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3D矩阵转换并显示转换的3D点-3D matrix conversion and display of 3D point conversion
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.53kb Publisher : 王萌

Update : 2011-08-03 Size : 541.45kb Publisher : a26732300

3D矩阵转换并显示转换的3D点-3D matrix conversion and display of 3D point conversion
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王萌

Deliver high performance charting solutions. teeChart Pro allows you to create general purpose and specialized chart and graphing applications for all areas including business, engineering, financial, statistical, scientific, medical, real-time, and the web. Features a chart gallery with several chart types including 2D or 3D line, bar, horizontal bar, area, point, pie, arrow, bubble, Gantt, surface, volume, polar, and many more. Use the Chart Editor to customize your charts. License Number: 6919081 ActiveX Password: 869253614259258 非常强大的绘图控件,最新版V7,但找不到破解的,有的话传一个上来,官方网站上可以下50天试用版。-Deliver high performance charting solutions. TeeChart Pro allows you to create general purpose and specialized chart and graphing applications for all areas including business, engineering, financial, statistical, scientific, medical, real-time, and the web. Features a chart with gallery several chart types including 2D or 3D line, bar, horizontal bar, area, point, pie, arrow, bubble, Gantt, surface, volume, polar, and many more. Use the Chart Editor to customize your charts. License Number : 6919081 ActiveX Password : 869253614259258 very powerful graphics controls, the latest version of V7, but could not find the break, so Chuan onto an official website can be under 50-day trial version.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.43mb Publisher : 王云

C code for "Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)": Code function Chapter pointer directory ----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(3D) Chapter 4, Code 4.8 /chull sphere.c Chapter 4, Fig. 4.15 /sphere Delaunay Triang Chapter 5, Code 5.2 /dt SegSegInt Chapter 7, Code 7.2 /segseg Point-in-poly Chapter 7, Code 7.13 /inpoly Point-in-hedron Chapter 7, Code 7.15 /inhedron Int Conv Poly Chapter 7, Code 7.17 /convconv Mink Convolve Chapter 8, Code 8.5 /mink Arm Move Chapter 8, Code 8.7 /arm-C code for "Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)": Code function Chapter pointer directory----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(3D) Chapter 4, Code 4.8 /chull sphere.c Chapter 4, Fig. 4.15 /sphere Delaunay Triang Chapter 5, Code 5.2 /dt SegSegInt Chapter 7, Code 7.2 /segseg Point-in-poly Chapter 7, Code 7.13 /inpoly Point-in-hedron Chapter 7, Code 7.15 /inhedron Int Conv Poly Chapter 7, Code 7.17 /convconv Mink Convolve Chapter 8, Code 8.5 /mink Arm Move Chapter 8, Code 8.7 /arm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 66kb Publisher : Mark

利用Opengl设定MFC的视图环境,三维显示三维数据,处理大量点云数据的显示旋转、平移、缩放等-use Opengl set MFC View environment, three-dimensional display of 3D data, handling a large number of point cloud data show rotation, translation, zooming, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 241kb Publisher : 李瑞

介绍用OpenGL实现点云处理的三维变换,我们可以通过API函数 CreateFile 获得设备句柄,再用API函数 DeviceIoControl 来实现对设备的访问获取点云的分割方法。-introduces OpenGL point cloud processing of 3D transformation, we can pass CreateFile API access to equipment handle, reuse API function DeviceIoControl right equipment to achieve the access point cloud visit the segmentation method.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2mb Publisher : zxj

本程序可以实现用c sharp编写的GIS图形中通过点击使2d点和图形变成3d图形的功能-this procedure can be achieved using the c sharp graphics prepared by the GIS through it so 2d point and graphics into 3d graphics functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 张磊

斯坦福大学开发的一个三维点云重构生成网格,进一步生成NURBS曲面并加光照效果的系统。可以实现对生成的三维图形旋转,移动和多个角度图形的拼接-Stanford University in the development of a 3D point cloud generation reconfigurable mesh, NURBS surface generation further increases and the effect of illumination system. Generation can be achieved on the 3D graphics rotation, movement and different angles graphics Mosaic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 932kb Publisher : Lance

