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图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5]Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6]An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7]Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8]Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9]Active Contours Without Edges.pdf 学习图像处理的人必看的几篇文章-Image Processing on the Snakes: Active Contour Models and Level Set algorithm, as well as several articles of the GVF, the list for the article: [1] Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2] Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3] Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4] Motion of level sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5] Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6] An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7 ] Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8] Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9] Active Contours Without Edges.pdf learning image processing articles were a must-see
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5.26mb Publisher : 张阳

几何活动轮廓的matlab程序,可用性强,写的很好。-Geometric active contour the matlab program, availability, and write well.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : zhongling

video tracking object, can get the contour of the object
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : li

Snake是提取物体精确轮廓常用的算法,自Kass于1987年提出以来,已广泛应用于数字图像分析和计算机视觉领域。由于SNAKE模型具有良好的提取和跟踪特定区域内目标轮廓的能力,因此非常适合于医学图像如CT和MR图像的处理,以获得特定器官及组织的轮廓。Matlab编写。-Snake is the precise object contour extraction algorithms commonly used, since Kass in 1987 proposed, it has been widely used in digital image analysis and computer vision fields. SNAKE model as a result of good extraction and tracking a specific target region contour, and therefore very suitable for medical images such as CT and MR images of the treatment in order to obtain a specific outline of organs and tissues. Matlab prepared.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher :

Snake模型是广泛应用于数字图像处理的目标轮廓跟踪算法-Snake model is widely used in digital image processing of the object contour tracking algorithm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : 刘宇菲

This paper proposes a new method of extracting and tracking a nonrigid object moving while allowing camera movement. For object extraction we first detect an object using watershed segmentation technique and then extract its contour points by approximating the boundary using the idea of feature point weighting. For object tracking we take the contour to estimate its motion in the next frame by the maximum likelihood method. The position of the object is estimated using a probabilistic Hausdorff measurement while the shape variation is modelled using a modified active contour model. The proposed method is highly tolerant to occlusion. Because the tracking result is stable unless an object is fully occluded during tracking, the proposed method can be applied to various applications.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : sacoura31

摘要:在交通场景下进行多目标跟踪时,如何正确检测出车辆间的相互遮挡是影响车辆跟踪结果的关键。针对问题,运用投 影理论分析交通场景的三维几何投影特征.用长方体投影轮廓模型对车辆进行建模,重构其乏维投影轮廓,以进行遮挡的检 测和分离。与以往的方法相比,它在估计出的车辆外形轮廓基础t-进行遮挡检测,不需要匹配操作,计算量较小,并能解决 基于匹配的方法无法对付的初始遮挡问题。用实验验证了该算法的有效性。-In multi—object tracking of traf氍c scene。how to detect the occlusion is a key problem for vehicle tracking.A novel vehicle contour based method is prope∞d to deal with this problem.This method firstly extracts the 3D geometry character from the vehicle images according to the projecting theory,establishes the model of the vehicle with the euboid project contour,and then reconstructs its 3D project contour。detects and segments the occlusion l-e- sious.Compared with traditional method,it deals with the problem with less computation because it generates the ve· hide contour firstly and no match calculation is needed.Moreover,this method is able to solve the initial occlusion problem,which could not be solved with matching based method.The experimental results show that the proposed method iS more emcient.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 290kb Publisher : christine

一种snake算法实现轮廓跟踪,可用于图像分割、目标识别等图像处理相关领域。-Of a snake contour tracking algorithm can be used for image segmentation, object recognition and other image processing related fields.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 51kb Publisher : feilo

对图象中的物体实现很好的轮廓跟踪,效果很好-The image of an object to achieve a good contour tracking, good results
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 81kb Publisher : gaoyang

用于物体目标轮廓的提取与跟踪,能更好的识别出物体轮廓。-Target contour for object extraction and tracking, to better identify the contours of objects.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张小雪

利用opencv实现视频采集,轮廓法实现运动物体检测,模块跟中跟踪 -Achieved using opencv video collection, contour method for moving object detection, tracking module with the
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : yangxin

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介绍了二值图像中目标物体轮廓的边界跟踪算法-Describes the object in binary image boundary contour tracking algorithm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 205kb Publisher : zouqin

