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基于Hopfield人工神经网路的室内全域路径优化。主要是利用Hopfield求解TSP的方法。用于课程设计。-based on artificial neural network Hopfield indoor entire domain path optimization. Hopfield is mainly used for TSP method. For course design.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 79.97kb Publisher : 丁伟

1、该工具包用于安装Lm和RBF两个神经网络工具包 2、直接运行LmNet.exe或_install.bat即可; 3、完成成功后,请将 bin\\win32 目前加至系统的 path中。 具体为:我的电脑-->属性-->环境变量-->将“bin\\win32”加至path路径中。-1, the tool kits for the installation and Lm 2 RBF neural network tool kits 2, or directly running LmNet.exe _install.bat can; Three complete success, I would be grateful if bin \\ win32 increase to the current system which the path. Specifically : my computer -- gt; Attribute -- gt; Environment variables -- gt; "Bin \\ win32" to increase path PATH.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.51mb Publisher : 李洋

1、该工具包用于安装Lm和RBF两个神经网络工具包 2、直接运行LmNet.exe或_install.bat即可; 3、完成成功后,请将 bin\win32 目前加至系统的 path中。 具体为:我的电脑-->属性-->环境变量-->将“bin\win32”加至path路径中。-1, the tool kits for the installation and Lm 2 RBF neural network tool kits 2, or directly running LmNet.exe _install.bat can; Three complete success, I would be grateful if bin \ win32 increase to the current system which the path. Specifically : my computer-- gt; Attribute-- gt; Environment variables-- gt; "Bin \ win32" to increase path PATH.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 8.51mb Publisher : 李洋

基于Hopfield人工神经网路的室内全域路径优化。主要是利用Hopfield求解TSP的方法。用于课程设计。-based on artificial neural network Hopfield indoor entire domain path optimization. Hopfield is mainly used for TSP method. For course design.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 80kb Publisher : 丁伟

本程序是10个城市的TSP神经网络程序,采用C++ builder编译,在运行结束后,可通过图形显示路径。-This procedure is the 10 cities TSP neural network procedures, the use of C builder compiler, running after the end of the path through the graphical display.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 383kb Publisher : 赵振刚

果蔬收获机器人是机器人技术在农业中的具体应用,基于避障的路径规划是果蔬收获机器人主要 的研究内容。由于农业机器人作业环境的复杂性和非结构性,神经网络籽是其重要的研究方法。为此,介 绍了神经网络的特点,重点分析了采用神经网络描述果蔬收获机器人工作环境的基本思路,最后给出了黄 瓜采摘机器人的具体分析实例,对农业机器人工作环境的描述具有较高的参考价值。-Fruit and vegetable harvesting robot is the robot technology in agriculture specific application, based on the obstacle avoidance path planning is the main fruit and vegetable harvesting robot research. Operating environment as a result of agricultural robot complexity and non-structural, neural network is an important seed of research methods. To this end, introduce the characteristics of neural networks, focusing on the use of neural network analysis of fruit and vegetable harvesting robot description of the working environment of the basic ideas, the final cucumber picking robot is given specific examples of analysis of agricultural robot description of the work environment has a high reference value.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 178kb Publisher : 高子

DL : 0
文中设计了一个3层径向基神经网络(RBFN)用于对企业的5项评价指标进行聚类分析,并与蚁群算法做了比较分析。RBFN由输入层 到隐含层采用传统的K一均值算法,隐含层到输出层通过“模2递减”学习速率的BP学习;蚁群算法根据信息素的分配能够自动调整收索 路径,从而达到数据自动聚类的目的。结果表明,与蚁群算法相比,改进RBFN具有快速收敛、自动识别奇异样本的优点,而蚁群算法 无须教师学习,并能够达到全局最优。-In this paper, we designed a 3-layer RBF neural network (RBFN) for the 5-to-business evaluation indicators cluster analysis and ant colony algorithm has done a comparative analysis. RBFN from input layer to hidden layer using the traditional K-means algorithm, hidden layer to output layer through the Mode 2 decreasing learning rate of BP learning ant colony algorithm based on pheromone can automatically adjust the allocation of land Faso path, thereby to achieve the purpose of automatic data clustering. The results showed that compared with the ant colony algorithm to improve the RBFN has a fast convergence, automatic identification of singular advantage of the sample, while the ant colony algorithm do not need teachers to learn and be able to reach the global optimum.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 162kb Publisher : luhui

