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進行歌曲的錄製,並進行手動標示音高,以便使用於後面其他程式作業之中,例如音高追蹤及旋律辨識等。-songs for the recording and manual labeling pitch for use in operations behind other programs, such as pitch tracking and identification, such as melody.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.27kb Publisher : 李小昌

進行歌曲的錄製,並進行手動標示音高,以便使用於後面其他程式作業之中,例如音高追蹤及旋律辨識等。-songs for the recording and manual labeling pitch for use in operations behind other programs, such as pitch tracking and identification, such as melody.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 65.27kb Publisher : 李小昌

進行歌曲的錄製,並進行手動標示音高,以便使用於後面其他程式作業之中,例如音高追蹤及旋律辨識等。-songs for the recording and manual labeling pitch for use in operations behind other programs, such as pitch tracking and identification, such as melody.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李小昌

進行歌曲的錄製,並進行手動標示音高,以便使用於後面其他程式作業之中,例如音高追蹤及旋律辨識等。-songs for the recording and manual labeling pitch for use in operations behind other programs, such as pitch tracking and identification, such as melody.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 65kb Publisher : 李小昌

pratt為一套音訊處理軟體,包含頻譜分析,音高曲線追蹤-pratt for a set of audio processing software, including spectral analysis, pitch tracking curve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : 鍾彩星

语音基频提取代码,目前欧洲电信正在使用的,效果不错-pitch tracking
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : 梁伟文

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实现基频提取的RAPT算法(一种鲁棒性的基频提取算法)。输入文件为wav波形文件。-A Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking (RAPT)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : camel

在对永磁风力发电机的基本理论进行论述的基础上,分析了变转速变桨距控 制策略,并基于Matlab/Simulink建立了风力发电机模型,通过仿真分析了最大功率跟踪 和变桨距控制下发电机的性能。-this paper analyzes variable speed and variable pitch control strategy on the foundation of discussing basic theory of permanent magnet wind turbine generator.Then it builds simulation model of permanent magnet wind turbine generator based on Matlab/simulink and analyzes performance of generator under maximum power tracking and variable pitch contr01.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.33mb Publisher : 孙玉盛

精密控制结构需要满足先进飞机的使命和对其引航的要求。这就要求飞行器的性能必须满足在低空飞行,低速飞行和大迎角攻击性飞行,全天候,昼夜工作的条件,并且新的控制技术应该成熟。这项工作提出了飞行控制时,状态变量和控制输入是由预先确定的限制范围内的系统控制系统的设计理念。在设计过程使用动态规划的概念。其基本思想涉及非二次泛函最小化。由于一系列限制因素,建议使用光滑函数。同时提出了该综合方法的优点。我们利用对F-18战斗机的纵向控制配置来说明该设计方法。-Indirect adaptive control for reconfigurable flight control is advocated. Specifically, online static system identification using a moving window/batch estimation is implemented. The ensuing linear regression is augmented with an intercept. The intercept parameter is included to address the effects of trim change associated with the occurrence of a control surface failure. Parameter estimate information is used to adjust the inner loop’s control gains, and a command derived from the intercept estimate is fed forward to automatically retrim the aircraft. The tracking performance of this automatic retrimming method, which relies on system identification, surpasses the conventional approach of exclusively relying on integral action for retrimming. These adaptive and reconfigurable flight control concepts are illustrated in the context of a fighter aircraft’s pitch plane dynamics. The novel adaptive and reconfigurable flight control system successfully handles a 50 per cent horiz
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : zhouyang

介绍了三点垂直线阵被动定位的原理. 结合矢量水听器测得的方位角和高低角及到达 阵元间的时延差, 建立了三维坐标下的状态方程和观测方程.运用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法, 研究了该系统的目标运动分析问题. 通过蒙特卡洛模拟仿真试验, 结果表明上述方法具有较高的定位性能,有较强的使用价值. -Introduced three vertical linear array passive location principle of vector hydrophone. Combining the measured azimuth angle and pitch angle and arrival time delay difference between array elements, establish the three-dimensional coordinates of the state equation and observation equation. Using the extended Calman filter algorithm, on the target motion analysis by Monte Carlo simulation. Test, results show that the method has high positioning performance, has the strong use value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 235kb Publisher : 于文娟

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语音信号处理基音追踪相关代码,并绘出语谱图-Speech Signal Processing pitch tracking code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 李冲

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source code of pitch tracking. useful for signal processing.figures of compilation codes
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38kb Publisher : nawel

基于波峰检测算法的动态语音音高追踪的研究与实现-Peak detection algorithm based on dynamic voice pitch tracking Research and Implementation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.01mb Publisher : 李华腾

利用伯德图来证明DC-8飞机,在0.84Mach和10000m高空的俯仰运动稳定性。- This example is to demonstrate pitch motion tracking control by using Bode diagram with elevator inputs for the DC-8 at 0.84Mach and 10000m
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黄文男

倒谱分析和基音检测,包含源代码和测试语音-Cepstrum and pitch tracking
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.67mb Publisher : 殊放

基于自建数据库的音乐识别及检索软件 ; 利用Matlab开发软件, 通过抓取录入歌曲的音高(pitch tracking)绘出声音的频率变化并进行降噪和润滑(smoothing)处理 与数据库中歌曲的频率变化图比对,计算出相似度top10的歌曲并显示。 -Based on self-built of music recognition and retrieval software developed using Matlab software, change the pitch of a song by crawling entry (pitch tracking) plots the frequency of the sound and noise reduction and lubrication (smoothing) processing Frequency changes in the diagram songs than calculate the similarity top10 songs and displayed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : wangyuntuo

YIN Pitch tracking algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.37mb Publisher :

对一段语音信号进行处理 分析对象:voiced and unvoiced speech 语音中的清音和浊音 在GUI界面上实现以下功能: 1显示短时频谱 既对信号分帧后直接进行傅里叶变换 2在上面基础上经对数运算后再进行傅里叶反变换得到倒谱 显示两个图像(取对数和之后反变换的) 3根据倒谱再进行倒谱分析 用它观察自相关等等 最终实现基音周期估计(Pitch Detection)和 追踪 Pitch Tracking 这里还要应用到其他一些东西~自相关函数 对数倒频谱等等 (原文For the Pitch Detection/Tracking ,The suggested methods include auto-correlation, cepstrum, long-term prediction, Hilbert-Huang Transform (EMD) and so on.)- 对一段语音信号进行处理 分析对象:voiced and unvoiced speech 语音中的清音和浊音 在GUI界面上实现以下功能: 1显示短时频谱 既对信号分帧后直接进行傅里叶变换 2在上面基础上经对数运算后再进行傅里叶反变换得到倒谱 显示两个图像(取对数和之后反变换的) 3根据倒谱再进行倒谱分析 用它观察自相关等等 最终实现基音周期估计(Pitch Detection)和 追踪 Pitch Tracking 这里还要应用到其他一些东西~自相关函数 对数倒频谱等等 (原文For the Pitch Detection/Tracking ,The suggested methods include auto-correlation, cepstrum, long-term prediction, Hilbert-Huang Transform (EMD) and so on.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : wjy

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Pitch Tracking from audio signal using python
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : ndhuccc

Pitch Detection Algo
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : Heyhairy
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