BMyCrust take as input a 3D scatter points cloud and return a tight, manifold, triangulation. Remember that crust algorithm needs a cloud representing a volume, so open surface may give inaccurate results. For example : a plane can not be triangulated, half-sphere is in doubt, a sphere with a small hole shoud be good. The more points are given the best the surface will be fitted, of course in this case you would have to wait more and in the worst case a memory help error may occurs. The best results are obtained with more points in high curvature feature. The old version did not ensure the output surface to be a manifold so it could be used only for graphical purpose. In the new one a tight, regular manifold is returned. It as outward normals orientation, after using this algorithm is very easy to get an STL file from a point cloud. I added a manifold extraction tool that also correct the errors (slivers) generated by delaunayn during the initial tessellation.-BMyCrust take as input a 3D scatter points cloud and return a tight, manifold, triangulation. Remember that crust algorithm needs a cloud representing a volume, so open surface may give inaccurate results. For example : a plane can not be triangulated, half-sphere is in doubt, a sphere with a small hole shoud be good. The more points are given the best the surface will be fitted, of course in this case you would have to wait more and in the worst case a memory help error may occurs. The best results are obtained with more points in high curvature feature. The old version did not ensure the output surface to be a manifold so it could be used only for graphical purpose. In the new one a tight, regular manifold is returned. It as outward normals orientation, after using this algorithm is very easy to get an STL file from a point cloud. I added a manifold extraction tool that also correct the errors (slivers) generated by delaunayn during the initial tessellation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.76mb Publisher : naz

DL : 0
此资料介绍的是:利用OpenGL实现三维地形可 视化,采用Delaunay三角化法得到地形采样点,并用已知数据对三角曲面进行插值加密,生成规则格网(GRID)数据结构的方法,可得到高度真实感的三维地形可视化效果。 -The data presented are: the use of OpenGL for three-dimensional terrain visualization, using Delaunay triangulation method to be terrain sampling point, and with the known data encryption on the triangular surface is interpolated to generate the rules Grid (GRID) data structure method can be obtained highly realistic 3D terrain visualization.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 80kb Publisher : 周倩倩

DL : 0
程序为一年前写作,本计划修完D3D后重新修改,但是由于GUI绘制效率太低,同时也没有任何应用价值。所以保持到现在。 程序采用SetPixel()为基础绘制出了彩色立方体。 消隐采用的是背面剔除,裁剪也是采用的简单方式。 同时附带有简单的摄象机类,可以移动到不同角度观看图形。 使用: 鼠标左右上下旋转观察角度(完全自由的摄象机)。 键盘上下左右控制移动方向。 在3D图形方面如果允许,个人完全可以实现D3D的渲染管线(硬件部分没办法)-Writing program for a year, the program again after completing D3D changes, but due to low efficiency of GUI rendering, but also have no value. So keep to the present. Procedures used SetPixel () to map out a color-based cube. Blanking is used in the back removed, cut is a simple way to use. The camera also comes with a simple class that can be moved to a different point of view graphics.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.2mb Publisher : xiaoxi10086

本程序用于绘制三维图形,可以对地面激光点云数据进行三维建模。-The procedure used to draw three-dimensional graphics, you can on the ground laser point cloud data for three-dimensional modeling.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王宇鸿

此程序主要是用Matlab进行点云数据的三维建模,对用Matlab进行三维重建有实用价值。-The procedure is to use Matlab for modeling three-dimensional point cloud data on the three-dimensional reconstruction with Matlab has practical value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王宇鸿

。在单幅影像中,首 先将平行线分成分别平行于X 、Y、Z 坐标轴线的“三组”平行线,然后利用间接平差,求得它们的灭点X ∞、Y∞、Z ∞ 进而求取影像的内方位元素x0 、y0 、f 与三个角元素φ、ω、κ。并在假定房屋长度为L 基础上,同时解求影像的摄站 坐标XS 、YS 、ZS 与房屋的宽度W、高度H, 从而实现房屋的三维重建。-. In the single image, were first divided into parallel lines parallel to the X, Y, Z coordinate axes of the " three" parallel lines, then use the indirect adjustment, and seek their vanishing point X ∞, Y ∞, Z ∞ and then strike orientation elements within the image x0, y0, f and the three diagonal elements φ, ω, κ. And housing length L is assumed, based on images taken at the same time Solutions of station coordinates XS, YS, ZS and the width of Housing W, height H, in order to achieve three-dimensional reconstruction of housing.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 382kb Publisher : jun

纯VB代码实现的3D空间效果,投影三维坐标系中的点P到平面中-Pure VB code of the 3D space, a projection point of three-dimensional coordinate system to the plane P
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 秦伟

DL : 0
读取点数据,构建三维TIN,再添加纹理显示三维地形-Read the point data to construct three-dimensional TIN, then add three-dimensional terrain textures show
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 247kb Publisher :

Matlab 三维点云三角化 不是平面域的三角化 是三维点云三角化 亲身测试绝对可用!-Triangle of Point Cloud
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.62mb Publisher : hdchina2010

visual c++实现openGL3D茶壶旋转视点,语言简洁,入门(Visual c++ realizes the openGL3D teapot rotation point of view, the language is concise, the introduction)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.5mb Publisher : biubiubiubiubiu

OpenGL环境下读入3D点云,任意角度下鼠标对点云进行框选。(In the OpenGL environment, read the 3D point cloud, and at any angle the mouse can box the point cloud.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.8mb Publisher : YangXG
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