计算最优化网络节点传输路径的neural network 模型,测试通过4个nodes-Calculation of the optimal transmission path network node neural network model, the test four nodes
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : wuwei

一种简单有效的基于动态时变语音识别源码 对于大多数研究者来说,寻找能够匹配二重时间序列信号的最佳途径是很重要的,因为它有许多重要的应用需求.DTW是实现这项工作的显著技术,尤其在语音识别技术领域,在这里一个测试信号被按照参照模板拉伸或压缩, -Searching for the best path that matches two time-series signals is the main task for many researchers, because of its importance in these applications. Dynamic Time-Warping (DTW) is one of the prominent techniques to accomplish this task, especially in speech recognition systems. DTW is a cost minimisation matching technique, in which a test signal is stretched or compressed according to a reference template. Although there are other advanced techniques in speech recognition such as the hidden Markov modelling (HMM) and artificial neural network (ANN) techniques, the DTW is widely used in the small-scale embedded-speech recognition systems such as those embedded in cell phones. The reason for this is owing to the simplicity of the hardware implementation of the DTW engine, which makes it suitable for many mobile devices. Additionally, the training procedure in DTW is very simple and fast, as compared with the HMM and ANN rivals.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : 宋小小

一种动态环境下的基于神经网络的机器人路径搜索-A dynamic environment of the robot based on neural network path searching
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6.07mb Publisher : 游敏

DL : 0
用神经网络的方法计算最短路径,用例子的方式计算出了五个城市间的最短距离。-Neural network with the shortest path method
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 9kb Publisher : 朱丽平

DL : 0
摘 要:果蔬收获机器人是机器人技术在农业中的具体应用,基于避障的路径规划是果蔬收获机器人主要 的研究内容。由于农业机器人作业环境的复杂性和非结构性,神经网络籽是其重要的研究方法。为此,介 绍了神经网络的特点 ,重点分析了采用神经网络描述果蔬收获机器人工作环境的基本思路 ,最后给出了黄瓜采摘机器人的具体分析实例,对农业机器人工作环境的描述具有较高的参考价值。 -Abstract: The fruit and vegetable harvesting robot is the robot technology in agriculture specific application, based on the obstacle avoidance path planning is the main fruit and vegetable harvesting robot research. Operating environment as a result of agricultural robot complexity and non-structural, neural network is an important seed of research methods. To this end, introduced the characteristics of neural networks, focusing on the use of neural network analysis of fruit and vegetable harvesting robot describes the basic idea of the working environment, and finally given a cucumber harvesting robot specific examples of analysis of agricultural robot description of the work environment has a high reference value.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 178kb Publisher : 彭彭

这是一篇介绍BP神经网络在移动机器人路径规划方面的论文-Abstract:Improves the BP neural network algorithm,so the shortage of path —planning with the . BP neural network algorithm is overcomed .The simulation results indicate that on the bases of accessional momentum method can eficiently improve this algorithm in convergence speed.At last,mobile robot dynamic path plan— ning simulation is carried out in the environment with immobile and mobile obstacle.the simulation result indi— cates that the method is feasible.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 194kb Publisher : 王风

