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Description: 光标位置 使用方向键控制光标使其移动到到你想要到的位置-direction of the cursor location using the cursor keys to make it to the mobile you want to position
Platform: | Size: 4727 | Author: 佟国威 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackDDPHelpSrc

Description: QQ对对碰游戏外挂 功能: 1.能够自动提示能够消除的对对碰 2.能够模拟鼠标自动消除 3.可以加快速度 4.自动开始 虽然此程序仅仅是一个小外挂,但也使用到了一些技术. 1.线程的使用 2.程序窗口查找 3.dll注入技术 4.api hook 技术 5.单进程全局热建钩子 6.不通过特定颜色判断相同方格的方法 7.模拟鼠标的两种方法,mouse_event(鼠标光标会移动)和PostMessaga(鼠标光标不移动) 8.文件捆绑和分解 ... -QQ right right touch game external functions : 1. To automatically suggest to the elimination of the two right right touch. To simulate the mouse to automatically eliminate three. 4 can increase speed. Automatically Although this procedure is just a small store, but also the use of a number of technologies. 1. The use of threads 2. Search window 3.dll implantation 4.api hook technology 5. overall thermal-process production hook 6. not through specific color box at the same judgment method 7. mouse simulation of the two methods, mouse_event (mouse cursor will be mobile) and PostMessaga ( the mouse cursor is not mobile) 8. documents bundled and decomposition ...
Platform: | Size: 121063 | Author: 阿东 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCFTime

Description: 本程序功能: 1、修改文件或目录的产生、修改时间,及各种属性; 2、能够自动判断本程序是否重载,并给出提示; 3、增加了隐藏到系统托盘的功能,并修改了关闭功能; 4、实现对话框的动画弹出和消隐,增强程序的美观性 5、增加了系统热键功能,窗口隐藏时Ctrl+Alt+X可以呼出; 6、置窗体为最顶层显示,并去掉了任务栏的窗体 7、新增了鼠标在主窗口上移动时,显示手形光标功能。-this program functions : a revised list of documents or create, modify, and attributes; 2, can automatically judge whether the procedure heavy, and gives prompts; 3, a system tray to hide the functions and revised the closing function; Four realize right then pop-up frames of animation and hidden, to enhance the beauty of procedure 5, a system hotkey function, the window hidden when Ctrl Alt X can exhale; 6, home to the most top-level windows, and removed the task bar of Form 7, a mouse in the new window on the main mobile, hand-shaped display the cursor function.
Platform: | Size: 71257 | Author: 就不填 | Hits:

[Other resourceli.4.30

Description: 游动微型机器人动力学特性仿真研究,本软件编制了机器人动力学性能计算软件,研究了微型机器人的游动速度、推进力与微型机器人结构参数和游动参数的关系,初步分析了影响微型机器人动力学特性的各种重要因素。-mobile micro-robot dynamics simulation research, the establishment of a software robot dynamics performance calculation software, of the micro-robot swimming speed, propulsion and micro-robot structure parameters and the parameters of a cursor, Preliminary analysis of the impact of micro-robot dynamic characteristics of various important factors.
Platform: | Size: 15870 | Author: 黎虎 | Hits:

[Other resourcekaqonguandi

Description: 一个系统程序,可以察看系统中当前窗口的局柄等信息,可以察看系统窗口,例如任务栏、开始按钮。可以通过鼠标移动察看光标位置下的 窗口的信息 8 通过Winsock实现的Web服务器程序,目前只支持html格式,-a system procedures, systems can see the current window Bureau handles, and other information, can see the window system, For example, the task bar, Start button. Mobile can see through the mouse cursor location of the window of 8 through Winsock Web server procedures currently only supports html format,
Platform: | Size: 391199 | Author: chenliang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCFTime

Description: 本程序功能: 1、修改文件或目录的产生、修改时间,及各种属性; 2、能够自动判断本程序是否重载,并给出提示; 3、增加了隐藏到系统托盘的功能,并修改了关闭功能; 4、实现对话框的动画弹出和消隐,增强程序的美观性 5、增加了系统热键功能,窗口隐藏时Ctrl+Alt+X可以呼出; 6、置窗体为最顶层显示,并去掉了任务栏的窗体 7、新增了鼠标在主窗口上移动时,显示手形光标功能。-this program functions : a revised list of documents or create, modify, and attributes; 2, can automatically judge whether the procedure heavy, and gives prompts; 3, a system tray to hide the functions and revised the closing function; Four realize right then pop-up frames of animation and hidden, to enhance the beauty of procedure 5, a system hotkey function, the window hidden when Ctrl Alt X can exhale; 6, home to the most top-level windows, and removed the task bar of Form 7, a mouse in the new window on the main mobile, hand-shaped display the cursor function.
Platform: | Size: 631808 | Author: 就不填 | Hits:


Description: 光标位置 使用方向键控制光标使其移动到到你想要到的位置-direction of the cursor location using the cursor keys to make it to the mobile you want to position
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 佟国威 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackDDPHelpSrc

Description: QQ对对碰游戏外挂 功能: 1.能够自动提示能够消除的对对碰 2.能够模拟鼠标自动消除 3.可以加快速度 4.自动开始 虽然此程序仅仅是一个小外挂,但也使用到了一些技术. 1.线程的使用 2.程序窗口查找 3.dll注入技术 4.api hook 技术 5.单进程全局热建钩子 6.不通过特定颜色判断相同方格的方法 7.模拟鼠标的两种方法,mouse_event(鼠标光标会移动)和PostMessaga(鼠标光标不移动) 8.文件捆绑和分解 ... -QQ right right touch game external functions : 1. To automatically suggest to the elimination of the two right right touch. To simulate the mouse to automatically eliminate three. 4 can increase speed. Automatically Although this procedure is just a small store, but also the use of a number of technologies. 1. The use of threads 2. Search window 3.dll implantation 4.api hook technology 5. overall thermal-process production hook 6. not through specific color box at the same judgment method 7. mouse simulation of the two methods, mouse_event (mouse cursor will be mobile) and PostMessaga ( the mouse cursor is not mobile) 8. documents bundled and decomposition ...
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: 阿东 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringli.4.30

Description: 游动微型机器人动力学特性仿真研究,本软件编制了机器人动力学性能计算软件,研究了微型机器人的游动速度、推进力与微型机器人结构参数和游动参数的关系,初步分析了影响微型机器人动力学特性的各种重要因素。-mobile micro-robot dynamics simulation research, the establishment of a software robot dynamics performance calculation software, of the micro-robot swimming speed, propulsion and micro-robot structure parameters and the parameters of a cursor, Preliminary analysis of the impact of micro-robot dynamic characteristics of various important factors.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 黎虎 | Hits:


Description: 在vc对话框中输入文字,保证光标可以任意移动,而且可以改变文字的内容和色彩-Dialog box in vc enter text to ensure that the cursor can be mobile, but can change the contents of text and color
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 张萌 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developcursor_ok

Description: 1335液晶的光标控制,通过内部寄存器的设置,可实现光标随字体移动,因为按说明书上设置不一定能控制的了光标,我也上研究了三天,为使广大学友少走弯路,其享之。-1335 LCD cursor control, through internal register settings, the cursor can be achieved with the font of mobile, as set by the specification may not be able to control the cursor, I also studied for three days, in order to enable the broad masses of Xueyou little detours, the entitlements of.
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: 王一 | Hits:


Description: 解决了richtextbox的滚动条移动问题,使光标默认处于最最后一行。-Solve the mobile richtextbox scroll bar, so that the default cursor in the last line.
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 邴立运 | Hits:


Description: Description Combination of book reader and Web browsers. This program can be used for Web browsing, reading news sites, downloading and reading books and atricles from the Web. It is not implement all HTML browser functionality - it doesn t show images and is not able to proceed forms. The main idea was to make it possible to view normal sites (not WAP sites) on very small screen of mobile phone. This application share a lot of code with MobiReader and first of all is inteded to be used to browse text data.-Notes # Size of loaded HTML document is limited by amount of memory available for midlet at your mobile phone. The typical limit for used memory is about 100kb for most popular phone models. Series 60 phone have 3Mb limit and new Series 40 phone- about 0.5Mb. Loading too large document will cause OutOfMemory exception. # You can search internet using Google search engine using Web search item from main menu. # Use cursor control keys to scroll text and move between links. UP- one screen backward, DOWN- one screen forward, LEFT- one link or one line backward, RIGHT- one link or one line forward. LEFT and RIGHT keys are used to move between links if is at least one link at the page (marked with black box) or scroll screen one line forward or backward if there are no links. FIRE (ENTER) key cause transfer to the selected link. # If you keep cursor key pressed, autorepeat mode is switched on and text will be scrolled in desired direction until key is released. # Use numeric keys
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: tang | Hits:

[Windows MobileWait_CE5

Description: A Windows mobile CE class to make the cursor wait for predetermined time.(CSharp VS2005)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: cricket | Hits:


Description: cursores is a berry nice, cursor for computer xp, and mtk program for hiphones china mobile, has a bened verry small popular.
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: keviromero | Hits:


Description: LCD1602 通过标准程序动态显示字符 显示光标和光标闪烁打开效果 -Name: LCD1602 content: The standard procedure for dynamic display of character and the cursor blinking cursor open results
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 陈超 | Hits:

[Other Gamesjavasaolei

Description: 总体游戏过程分析:在屏幕中央位置显示一个雷区,雷区范围内预先埋设了一定数量的随机分布的地雷;玩家通过上下左右键控制光标在雷区的各个小方块之间移动并做标记;若能正确标记出雷区中的所有地雷,则游戏胜利;否则踩雷,游戏失败。-自动检测中英文中译英英译中百度翻译 翻译结果(中 > 英)复制结果 The overall game process analysis: in the middle of the screen display of the position of a minefield, minefields are buried in advance within a certain number of random distribution of the mine game player through the arrow keys to control the cursor in the minefield of each dice between mobile and mark if the right mark all the mines in mined areas, while the game victory otherwise, step ray, the game failed.
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: xiaofeng | Hits:


Description: 在QLineEdit上时间光标跟着输入移动,删除-Cursor followed by Enter your mobile QLineEdit, delete
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: cangfeng | Hits:


Description: 用键盘按键控制光标移动的程序,要保证光标的移动范围不超过边框的位置 用上下左右四个箭头实现移动-Use the keyboard cursor movement keys control procedures to ensure that the movement of the cursor position does not exceed the border with the up and down arrows four mobile
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张伯阳 | Hits:

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