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中国移动MISC 1.6 Provision Java API 直接使用HttpServer的方式实现,不需要任何其它API,不需要Apache,IIS,Tomcat等Web服务器,直接实现底层. 运行环境 Windows/Linux JDK 1.4.2 演示程序 1) sync.bat 正向订购同步演示 java -classpath \"smsfan-provision.jar\" net.smsfan.provision.example.SyncOrderExample 80 provision 其中参数: 80 port,为HttpServer的端口号 provision serviceName,为服务名称 程序初始化成功后,misc网关访问URL:http://serverip:port/serviceName 即可提交正向同步数据 2) subs.bat 反向订购/取消接口演示 java -classpath \"smsfan-provision.jar\" net.smsfan.provision.example.SubscribeExample 其中参数: url,为Misc网关的反向订购/取消接口地址 -China Mobile MISC 1.6 Provision Java API used directly HttpS SP in a way that does not require any other APIs, not Apache, IIS, Tomcat Web server, etc., direct achieve bottom. Runtime Environment Windows / Linux JDK 1.4.2 Demonstration Program 1) sy nc.bat being ordered synchronous demo java-classpath "smsfan - prov ision.jar "net.smsfan.provision.example.S yncOrderExample 80 provision which parameters : 80 port, HttpServer to the port provision serviceName, for service names initialization procedure after the success of Gateway misc visit URL : http : / / serverip : port / serviceName forward will be submitted to two synchronous data) subs.bat reverse order / cancellation interface demo java-classpath "smsfan - provision.j ar "net.smsfan.provision.example.Subscrib eExa
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 49.36kb Publisher : 张宁

The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just printf(), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has no other dependencies and should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view your toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert -STEPNCWrite writes STEP-NC to olpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C library is comp letely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The libra ry writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) usin g just printf (), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has n o other dependencies and should build on Window s, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view yo ur toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpat h Viewer. For more sophisticated applications , we encourage you to look at our commercial pro duct , the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workp iece, fixture , and tool geometry as well as the paths , simulate their operation and convert
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 98.37kb Publisher : 易力

中国移动MISC 1.6 Provision Java API 直接使用HttpServer的方式实现,不需要任何其它API,不需要Apache,IIS,Tomcat等Web服务器,直接实现底层. 运行环境 Windows/Linux JDK 1.4.2 演示程序 1) sync.bat 正向订购同步演示 java -classpath "smsfan-provision.jar" net.smsfan.provision.example.SyncOrderExample 80 provision 其中参数: 80 port,为HttpServer的端口号 provision serviceName,为服务名称 程序初始化成功后,misc网关访问URL:http://serverip:port/serviceName 即可提交正向同步数据 2) subs.bat 反向订购/取消接口演示 java -classpath "smsfan-provision.jar" net.smsfan.provision.example.SubscribeExample 其中参数: url,为Misc网关的反向订购/取消接口地址 -China Mobile MISC 1.6 Provision Java API used directly HttpS SP in a way that does not require any other APIs, not Apache, IIS, Tomcat Web server, etc., direct achieve bottom. Runtime Environment Windows/Linux JDK 1.4.2 Demonstration Program 1) sy nc.bat being ordered synchronous demo java-classpath "smsfan- prov ision.jar "net.smsfan.provision.example.S yncOrderExample 80 provision which parameters : 80 port, HttpServer to the port provision serviceName, for service names initialization procedure after the success of Gateway misc visit URL : http :// serverip : port/serviceName forward will be submitted to two synchronous data) subs.bat reverse order/cancellation interface demo java-classpath "smsfan- provision.j ar "net.smsfan.provision.example.Subscrib eExa
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 49kb Publisher : 张宁

The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just printf(), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has no other dependencies and should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view your toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert -STEPNCWrite writes STEP-NC to olpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C library is comp letely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The libra ry writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) usin g just printf (), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has n o other dependencies and should build on Window s, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view yo ur toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpat h Viewer. For more sophisticated applications , we encourage you to look at our commercial pro duct , the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workp iece, fixture , and tool geometry as well as the paths , simulate their operation and convert
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 98kb Publisher : 易力