:为提高移动机器人在未知环境下避障行为的成功率,通过对障碍物信息的输人,从控制输出数据中找出避 障行为模式,生成相应的模糊逻辑控制规则,并把模糊控制算法引入到神经网络中,使得模糊控制器规则的在线精 度和神经网络的学习速度均有较大的提高,使移动机器人具有较为迅速的反应能力,实现机器人连续、快速地避障 并最终到达目标.系统仿真证明了模糊神经网络在移动机器人路径选择中的智能性.-To enable the mobile robot in unknown environment obstacle—avoiding behavior of Success,based on the information input of obstacles and from the control of output data to find a obstacle—avoiding behavior model,and To create the fuzzy logic rules,a fuzzy control algorithm is introduced to the neural network,allowing mobile robot more rapid response ability and to achieve a robot, and finally reach the target of obstacle avoidance. system sim ulation proves a fuzzy neural network in mobile robot path choice of intelligence.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 284kb Publisher : 王风

A dynamic environment of the robot based on neural network path searching
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 135kb Publisher : indianwiz

《机器人控制系统的设计与MATLAB仿真》一书所有的matlab仿真程序。本书系统地介绍了机器人控制的几种先进设计方法,是作者多年来从事机器人控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的最新成果。全书以机器人为对象,共分10章,包括先进PID控制、神经网络自适应控制、模糊自适应控制、迭代学习控制、反演控制、滑膜控制、自适应鲁棒控制、系统辨识和路径规划。-" Robot Control System Design and MATLAB simulation," a book all the matlab simulation program. This book introduces several advanced robot control design methods, is the author of the robot control system for many years engaged in teaching and research work of the crystal, while domestic and foreign counterparts into the latest achievements in recent years. Book to the robot as an object, divided into 10 chapters, including advanced PID control, neural network adaptive control, fuzzy adaptive control, iterative learning control, inversion of control, synovial control, adaptive robust control, system identification and path planning.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 841kb Publisher : Ben

 本文在脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN2Pulse Coupled Neural Network) 的基础上,提出了时延脉冲耦合神经网络 (DPCNN2Delay PCNN) ,并将其成功地用于求解最短路径,同时给出了基于DPCNN 的最短路径求解算法. Caulfield 与 Kinser 提出了用PCNN 求解迷宫问题的方法,虽然他们的方法也可用于求解最短路径,但所需神经元的数量巨大,而本 文的方法所需的神经元的数量远小于他们的方法. 同时,本文的方法充分利用了DPCNN 脉冲快速并行传播的特点,可 迅速地求出最短路径,其所需的计算量仅正比于最短路径的长度,与路径图的复杂程度及路径图中的通路总数无关. 计算机仿真结果表明,采用本文的方法,用少量的神经元就可迅速地求出最短路径.- This paper presents DPCNN(Delay Pulse Coupled Neural Network) based on PCNN and uses DPCNN to find the shortest path successfully.Meanwhile ,the algorithmof finding the shortest path based on DPCNN is described. Caulfield and Kinser in2 troduced the PCNN method to solve the maze problem and although their method also can be used to find the shortest path ,a large quantity of neurons are needed. However ,the approach proposed in this paper needed very fewer neurons than proposed by Caulfield and Kinser. In the meantime ,due to the pulse parallel transmission characteristic of DPCNN ,the approach proposed can find the short2 est path quickly. The computational complexity of our approach is only related to the length of the shortest path , and independent to the path graph complexity and the number of existing paths in the graph. The results of computer simulations show that by using the approach proposed in this paper ,we can use a small quantity of neurons to find the shortest p
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 100kb Publisher : wangxx

基于能量函数的人工神经网络路径规划,基于模拟退火原理的机器人三维路径规划例程。-Based on the energy function neural network path planning, based on simulated annealing principle of 3 d robot path planning routines.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 12kb Publisher : 小华

DL : 0
遗传神经网络与基于带宽剩余率的脉冲耦合神经网络最短路径的算法分析-Genetic analysis of algorithms based on neural networks and pulse coupled neural network shortest path bandwidth is the rate of surplus
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 578kb Publisher : ashley yang

遗传神经网络的三个算法案例和gaot加入path。(Genetic neural network)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 迷音
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