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This method entails a machine learning approach for visual object detection, which is capable of processing images extremely rapidly and achieving high detection rates. -This method entails a machine learning app Roach for visual object detection, which is capable of processing images extremel y rapidly and achieving high detection rates.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 肖雪

using hue in the color of the object to detect the characters of object,it can track object well!-using hue in the color of the object to detec not the characters of object, it can track object well!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1014kb Publisher : jack

detect the object and make a retangle -detect the object and make a Greimas
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : kingtjw

This algorithm will perform hough transform and detect shape of an object.-This algorithm will perform hough transfo rm and detect shape of an object.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.09mb Publisher : Kent

中科院博士写的程序。基于OpenCV的背景建模,运动物体检测。C程序-Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. write procedures. OpenCV-based background modeling, moving object detection. C procedures
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 哥琴

DL : 0
(1)写一个final参数类M,包括比较次数、交换次数、探测次数属性,并重写构造器和toString方法。 (2)写一个抽象类A,其中包括要排序的数据。提供三个final方法,分别完成比较、探测、交换操作的同时,正确改变私有的M类对象成员的相关属性。并提供一个虚方法doSort,同时提供一个final方法sort(先设置M对象初值,然后调用doSort方法,返回M对象引用) (3)写三个采用不同方法排序的A类的派生类A1,A2,A3 (4)写一个测试类作为主类,分别生成A1,A2,A3的对象并调用sort方法,显示三个方法在排序时候的性能参数。-(1) write a final parameters of type M, including a number of the exchange frequency, to detect the number of attributes, and rewrite the constructor and the toString method. (2) to write an abstract class A, including the sort of data. Final offers three methods, respectively compared to detection, the exchange operation at the same time, the right to change the private members of M-type object associated attributes. And to provide a virtual method doSort, while providing a final way to sort (first set the initial value M object, and then call doSort methods, the return of M object reference) (3) to write three different methods to sort the A class derived class A1, A2 , A3 (4) write a test class as the main categories, and to generate A1, A2, A3 of the object and call sort method, showed that the three methods in order when the performance parameters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : jiuyou

Camera s calibration common object is grids. Deal with the grids ,pop method was corner-detect. But when the picture is distort strongly,it will useless. So,I try to take the centres of the grids to act as the tarket symbols for calibration.-Camera s calibration common object is grids. Deal with the grids, pop method was corner-detect. But when the picture is distort strongly, it will useless. So, I try to take the centres of the grids to act as the tarket symbols for calibration.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.33mb Publisher : robot

函数名称: * HoughDIB() * * 参数: * LPSTR lpDIBBits - 指向源DIB图像指针 * LONG lWidth - 源图像宽度(象素数,必须是4的倍数) * LONG lHeight - 源图像高度(象素数) * 返回值: * BOOL - 运算成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE。 * * 说明: * 该函数用于对检测图像中的平行直线。如果图像中有两条平行的直线,则将这两条平行直线 * 提取出来。 * * 要求目标图像为只有0和255两个灰度值的灰度图像。-Function name:* HoughDIB ()** parameters:* LPSTR lpDIBBits- point to the source DIB image pointer* LONG lWidth- source image width (pixel number 4 must be in multiples of)* LONG lHeight- source image height (pixel number)* return value:* BOOL- operation successful return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE.** Description:* The function used to detect images of parallel straight lines. If the image has two parallel straight lines, they will be two parallel straight-line* extracted.** Request object image for only 0 and 255, two gray value of gray-scale image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : luyc

利用emgucv 所開發的移動物體偵測可以偵測移動物體之方向即位移-Emgucv developed by use of a moving object detection can detect moving objects that is the direction of displacement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 張乃文

