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数字预失真在通信领域内IP核的开发文档,包括数学表达式及硬件框图-Digital Predistortion in the field of IP communications in the development of nuclear documents, including mathematical expression and hardware block diagram
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : 聂华

DL : 0
Second and Higher-Order Statistics based Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output System Blind Identification Matlab Code -Second and Higher-Order Statistics based Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output System Blin Matlab d Identification Code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 于蕾

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详细的OFDM设计过程,包括Matlab仿真、DSP源码及文档说明。 OFDM(正交频分复用)技术实际上是MCM(Multi-Carrier Modulation,多载波调制)的一种。-OFDM detailed design process, including the Matlab simulation, DSP source code and documentation. OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology is actually MCM (Multi-Carrier Modulation, multi-carrier modulation) is.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.56mb Publisher : lee

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单片机设计,毕业设计 16×16点阵(滚动显示)论文+程序 cdma通信系统中的接入信道部分进行仿真与分析 LED显示屏动态显示和远程监控的实现 MCS-51单片机温度控制系统 USB接口设计 毕业设计(论文)OFDM通信系统基带数据 仓库温湿度的监测系统 单片机串行通信发射机 单片机课程设计__电子密码锁报告 单片机控制交通灯 电动智能小车(完整论文 电气工程系06届毕业设计开题报告 电信运营商收入保障系统设计与实现 电子设计大赛点阵电子显示屏(A题 电子时钟 火灾自动报警系统设计 基于GSM短信模块的家庭防盗报警系统 基于GSM模块的车载防盗系统设计 TC35i 资料 基于网络的虚拟仪器测试系统 门控自动照明电路 全遥控数字音量控制的D类功率放大器 数控直流稳压电源完整论文 数字密码锁设计 数字抢答器(数字电路) 数字时钟 水箱单片机控制系统 同步电机模型的MATLAB仿真 温度监控系统的设计 用单片机控制直流电机 用单片机实现温度远程显示 智能家用电热水器控制器 智能型充电器电源和显示的设计 自动加料机控制系统-mcu design,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.26mb Publisher : zhangyun

MIMO 4*4系统D-BLAST编译码方案,利用ISE仿真环境,verilog编程实现。-MIMO 4* 4 system codec D-BLAST program, using ISE simulation environment, verilog programming implementation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 296kb Publisher : 黄虎

it is to have the analysis of 3 D analysis of optical ofdm-it is to have the analysis of 3 D analysis of optical ofdm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.11mb Publisher : kamal

摘要:正交频分复用(OFDM)是第四代移动通信的核心技术。该文首先简要介绍了OFDM基本原理,重点研究了理想同步情 况下,保护时隙(CP)和不同的信道估计方法在高斯信道和多径瑞利衰落信道下对OFDM系统性能的影响。在给出OFDM系 统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了整个系统的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。最后给出在不同的信道条件下,保 护时隙、信道估计方法对OFDM系统误码率影响的比较曲线,得出了较理想的结论。 -O FDM is the key techno logy of 4G in the field of mobile comm unication.In this article O FDM ba sic p rinc ip le is briefly in troduced.Then,the influence of CP and d iffe rent channe l e stim a tion on the system pe rfo rm ance is emp ha tica lly analyzed respectively in Gauss and R ayle igh fading channe ls in the cond ition of ideal synchronization.B e sides,based on the given system mode l O FDM system is compu te r sim u la ted w ith MA TLAB language and the refe rentia l design p rocedure is given.Fina lly,the B ER cu rves of CP and channe l e stim ation a re given and comp ared.The conclusion is sa tisfac to ry.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 海之魂

mimo ofdm description des technique et methode d integration d un systeme mimo via ofdm-mimo ofdm description des technique et methode d integration d un systeme mimo via ofdm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 738kb Publisher : mokh

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OFDM无线宽带移动通信系统中信道估计与均衡技术研究,Ph.D thesis-OFDM wireless broadband mobile communication systems channel estimation and equalization study, Ph.D thesis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.48mb Publisher : GenLung Wu

it is a ph.D thesis based on Optical ofdm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : japleen

Author: Vinay Uday Prabhu E-mail: Function: Comparison of the performances of the LS and the MMSE channel estimators for a 64 sub carrier OFDM system based on the parameter of Mean square error Assumptions: The channel is assumed to be g(t)=delta(t-0.5 Ts)+delta(t-3.5 Ts) {Fractionally spaced} For more information on the theory and formulae used , please do refer to the paper On "Channel Estimation In OFDM systems" By Jan-Jaap van de Beek, Ove Edfors, Magnus Sandell Sarah Kate wilson and Petr Ola Borjesson In proceedings Of VTC 95 Vol 2 pg.815-819 - Author: Vinay Uday Prabhu E-mail: Function: Comparison of the performances of the LS and the MMSE channel estimators for a 64 sub carrier OFDM system based on the parameter of Mean square error Assumptions: The channel is assumed to be g(t)=delta(t-0.5 Ts)+delta(t-3.5 Ts) {Fractionally spaced} For more information on the theory and formulae used , please do refer to the paper On "Channel Estimation In OFDM systems" By Jan-Jaap van de Beek, Ove Edfors, Magnus Sandell Sarah Kate wilson and Petr Ola Borjesson In proceedings Of VTC 95 Vol 2 pg.815-819
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : venkat