相当于浏览器的功能,能实现NC代码的识别、编辑及修改-Equivalent to the browser s functionality, to achieve identification of NC code, edit and revise the
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.75mb Publisher :

DL : 0
数控直流电源,本程序设定S9键为增加键,当按住S9键不松开时,输出Vout以0.1V连续步进, //直至键S9松开,当以一定的时间间隔点动S9键时,输出Vout也为点动步进 //递减键S11的功能与S9基本相同时,输出电压的值显示在3个LED上-NC DC power, the procedures set S9 button to increase the bond, when holding down the button does not release the S9, the output Vout to 0.1V stepping straight,// until the key release S9, when a certain time interval to move the S9 button, the output Vout also to move the stepper// decreasing function keys S11 and S9 basic is the same, the output voltage value displayed on the 3 LED s
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : gn

硕士论文:基于OpenGL的数控仿真系统研究与开发-Master s thesis: OpenGL-based research and development of NC simulation system
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.76mb Publisher :

大名鼎鼎的网络瑞士军刀NC的源代码!功能简介如下: Basic Features * Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from any ports * Full DNS forward/reverse checking, with appropriate warnings * Ability to use any local source port * Ability to use any locally-configured network source address * Built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer * Can read command line arguments from standard inputb * Slow-send mode, one line every N seconds * Hex dump of transmitted and received data * Ability to let another program service established connections * Telnet-options responder-The famous Swiss Army Knife of network NC
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 185kb Publisher : 吴应

DL : 0
计算Mel倒谱系数的matlab程序: MELCEPST Calculate the mel cepstrum of a signal C=(S,FS,W,NC,P,N,INC,FL,FH) 使用: c=melcepst(s,fs) % calculate mel cepstrum with 12 coefs, 256 sample frames-Mel cepstrum coefficients calculated the matlab procedure: MELCEPST Calculate the mel cepstrum of a signal C = (S, FS, W, NC, P, N, INC, FL, FH) using: c = melcepst (s, fs) calculate mel cepstrum with 12 coefs, 256 sample frames
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 凝空子

用于对ESSI格式的数控程序文件中,圆弧指令圆心坐标有偏差的指令进行判断。-ESSI format for NC program file, the command center of a circle arc has coordinates deviation judge' s instructions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 28kb Publisher : sunqi

DL : 0
this nec dvb uploader-this is nec dvb uploader
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 55kb Publisher : ks

DL : 0
数控云台was produced by the CodeWizardAVR V1.23.8c Standard Automatic Program Generator ?Copyright 1998-2003 HP InfoTech s.r.l. PTZ was produced by the CodeWizardAVR V1.23.8c Standard Automatic Program Generator? Copyright 1998-2003 HP InfoTech srl e-mail:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 191kb Publisher : 徐咏

DL : 0
Three function for RBF neural network, using OLS,Rand and SGA function [newcenter,sigma,W,yh,rmse]=rbfols(p,t,tol) p 為輸入資料點,N×K矩陣,N是輸入資料維度,K是資料點數 t 為目標輸出值,1×K矩陣 tol 為指定容忍度或正確率 centers選定中心點,N×nc矩陣 sigma為 ? 值 W為輸出層權重,nc×1矩陣 yh為網路輸出值,1×K矩陣 rmse 為目標輸出值與網路輸出值之RMSE-Three function for RBF neural network, using OLS,Rand and SGA function [newcenter,sigma,W,yh,rmse]=rbfols(p,t,tol) p 為輸入資料點,N×K矩陣,N是輸入資料維度,K是資料點數 t 為目標輸出值,1×K矩陣 tol 為指定容忍度或正確率 centers選定中心點,N×nc矩陣 sigma為 ? 值 W為輸出層權重,nc×1矩陣 yh為網路輸出值,1×K矩陣 rmse 為目標輸出值與網路輸出值之RMSE
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : aaronwu