运动目标轮廓跟踪代码,运用OPENCV实现,效果还不错-Moving object contour tracking code, the use of OPENCV implementation, results were pretty good
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5.71mb Publisher : 无名

室外场景下由于场景背景条件变化容易导致视频目标跟踪稳定性差。该文提出一种利用红外和可见光传感 器的双通道视频目标跟踪方法。该算法利用可见光图像的目标颜色特征和红外图像的目标轮廓特征,结合均值漂移 算法与水平集曲线演化实现目标定位,并给出了目标尺度和模板更新方法;对多目标跟踪的互相遮挡问题,通过判 断目标合并与分离实现遮挡时多个目标的定位。实验结果表明,该文方法能够有效处理光照变化、阴影、遮挡等情 况,实现目标的稳定跟踪。-Considering the poor stability of the video object tracking methods in outdoor scenes when the background circumstance variation in object images occurs, a new method is presented for object tracking based on infrared and visible dual-channel video. It extracts the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) color feature in visible image and the contour feature in infrared image, and combines the Mean Shift (MS) algorithm and the level set evolution algorithm to realize object location, also, the object scalar and model update mechanism is presented. To address the multiple object occlusion problems, a method is presented to locate multiple objects by determining the object merger and separation. Experimental results on infrared and visible dual-channel video demonstrate that the proposed method can successfully cope with the cases in complex environment such as illumination changes, shadow, occlusion, etc..
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 377kb Publisher : majun

opencv 视频中运动物体轮廓跟踪监测。-opencv moving object contour tracking and monitoring.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.41mb Publisher : 宽宽

计算机视觉研究的主要问题之一是运动物体的检测与跟踪, 它将图像处理、模式识别、自动控制、人 工智能和计算机等很多领域的先进技术结合在了一起, 主要应用在军事视觉制导、视频监控、医疗诊断和智能交通 等各个方面, 因此该技术已经成为一个重要的研究方向。阐述了视觉跟踪算法的研究现状和视觉跟踪算法的种类, 研究了基于区域的跟踪算法、基于模型的跟踪算法、基于特征的跟踪算法和基于主动轮廓的跟踪算法, 探讨了视觉 跟踪算法的未来研究方向。-One of the computer vision tasks is moving object detection and tracking, it combines the advanced technologies together in many fields such as image processing, pattern recognition, automatic control, artificial intelligence, computer, etc. It is mainly used in such aspects as military visual guidance, video monitoring, medical diagnosis, intelligent transportation, etc. Object tracking technology has been used in many important areas, so it has become a major direction of computer vision research. The state of research in visual tracking algorithms and the common visual tracking algorithms are discussed in this paper. The region􀀁 based tracking algorithms, active contour􀀁 based tracking algorithms, feature􀀁 based tracking algorithms and model􀀁 based tracking algorithms are studied. The future research direction for vision tracking algorithm is discussed.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 212kb Publisher : cp

DL : 0
分析 了二值 图像识别 中常用的轮廓跟踪算法 , 并 指 出其缺点 。在提出 目标邻域 点概念 的基 础上 , 提供一种对二值图像中的对象物轮廓 的智能跟踪法 , 并 给 出了具 体算法 步骤 。实 验结果表 明该 算法速 度快 、 轮廓识别准确 。为准确得 到二 值图像 中的对象物提供 了一种简捷的方法 。-Analysis of the value of two commonly used contour tracking algorithm in image recognition, and points out its shortcomings. Based on the concept of neighborhood points on the target, Provides a smart object contour image of two value of the tracking method, and gives the specific steps of the algorithm. The experimental results show that the algorithm speed Fast, accurate contour recognition. To provide a simple method for accurate to two value objects in the image.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 113kb Publisher : simon chen

matlab图像处理作业,对一段视频中的运动物体进行实时跟踪。利用surf进行每两帧图像的配准,并利用帧间差分法,找到物体轮廓,可追踪两个目标,请在matlab2013b环境下运行-Matlab image processing operations, real-time tracking of a moving object in video. Using surf every two frames of image registration, and use the interframe difference method, find the object contour, traceable two objectives, please run in matlab2013b environment
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 203kb Publisher : 贾程序

labview vision范例, 用于object tracking(labview vision example, for object tracking)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 123kb Publisher : Wilbur1992

non rigid objetcs tracking
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12.76mb Publisher : Amal IEEE
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