本示例程序采用的Visual C++进行开发的,可以检测两个旋转物体的碰撞检测,采用的是包围盒算法。-Procedures used in this example Visual C++ For development, can detect the two rotating object collision detection, using the bounding box algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 215kb Publisher : 陈华

object recognition using fast adaptive hough transform 快速自适应霍夫变换 作者:D.D. Haule. A.S. Malowany Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering McGill University。IEEE 1989的文章,对指导霍夫变换检测目标的识别有一定的参考意义-object recognition using fast adaptive hough transform Express Adaptive Hough Transform Author: DD Haule. AS Malowany Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering McGill University. The IEEE 1989 article in guiding Hough Transform Detect target recognition must have reference significance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 381kb Publisher : miaosiyi

改程序能够读取视频文件并且可以检测到运动的物体,配置好opencv后可以直接运行,本程序以车辆监控为例子,所以可以用于智能监控-Reform program that can read video files and can detect movement of objects can be configured directly opencv run, the procedure for vehicle monitoring, for example, it can be used for intelligent monitoring ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 865kb Publisher : baiyang

Program used to detect the presence of object/person at the platform of a railway station. Alerting when triggered.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 51kb Publisher : Kee K.K.

使用OpenCV 来寻找轮廓实现视频流的运动目标检测 能检测一段视频或网络摄像头实时读入视频中的运动物体-it is a short code that can detect the motion object of a vedio or through a web camera using opencv and visual c++. ..
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : wangwei

This paper proposes a new method of extracting and tracking a nonrigid object moving while allowing camera movement. For object extraction we first detect an object using watershed segmentation technique and then extract its contour points by approximating the boundary using the idea of feature point weighting. For object tracking we take the contour to estimate its motion in the next frame by the maximum likelihood method. The position of the object is estimated using a probabilistic Hausdorff measurement while the shape variation is modelled using a modified active contour model. The proposed method is highly tolerant to occlusion. Because the tracking result is stable unless an object is fully occluded during tracking, the proposed method can be applied to various applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : sacoura31

stm32 implement the CAM frame to detect the moving object
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : dario

运动物体识别。 检测链接到windows摄像头的运动物体,将背景和移动物体区别开来。-Moving object recognition. Link to windows detect camera movement of objects, the background and to distinguish between moving objects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.51mb Publisher : johnson

正交相关目标检测,采用正交相关方法检测指定目标在图像中的位置。适用于计算机视觉中的视频目标检测、视觉目标检测、目标定位、视觉目标跟踪、视频目标跟踪、图像匹配、图像配准等工作。-cross relation detection is used to detect object in image for in the field computer vision such as visual object detection, motion detection, object localization, visual object tracking, video object tracking, image registration, image matching, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 107kb Publisher : 朱亮亮

摘要:在交通场景下进行多目标跟踪时,如何正确检测出车辆间的相互遮挡是影响车辆跟踪结果的关键。针对问题,运用投 影理论分析交通场景的三维几何投影特征.用长方体投影轮廓模型对车辆进行建模,重构其乏维投影轮廓,以进行遮挡的检 测和分离。与以往的方法相比,它在估计出的车辆外形轮廓基础t-进行遮挡检测,不需要匹配操作,计算量较小,并能解决 基于匹配的方法无法对付的初始遮挡问题。用实验验证了该算法的有效性。-In multi—object tracking of traf氍c scene。how to detect the occlusion is a key problem for vehicle tracking.A novel vehicle contour based method is prope∞d to deal with this problem.This method firstly extracts the 3D geometry character from the vehicle images according to the projecting theory,establishes the model of the vehicle with the euboid project contour,and then reconstructs its 3D project contour。detects and segments the occlusion l-e- sious.Compared with traditional method,it deals with the problem with less computation because it generates the ve· hide contour firstly and no match calculation is needed.Moreover,this method is able to solve the initial occlusion problem,which could not be solved with matching based method.The experimental results show that the proposed method iS more emcient.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 290kb Publisher : christine

The program is based on VS2010 + OpenCV2.4, used in the two picture of the same scene moving object trajectory tracking.The program from the BBN Computer Vision Lab.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.99mb Publisher : 波波鸟
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