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Labview编写的Advantest系列频谱分析仪驱动.适用机型U3751/3131A.可做Freq/Pick power/ Channel power量测.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 94.21kb Publisher : 黄常伟

颜色选择控件(类似颜色选择框里的custom color)-Color Selector Control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : 站长

Labview编写的Advantest系列频谱分析仪驱动.适用机型U3751/3131A.可做Freq/Pick power/ Channel power量测.-Labview prepared Advantest Spectrum Analyzer Series driver. The application of models U3751/3131A. Can Freq/Pick power/Channel power measurements.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 94kb Publisher : 黄常伟

DL : 0
原创温度传感器18B20的驱动程序,基于TI公司msp430单片机,程序基于方便移植设计,只要稍加修改即可使用,用英文注释,非常详细-/* temperature sensor 18B20 module for msp430*/ /*author:Zhou Qiang */ /*university:UESTC */ /*time:2009,6,5 */ /***************************************/ /************************************************************* Introduction This program was designed for TI s msp430 MCU,but not limitted to it, you can easily pick up this program by just modify the flowing: 1、macros at the beginning 2、Delay_us() function 3、nothing more... You should write you application in the flowing order: 1、Configurate 18b20 by call Config_18b20() 2、Acquire float tmp data by call Get_tmp() 3、this project still under developing,nothing more you can use... Next to do: 1、more 18b20 on 1 bus 2、implement more ROM functions 3、reading datasheet of 18b20 carefully 4、optimize it working faster 5、auto power supply detect,the program should adjust to it 6、
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36kb Publisher : 周强

Nim游戏(The game of Nim)是一个很著名而且有很多版本的游戏.下面这个版本有一个有趣的获胜策略.两名参与者交替从一堆石子中取出若干数目,其个数由参与者自已决定.但是要求参与者每次至少取出一个,至多取出一半,然后另一名参与者继续.拿到最后一个石子的参与者将输掉该游戏. 编写一个程序,让计算机和人较量.在10到100之间生成一个随机数作为初始的石子数目.然后,随机产生0或1,以决定是计算机先玩还是人先玩.然后,再随机产生0或1,以决定计算机采用"聪明"还是"愚蠢"模式.在愚蠢模式中,在轮到计算机时,简单地取走随机数目(介于1到n/2之间)的石子 在聪明模式中,计算机每次取走一定数目的石子,使得剩下的石子数目是2的某次幂减1,例如3,7,15,31,63.这总是可行的,除非当前的石子数正好是2的某次幂减1.在这种情况下,计算机取走随机数目的石子. 你将会发现,当计算机在聪明模式下且是先下手时,它总是不可击败的,除非原始石子数目很偶然的是2的某次幂减1.例如15,31,63.当然,如果人是先手而且知道获胜策略时,也是可以战胜计算机的. -Nim game (The game of Nim) is a well-known and there are many versions of the game. Here is an interesting version of a winning strategy. Two players alternately remove stones from the pile of a certain number, the number of the participants own decision. but requires participants to take out at least one time, up to remove the half, and then the other participants to continue. get the last stone of the participants will lose the game. Write a program that allows computers and the throne. 10 to 100 generate a random number as the initial number of pebbles. And then, randomly generated 0 or 1, to determine whether to play or people get the computer to play first. Then, again randomly produce 0 or 1, to determine the computer using "smart" or "stupid" mode. in stupid mode, the turn of the computer, simply pick random number (from 1 to n/2 between) the stones in smart mode, the computer each time you pick a certain number of stones, making the number of remaining stones is a power of 2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 261kb Publisher : fangyuan