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Add pilot symbols to the input data just before transmission 2. Implement cyclic prefix (CP), use 10 of symbol length. Divide the 64 input data points into 8-bit streams, generate and append the CP based on each symbol 3. Include complex noise into transmitted signal Organization of Transmitter end of OFDM System a. Generate Data b. Modulate c. Serial to Parallel d. Cyclic Prefix (CP) e. Add Pilot points f. IFFT g. Parallel to Serial -Add pilot symbols to the input data just before transmission 2. Implement cyclic prefix (CP), use 10 of symbol length. Divide the 64 input data points into 8-bit streams, generate and append the CP based on each symbol 3. Include complex noise into transmitted signal Organization of Transmitter end of OFDM System a. Generate Data b. Modulate c. Serial to Parallel d. Cyclic Prefix (CP) e. Add Pilot points f. IFFT g. Parallel to Serial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : ibrahim

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programme d une simulation ofdm mimo LTE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : rachid

OFDM系统的MATLAB仿真,从调制到解调,插入移去时隙,A/D,D/A转换-MATLAB simulation OFDM system, from the modulator to a demodulator, insert removal slot, A/D, D/A converter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 征按揭

Abstract—Diagonal Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time (DBLAST) structure offers a low complexity solution to realize the attractive capacity of Multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In this paper, we apply D-BLAST in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems and address the issue of channel estimation. Different other MIMO-OFDM, where symbols at all tones are always available for decision-directed channel estimation, in D-BLAST OFDM, we update estimated channel parameters each time a layer is detected with a least square (LS) approach, using a pieced combination of received signals at previous and current OFDM blocks. The initial estimate is further refined by a robust estimator to exploit the time correlation of channel parameters among OFDM blocks. Computer simulation results show the performance improvement over block-wise channel estimation. It is also shown that D-BLAST with proposed channel estimation is robust to fast fading of channel parameters.-Abstract—Diagonal Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time (DBLAST) structure offers a low complexity solution to realize the attractive capacity of Multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In this paper, we apply D-BLAST in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems and address the issue of channel estimation. Different other MIMO-OFDM, where symbols at all tones are always available for decision-directed channel estimation, in D-BLAST OFDM, we update estimated channel parameters each time a layer is detected with a least square (LS) approach, using a pieced combination of received signals at previous and current OFDM blocks. The initial estimate is further refined by a robust estimator to exploit the time correlation of channel parameters among OFDM blocks. Computer simulation results show the performance improvement over block-wise channel estimation. It is also shown that D-BLAST with proposed channel estimation is robust to fast fading of channel parameters.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 79kb Publisher : werad

Synchronisation fréquentielle (CFO) Le processus d’estimation en utilisant le préambule comprend les étapes suivantes : - Extraire le premier symbole de préambule à partir du paquet reç u. - Multiplier les 128 premiers échantillons avec le conjugué complexe des 128 échantillons du premier symbole de préambule. - Estimation de l’angle entre les 128 multiplications. - Calculer la moyenne des vecteurs d angle. - Divisez la valeur moyenne par 2?.- Synchronisation fréquentielle (CFO) Le processus d’estimation en utilisant le préambule comprend les étapes suivantes : - Extraire le premier symbole de préambule à partir du paquet reç u. - Multiplier les 128 premiers échantillons avec le conjugué complexe des 128 échantillons du premier symbole de préambule. - Estimation de l’angle entre les 128 multiplications. - Calculer la moyenne des vecteurs d angle. - Divisez la valeur moyenne par 2?.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : mejsi

Interpolation and fitting matlab implementation, Computation Method D phononic bandgap plane wave, Space target recognition algorithm using PM.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : benhiefei

DL : 0
MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, Minimum mean square error MSE calculation algorithm, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : sqrredwt

DL : 0
基于MATLAB的OFDM系统仿真链路,串行数据经串并变换后进行QDPSK数字调制,调制后的复信号通过N点IFFT变换,完成多载波调制,使信号能够在N个子载波上并行传输,中间插入10训练序列符号用于信道估计,加入循环前缀后经并串转换、D /A后进入信道,接收端经过N点FFT变换后进行信道估计,将QDPSK解调后的数据并串变换后得到原始信息比特。(Simulation Link of OFDM System Based on MATLAB)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 专业吃柠檬

前已提出的频谱感知方法主要包括匹配滤波器检测、 能量检测、 循环平稳特征检测以及多分辨率频谱感知. 这些方法均为单节点感知方法.然而,在阴影和深度衰落情况下, 单个节点的感知结果并不可靠, 因此, 需要对多个节点的感知结果进行融合,以提高检测可靠性, 即协作感知技术. 文献采用“或” 准则对各个 CR 感知结果进行融合. 文献则提出了基于 D-S 证据理论的协作频谱感知算法,虽然该算法的性能比“或” 准则或“与”准则要好, 但需要存储大量历史信息, 算法的计算复杂度也很高. 文献中分析了采用似然比检测(likelihood ratio test, LRT) 的软判决与采用“与” 准则的硬判决的性能, 结果表明采用软判决的协作感知性能更优(Previously proposed spectrum sensing methods mainly include matched filter detection, energy detection, cyclostationary feature detection and multi-resolution spectrum sensing. These methods are all single node sensing methods. However, in the case of shadow and deep fading, the sensing results of single node are not reliable, so, It is necessary to fuse the sensing results of multiple nodes to improve the detection reliability, i.e. cooperative sensing technology. In the literature, "or" criterion is used to fuse the CR sensing results. In the literature, a cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm based on D-S evidence theory is proposed. Although the performance of the algorithm is better than "or" criterion or "and" criterion, a large amount of historical information needs to be stored, The computational complexity of the algorithm is also very high. In the literature, the performance of the soft decision based on the likelihood ratio test)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : UU仔
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