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uC/OS-II Notes from Nohau Corporation The code associated with this readme.txt file is provided \"as is\". The code was written with the intention of creating a functional RTOS demo for the Nohau evaluation boards that can run a MicroBlaze core. You can use this code for any and all of your projects, as you see fit. Nohau Corporation does not warrant that the code is bug-free, and will provide no support for this RTOS port.-Phone / OS-II Notes from The Nohau Corporation code associated with this readme.txt file is pr ovided "as is." The code was written with the int ention of creating a functional RTOS demo for th e Nohau evaluation boards that can run a MicroBl aze core. You can use this code for any and all of y our projects. as you see fit. Nohau Corporation does not warra nt that the code is bug-free, and will provide no support for this RTOS port.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.56kb Publisher : 李月

Update : 2011-06-02 Size : 216.5kb Publisher :

ucos_ii 在microblaze平台上的移植-ucos_ii mainly due to the platform migration
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 365kb Publisher : 姚建平

different hardware and software platform for free rtos -different hardware and software platform for free rtos
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : wuqinghua

DL : 0
microblaze.pdf 介绍soc的一个入门教程-microblaze.pdf soc introduced a portal Guide
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 贺奇超

uC/OS-II Notes from Nohau Corporation The code associated with this readme.txt file is provided "as is". The code was written with the intention of creating a functional RTOS demo for the Nohau evaluation boards that can run a MicroBlaze core. You can use this code for any and all of your projects, as you see fit. Nohau Corporation does not warrant that the code is bug-free, and will provide no support for this RTOS port.-Phone/OS-II Notes from The Nohau Corporation code associated with this readme.txt file is pr ovided "as is." The code was written with the int ention of creating a functional RTOS demo for th e Nohau evaluation boards that can run a MicroBl aze core. You can use this code for any and all of y our projects. as you see fit. Nohau Corporation does not warra nt that the code is bug-free, and will provide no support for this RTOS port.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 李月

Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simple counter running on it, and when SW0 is in the up position the seven segment decoder will display scan codes from the PS2 port. This demo how ever does not drive the RS-232 port or the memory. This is a simple design done entirely VHDL not microblaze.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 714kb Publisher : Roy Hsu

EDK 6.3 MicroBlaze Tutorial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 825kb Publisher : 吕鹏飞

基于MicroBlaze软处理器核的Threadx代码,包含移植和驱动。实时性能出众。-Based on the MicroBlaze soft processor core code of ThreadX, including transplantation and drive. Superior real-time performance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.17mb Publisher : dingchao

MicroBlaze 外设,opb_epp利用pc并可与MicroBlaze进行通信-MicroBlaze peripherals, opb_epp use pc can communicate with the MicroBlaze
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 549kb Publisher : 李志刚

EDK的中文入门资料 介绍使用EDk搭建硬件平台-EDK introduction introductory information on the Chinese to build the hardware platform using the EDK
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.45mb Publisher : henmen

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xilinx EDK工程一例 MicroBlaze 内置USB固件程序-xilinx EDK project MicroBlaze case of built-USB firmware
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.01mb Publisher : 隔夜凉茶

fpga 实现电机控制。采用xilinx 的microblaze-FPGA realization of motor control. Using the Xilinx MicroBlaze
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 835kb Publisher : 王剑雨

基于MicroBlaze的FPGA重配置系统设计.pdf-MicroBlaze-based FPGA re-configuration of the system design. Pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 342kb Publisher : 王剑雨

关于MPEG压缩的程序,里面有较多的源代码和完整的说明是用MICROBLAZE完成的。-On the MPEG compression process, there are more source code and complete description is completed with MicroBlaze.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 182kb Publisher : yuhl

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μC/OS-II and the Xilinx MicroBlaze
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 330kb Publisher : qq9730

本程序用xilinx EDK9.1运行,通过microblaze软核,实现在sparton——3e板卡上的按键及开关的控制,通过RS-232与超级终端进行通信。-Xilinx EDK9.1 use this procedure to run through the MicroBlaze soft-core, realize in sparton- 3e board on the control buttons and switches, through the RS-232 communication with HyperTerminal.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.04mb Publisher : wj

全中文介绍了uclinux在microblaze的移植。对初学移植且无有操作系统知识的有帮助-All Chinese introduced in the microblaze uclinux porting. Transplantation for beginners with no knowledge of the operating system help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : 张轩硕

一般而言,Xilinx Microblaze会被用来在系统中做一些控制类和简单接口的辅助性工作,比如运行IIC、SPI、UART之类的低速接口驱动,对FPGA逻辑功能模块初始化配置及做些辅助计算等等。类程序的代码量普遍不大,常常在十几KB到几时KB之间,因此对存储的需求通常也不是太高,使用FPGA内部RAM资源便已经够用(Generally speaking, Xilinx Microblaze will be used to do some auxiliary work of control class and simple interface in the system, such as running low-speed interface driver such as IIC, SPI and UART, initializing configuration of FPGA logic function module and doing auxiliary calculation. The amount of code of class programs is generally not large, often between KB and KB, so the demand for storage is usually not too high. The use of FPGA internal RAM resources is enough.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25.68mb Publisher : 叮咯咙咚呛36

microblaze教程 如何使用microblaze(How to Use Microblaze in Microblaze Tutorial)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.58mb Publisher : 小鱼干儿儿
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