰 角和横滚角;设计专家系统判断飞行器的运动状态,并根据 该状态调整滤波算法中的测量噪声矩阵,使系统可同时满足 静态情况和动态情况的使用;利用空速和高度数据对俯仰 角进行修正,利用GPS解算航向角。将实验结果与国外最新 的商用自动驾驶仪的姿态结果进行了比较,二者在静态情况 下非常吻合,在动态情况下基本吻合。
Update : 2011-04-07 Size : 48.88kb Publisher :

本人平时收集的惯性导航算法的论文,对搞导航算法的人很有帮助。 1.易于实现的捷联式惯性导航系统仿真.pdf 2.测量运动物体姿态的三自由度定位算法的研究.pdf 3.基于MEMS 技术的微型惯性测量组合.pdf 4.基于四元数的空间全方位算法研究.pdf 5.捷联惯导积分算法设计(连载二)下篇:速度和位置算.pdf 6.数字磁罗经系统的设计.pdf 7.四阶龙格—库塔法在捷联惯导系统姿态解算中的应用.pdf-I normally collected papers inertial navigation algorithm, the navigation algorithm to engage people very helpful. 1. Easy to realize the strapdown inertial navigation system simulation. Pdf2. Measuring movement of three degrees of freedom objects posture positioning algorithm. Pdf3. Based on MEMS technology, micro-inertial measurement unit. Pdf4. Quaternion-based full-space algorithm study. pdf5. SINS Integral Algorithm Design (Part II) next: the speed and position calculation. pdf6. digital magnetic compass system design. pdf7. Fourth-Order Runge- Kutta method in SINS Attitude operator application. pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : ddk_ok

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this important for guys who want to learn more about micro-elec
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 220kb Publisher : jiayanli

为了提高使用精度,研究了某型号MEMS陀螺仪的随机漂移模型。采用游程检验法分析了 该陀螺仪随机漂移数据的平稳性,并根据该漂移为均值非平稳、方差平稳的随机过程的结论, 采用梯度径向基(RBF)神经网络对漂移数据进行了建模。实验结果表明:相比经典RBF网络模 型而言,这种方法建立的模型能更好地描述MEMS陀螺仪的漂移特;相对于季节时间序列模型而 言,其补偿效果提高了大约15%。-In order to improve accuracy, to study a particular model of the MEMS gyroscope random drift model. Using run-length analysis of the test gyro random drift data stationarity, and in accordance with the drift for the average non-stationary, the variance of the random process a smooth conclusion, the use of gradient radial basis (RBF) neural network drift data to build mode. The experimental results show that: compared to the classical RBF network model, this method of establishing a model to better describe the MEMS gyroscope drift special compared with the seasonal time series model, the effect of their compensation increased by approximately 15.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 126kb Publisher : 程正

自动驾驶仪是无人机飞行控制系统的核心,采用ARM 处理器和MEMS传感器件设计小型无人机自动驾驶仪符合飞 控系统的高精度、小型化、数字化发展趋势,具有很好的应用 前景。-Autopilot UAV flight control system is the core of the use of ARM processors and MEMS sensor design small UAV autopilot flight control system in line with the high-precision, miniaturization, digitalization trend of development, has good application prospects .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 518kb Publisher : pengjun

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提升小波的分解重构,和阈值降噪程序,适合MEMS陀螺降噪。-Lifting wavelet decomposition reconstruction, noise reduction procedures and thresholds for MEMS gyroscope noise.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

国产MEMS加速度芯片资料,和磁场芯片,这些芯片的资料来源很受限制,现在给大家共享,值得下载啊!-Domestic MEMS accelerometer chip data, and magnetic chips, these chips very limited sources of information, and now to the U.S. share, it is worth downloading ah!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher :

MEMS中的常用材料参数,这些参数在MEMS器件设计仿真过程经常会被用到。-MEMS materials commonly used in the parameters, these parameters in MEMS device design and simulation process will be used frequently.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : 吴校生

一些费尽心思收集的MEMS资料,对学习和设计MEMS系统很有帮助-Some of the MEMS effort to collect information on the study and design of MEMS systems helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.3mb Publisher : 杨培科

Rare material on Micro Electro mechanical machined sensors MEMS applications and internals -Rare material on Micro Electro mechanical machined sensors MEMS applications and internals ....
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : Power_user_EX

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Basic introduction to MEMS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.45mb Publisher : 钱进

MEMS加速度传感器的飞行器倾角测量系统设计MEMS accelerometer based angle measurement system design aircraft-MEMS accelerometer based angle measurement system design aircraft
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 367kb Publisher : zaizai112

这是使用open cascade CAD引擎生成MEMS器件几何结构的示例代码-This is the engine using the open cascade CAD geometry generation MEMS devices sample code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : Gong Ding

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 583kb Publisher : 巽帝

荷兰xsens公司的mems mti 系统开发包技术文档,其中包括了产品的使用说明,开发环境说明,底层开发协议说明,数据处理流程等内容。-Netherlands xsens mems mti system development package technical documentation, including the use of the product description, the development environment of the underlying description of the development agreement, data processing and so on.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.67mb Publisher : wuzhaojun

荷兰xsens公司的mems mti 系统的模拟输出形式数据处理。在该工作模式下,mems 陀螺输出的是三轴加速度和三轴角速度的模拟电压形式,经过数模转换后进行数据处理,得到数字的输出量-Netherlands xsens' s mems mti system output in the form of analog data processing. In this mode, mems gyro output three-axis accelerometer and three-axis angular rate analog voltage form, through the digital-analog conversion for data processing, to get digital output
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : wuzhaojun

研究了一种新型三维MEMS加速度计的性能特点和工作原理。针对加速度计的输出接口特点,设计了基于数字信号处理(DSP)芯片的数据采集系统,实现对加速度计信号的高速实时采集。利用多通道缓存串行口MCBSP实现SPI总线方式的数据采集,并采用两个DMA控制器实现了数据的实时传输和存储。基于设计的DSP数据采集系统,对采集的数据进行了处理,分析了加速度计在一定温度下的偏值稳定性和输出重复性,评估了加速度计的性能。-A novel three-dimensional MEMS accelerometer performance characteristics and working principles are studied. For the features of the accelerometer output interface , a data acquisition system is designed based on digital signal processing (DSP) chip, to realize the accelerometer signal high-speed real-time acquisition. The use of multi-channel buffered serial port MCBSP is to achieve SPI bus (mode of) data collection, and the real-time data transmission and storage is achieved by the use of two DMA controllers .Based on the design of DSP data acquisition system, the collected data are processed, the partial values of the stability and output repeatability of the accelerometer at a certain temperature are analyzed, and the performance of accelerometers are assessed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 77kb Publisher : xingli

为了对受温度等外界环境影响下的 MEMS 惯性测量单元进行性能评估,针对经典 Allan 方差法不能反映各惯性器件的时变特性的缺陷,提出了采用动态 Allan 方差(DAVAR)法对 MEMS 陀螺仪和加速度计进行随机误差项的辨识和时变特性分析.(In order to evaluate the performance of MEMS inertial measurement devices which are affected by external environment such as temperature, considering that the classical Allan variance method can not reflect the time-varying characteristics of each inertial device, this paper proposes dynamic Allan variance (DAVAR) method to recognize the random error term of MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers, and analyze the time-varying characteristics of it.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : guyansnow

热隔离式MEMS气体流量传感器的设计及标定(MEMS sensor calibration)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : lxy183

modeling mems with comsol
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.59mb Publisher : fifou05
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