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一种实时的车辆检测和跟踪系统,抗前向遮挡 ICPR 06 IEEE. A Real-Time vehicle detection and tracking system,prior occlusion resolusion
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 175.82kb Publisher : 李鑫

Most motion-based tracking algorithms assume that objects undergo rigid motion, which is most likely disobeyed in real world. In this paper, we present a novel motion-based tracking framework which makes no such assumptions. Object is represented by a set of local invariant features, whose motions are observed by a feature correspon- dence process. A generative model is proposed to depict the relationship between local feature motions and object global motion, whose parameters are learned efciently by an on-line EM algorithm. And the object global motion is estimated in term of maximum likelihood of observations.Then an updating mechanism is employed to adapt object representation. Experiments show that our framework is exible and robust in dealing with appearance changes,background clutter, illumination changes and occlusion
Update : 2010-10-20 Size : 414.75kb Publisher : chenjieke

本程序是用VisualC++和OpenCV实现的,通过改进的Camshift算法,引进辅助信息,解决了人脸遮挡问题-This procedure is used VisualC++ And OpenCV achieved through improved Camshift algorithm, the introduction of auxiliary information to resolve the problem of facial occlusion
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.81mb Publisher : 张涛

基于投票算法的目标跟踪,基于二阶非线性投票的多目标跟踪算法。该算法通过目标匹配得到同一目标在不同帧中的位置,同时利用特征监测来处理目标的遮挡、分裂问题,并实现目标特征的实时更新。在目标匹配过程中,通过对目标前一帧与当前帧的特征相似性进行投票,得到匹配目标。利用视频图像进行实验,结果表明:该方法对噪声、阴影、遮挡、分裂等具有良好的鲁棒性,较好地实现了多目标的跟踪。-The method used object matching to get objects’ position in different frames, and used feature monitoring to deal with object occlusion, object split and implement real-time update for objects features. Objects were matched based on the similarity voting of their features in successive frames. Experimental study had been carried out using image sequences captured in real scene. The experimental results show that the method is robust against noise, shadows, occlusion, and split and it performs multiple objects tracking finely.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 崔瑞芳

This paper proposes a new method of extracting and tracking a nonrigid object moving while allowing camera movement. For object extraction we first detect an object using watershed segmentation technique and then extract its contour points by approximating the boundary using the idea of feature point weighting. For object tracking we take the contour to estimate its motion in the next frame by the maximum likelihood method. The position of the object is estimated using a probabilistic Hausdorff measurement while the shape variation is modelled using a modified active contour model. The proposed method is highly tolerant to occlusion. Because the tracking result is stable unless an object is fully occluded during tracking, the proposed method can be applied to various applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : sacoura31

This a research paper and a poster on occlusion detection....was part of an Msc thesis.-This is a research paper and a poster on occlusion detection....was part of an Msc thesis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 711kb Publisher : mwas

计算机数字图像处理资料,阐述了数字图像处理的各方面知识以及最新进展-It is very important to achieve reliable vehicle tracking in ITS application such as accident detec- tion. But the most dicult problem associated with vehicle tracking is the occlusion e ect among vehicles. In order to resolve this problem we applied the dedi- cated algorithm which we de ned as Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field model to trac images at an intersection. Spatio-Temporal MRF considers texture correlations between consecutive images as well as the correlation among neighbors within a image. As a re- sult, we were able to track vehicles at the intersection robustly against occlusions. Vehicles appear in vari- ous kinds of shapes and they move in random man- ners at the intersection. Although occlusions occur in such complicated manners, the algorithm were able to segment and track such occluded vehicles at a high success rate of 93− 96 . The algorithm requires only gray scale images and does not assume any physical models of vehicles.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.36mb Publisher : christine

摘要:在交通场景下进行多目标跟踪时,如何正确检测出车辆间的相互遮挡是影响车辆跟踪结果的关键。针对问题,运用投 影理论分析交通场景的三维几何投影特征.用长方体投影轮廓模型对车辆进行建模,重构其乏维投影轮廓,以进行遮挡的检 测和分离。与以往的方法相比,它在估计出的车辆外形轮廓基础t-进行遮挡检测,不需要匹配操作,计算量较小,并能解决 基于匹配的方法无法对付的初始遮挡问题。用实验验证了该算法的有效性。-In multi—object tracking of traf氍c scene。how to detect the occlusion is a key problem for vehicle tracking.A novel vehicle contour based method is prope∞d to deal with this problem.This method firstly extracts the 3D geometry character from the vehicle images according to the projecting theory,establishes the model of the vehicle with the euboid project contour,and then reconstructs its 3D project contour。detects and segments the occlusion l-e- sious.Compared with traditional method,it deals with the problem with less computation because it generates the ve· hide contour firstly and no match calculation is needed.Moreover,this method is able to solve the initial occlusion problem,which could not be solved with matching based method.The experimental results show that the proposed method iS more emcient.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 290kb Publisher : christine

跟踪的遮挡研究,这是一遍有关遮挡研究的论文,对其中出现的问题做了深入的研究,相信会对大家的学习有很好的作用。-Occlusion tracking study, which was again blocked research on paper, on which it appears to do a deep research problem, I believe we will have a good effect in learning.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.95mb Publisher : 李力