: 文章根据永磁同步电机的数学模型和直接转矩控制的基本原理, 设计了一种基于T MS 3 2 0 F 2 8 1 2的 全数字化直接转矩控制系统。首先利用MA T L A B软件对直接转矩控制系统进行建模和仿真, 得到电流、 转速、 转矩以及磁链的仿真波形, 然后对 系统进行实验研究。-t:Ac c o r d i ng t o t h e ma t h e ma t i c a l mo d e l o f Pe r ma ne n t M a g n e t S y nc h r o no u s M o t o r a n d pr i nc i pl e o f Di r e c t To r q ue Co n t r o l S y s t e m.a Di g i t a l DTC c o n t r o l s ys t e m b a s e d o n DS P TM s 3 2 0F 28 1 2 i s pr o po s e d i n t hi s pa pe r ,Fi rs t l y,t h e mod e l i ng a n d s i mu l a t i o n o f t h e c o n t r o l s ys t e m a r e i nt r o d u c e d b a se d o n M ATL AB/ S I M ULI NK.I t i s s h o we d t h a t t he s ys t e m Wa s de s i g n e d r i g h t l y.Th e n t h e c o n t r o l s ys t e m C a n b e e x pe r i me n t e d . Ke y wo r d s:d i re c t t o r q ue c o n t r o l ;pe r ma n e n t ma g n e t s yn c h ro n o u s mo t o r ; DS P
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 185kb Publisher : 张国辉

New in 1v2 Updated with the actual files to support the internet demo -) Support for SSD1297 LCDs. These are found in a number of touch LCD players, including the first version of the Sylvania player. They are marked "SSD1297". Define SSD1297 in LCD.cpp or the Makefile. IMPORTANT: The SSD1297 LCDs have pin 11 and 21 connected to GND. The 1v1 PCB has these NC pins connected to VCC. IF YOU USE A SSD1297 COVER THESE PADs WITH KAPTON OR NON CONDUCTIVE TAPE OR BLUE SMOKE WILL WAFT OUR OF THE DEVICE. MMC fix for over-optimized code that failed on many manufacturers cards. Suport for USB Hid and C# application for experimentation. A quick and dirty hack using Christian Starkjohann s great USB code. The RossumUtil app exercises the connection, allows you to connect to the device, draw rectangles, blink leds etc. Enable with USE_HID define in Microterm.cpp.-New in 1v2 Updated with the actual files to support the internet demo -) Support for SSD1297 LCDs. These are found in a number of touch LCD players, including the first version of the Sylvania player. They are marked "SSD1297". Define SSD1297 in LCD.cpp or the Makefile. IMPORTANT: The SSD1297 LCDs have pin 11 and 21 connected to GND. The 1v1 PCB has these NC pins connected to VCC. IF YOU USE A SSD1297 COVER THESE PADs WITH KAPTON OR NON CONDUCTIVE TAPE OR BLUE SMOKE WILL WAFT OUR OF THE DEVICE. MMC fix for over-optimized code that failed on many manufacturers cards. Suport for USB Hid and C# application for experimentation. A quick and dirty hack using Christian Starkjohann s great USB code. The RossumUtil app exercises the connection, allows you to connect to the device, draw rectangles, blink leds etc. Enable with USE_HID define in Microterm.cpp.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1009kb Publisher : RaaviMunaf

DL : 0
基于BP的NC凸轮轴磨床磨削参数优化软件设计-Based on BP' s NC camshaft grinding machine parameter optimization software design
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 大发

DL : 0
瑞士军刀NC程序的源代码,用于操作网络,连线网络上的电脑用-Swiss Army Knife NC program' s source code, used to operate the network, connection network computer
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 72kb Publisher : predator

DL : 0
Here,we want to estimate a system with ARX and ARMAX. the euation of system is : 2(s+1)/s^2+2s+2 so first, we find the discrete equation that sampling frequency is 100ms. Here,in our sample,na=nb=2,nc=1 also ,this algorithm find the poles and zeros of the system.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 39kb Publisher : maysam

数控直流源,利用凌阳单片机为基础,可以实现较高精度的直流输出,是初学者的入门教材-NC DC source, based on the use of Sunplus, can achieve high precision DC output, a beginner' s primer
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher :

硕士论文,VC开发后置处理模块,自动生成NC程序(Master's thesis, VC development post processing module, automatically generate NC program)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 192kb Publisher : 林一笑
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