Rule-driven Object Tracking in Clutter and Partial Occlusion with Model-based Snakes - G. Tsechpenakis2004
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.57mb Publisher : terminator86

一种跟踪方法,将图像分成若干的图像块,进行块匹配,很好的解决了遮挡问题,-A tracking method, the image is divided into a number of image blocks, the block matching, a good solution to the occlusion problem,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.67mb Publisher : 董晶晶

对背景干扰及遮挡鲁棒的视频目标跟踪算法robust-Background interference and occlusion of the video object tracking algorithm robust
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 655kb Publisher : fice

多目标跟踪的一篇文章,写的还不错,英文的文章,可以作为目标跟踪的读物-Tracking multiple people under occlusion and across cam eras using probabilistic models
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 666kb Publisher : xutongxue

This paper presents a method that combines colour and motion information to track pedestrians in video sequences captured by a fixed camera. Pedestrians are firstly detected using the human detector proposed by Dalal and Triggs which involves computing the histogram of oriented gradients descriptors and classification using a linear support vector machine. For the colour-based model, we extract a 4-dimensional colour histogram for each detected pedestrian window and compare these colour histograms between consecutive video frames using the Bhattacharyya coefficient. For the motion model, we use a Kalman filter which recursively predicts and updates the estimates of the positions of pedestrians in the video frames. We evaluate our tracking method using videos from two pedestrian video datasets from the web. Our experimental results show that our tracking method outperforms one that uses only colour information and can handle partial occlusion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 473kb Publisher : linuszhao

用mean-shift算法实现目标在线跟踪,在发生光照变化,遮挡等情况时都能准确的跟踪目标-Using the Mean-shift algorithm to achieve the goal of online tracking, and accurate tracking of the target can occur illumination changes, occlusion, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.62mb Publisher : 董洁

室外场景下由于场景背景条件变化容易导致视频目标跟踪稳定性差。该文提出一种利用红外和可见光传感 器的双通道视频目标跟踪方法。该算法利用可见光图像的目标颜色特征和红外图像的目标轮廓特征,结合均值漂移 算法与水平集曲线演化实现目标定位,并给出了目标尺度和模板更新方法;对多目标跟踪的互相遮挡问题,通过判 断目标合并与分离实现遮挡时多个目标的定位。实验结果表明,该文方法能够有效处理光照变化、阴影、遮挡等情 况,实现目标的稳定跟踪。-Considering the poor stability of the video object tracking methods in outdoor scenes when the background circumstance variation in object images occurs, a new method is presented for object tracking based on infrared and visible dual-channel video. It extracts the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) color feature in visible image and the contour feature in infrared image, and combines the Mean Shift (MS) algorithm and the level set evolution algorithm to realize object location, also, the object scalar and model update mechanism is presented. To address the multiple object occlusion problems, a method is presented to locate multiple objects by determining the object merger and separation. Experimental results on infrared and visible dual-channel video demonstrate that the proposed method can successfully cope with the cases in complex environment such as illumination changes, shadow, occlusion, etc..
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 377kb Publisher : majun

这是几篇关于目标跟踪中目标被遮挡情况的文献资料,比较全面。-This is a few on the target tracking target is occluded by literature data, more comprehensive.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 李敏

视频的运动目标跟踪,目标可自行框定选择。采用MeanShift、纹理特征及混合高斯模型等融合的方法。目标跟踪效果非常好,尤其运动速度较快情况,以及人物间遮挡情况。-Video moving target tracking, the goal of self-framed choice. Of MeanShift, texture feature and mixed Gaussian model fusion method. Target tracking performance is very good, especially faster movement speed, as well as figures occlusion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 614kb Publisher :

这是一种新的单目标长时间(long term tracking) 跟踪算法。该算法与传统跟踪算法的显著区别在于将传统的跟踪算法和传统的检测算法相结合来解决被跟踪目标在被跟踪过程中发生的形变、部分遮挡等问题。同时,通过一种改进的在线学习机制不断更新跟踪模块的显著特征点和检测模块的目标模型及相关参数,从而使得跟踪效果更加稳定、鲁棒、可靠。-This is a new single target for a long time (long term tracking) tracking algorithm. The algorithm and the conventional tracking algorithm significant difference is that the conventional tracking algorithms and conventional detection algorithm combines a deformation occurs to solve the target being tracked in the tracking process, partial occlusion and other issues. Meanwhile, through an improved online learning mechanism constantly updated tracking module significantly the target model and related parameters of the feature points and the detection module, so that the tracking results more stable, robust and reliable.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : Zach Fu

globally optimal solution to multi-object tracking with merged measuements 里面还有一篇发表于ICCV上的文章,另外还有一个配套的PPT,但没找到代码,文章中对多目标跟踪运用了贪心算法,并且详细分析了merge,split,occlusion情况-globally optimal solution to multi-object tracking with merged measuements there is also an article published in ICCV on, plus a supporting PPT, but did not find the code, the article on the use of multi-target tracking greedy algorithm, and detailed analysis of the merge, split, occlusion situation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.56mb Publisher : rita
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