XCVLXMB the board Xilinx SRAM_BASED FPGA design is the main element Pieces, SRAM_BASED the FPGA, the design began to verify the results, may experience many changes, this time as long as the JTAG s DOWNLOAD CABLE with the IMPACT software is continuously recordable BIT file to the FPGA, you can verify the results, such as Lab1 ~ Lab4 are conducted in this manner, the design. But in the end, if required to maintain the final version of the file, you need to first convert through BIT MCS file, then burn the file records to the PROM MCS inside, after the burn is complete, FPGA can set the M0, M1, M2 s pick Pin 000 (ie Mater Slave Mode), so off power after the next boot, FPGA from the PROM auto-complete Confogurtion, In order to keep this file can be permanent.-XCVLXMB the board Xilinx SRAM_BASED FPGA design is the main element Pieces, SRAM_BASED the FPGA, the design began to verify the results, may experience many changes, this time as long as the JTAG' s DOWNLOAD CABLE with the IMPACT software is continuously recordable BIT file to the FPGA, you can verify the results, such as Lab1 ~ Lab4 are conducted in this manner, the design. But in the end, if required to maintain the final version of the file, you need to first convert through BIT MCS file, then burn the file records to the PROM MCS inside, after the burn is complete, FPGA can set the M0, M1, M2' s pick Pin 000 (ie Mater Slave Mode), so off power after the next boot, FPGA from the PROM auto-complete Confogurtion , In order to keep this file can be permanent.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 776kb Publisher : vkiy

F6 人物倍功(已修复!)1/9号可以使用,建议组队! F7 APC召唤 F8 回血蓝 F9 秒BOOS F10 无敌 F11 远程卖 F12 全部关闭 V键 全屏捡物-F6 figure times the power (fixed!) 1/9 can be used, the proposed team! F7 APC back to the blood called F8 F9 seconds BOOS F10 invincible blue remote selling F12 F11 key full screen all pick things off V
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.05mb Publisher : 烟消ゞ云散℡

12864液晶在出厂时其对比度已经调好,所以用户在使用的时候第三管脚可不用接任何东西,本实验板上为了兼容多家12864液晶所以加了液晶对比度调节电位器,若用户使用我们配套的12864液晶可不用管它,液晶的第三管脚悬空就可以。有些液晶功耗比较大,用户在使用的时候可将液晶的第19、20引脚的背光不接,这样字体会很清楚。-12864 at the factory the contrast has been tuned to the user when in use the third pin can not pick anything, this experiment board so the addition to compatible with more than 12,864 LCD LCD contrast adjustment potentiometer, if the usersupporting the 12864 do not cares, the third pin of the LCD is vacant you can. Some LCD power consumption is relatively large, when in use the backlight of the LCD 19, 20 pins not then, so the font will be very clear.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 张言贵

上个星期,经过朋友的介绍,接了一个小业务,就是为电力汽校写个简单的不能再简单的学员管理系统。其主要功能是学员记录的新建,修改,删除,学员考试上车时间的安排。该软件功能简单,主要使用到了ODBC数据库,Windows 标准控制等等基本的编程元素。非常适合初学者练习和参考,现在把它共享出来给大家,希望能跟大家更多的进行交流! -Last week, after the introduction of a friend, pick up a small business, write a simple no longer a simple student management system is to power steam school. Its main function is a new student record, modify, delete, students exam time arrangement of the car. The software features simple, the main use ODBC databases, Windows standard control basic programming elements. Very suitable for beginners to practice and reference, and share it out to everyone, hope u guys more exchanges!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : chenruibin

FM2010芯片是基于迷你阵列麦克风(SAM)专利技术的,采用空间滤波技术、远/近距离定向拾取声音信号、抑制声学噪声、消除声学回声的低功耗低成本的单芯片。本文将介绍迷你阵列麦克风技术在手持通信产品中的设计要点、FM2010芯片主要功能,及其在GSM手机中的典型应用。 本人提供全套FM2010调试用时的芯片手册,参数调试手册,寄存器手册,及固件程序。-FM2010 chip is based on the mini-array microphone (SAM) patented technology, the use of spatial filtering technique, far/close-directional pick up sound signals, inhibition of acoustic noise, acoustic echo elimination of low-power low-cost single chip. This article will introduce hand-held mini-array microphone technology in the design features of communication products, FM2010 chip main function, and its typical application of GSM mobile phones. I provide a full set of chips when debugging FM2010 manual, parameter commissioning manual, register manuals, and firmware.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : feilong

12、使用TCP的双人或多人聊天程序 13、生成:生成一个由若干个不同频率的正弦波以及均匀分布噪声组成的信号,并显示。(允许用户挑选正弦波个数、设置不同频率、设置幅值、设置信号长度。) 保存:将生成的信号保存到二进制文件中。 打开:打开二进制文件,并显示。 计算:计算并显示功率谱 滤波:可以设置滤波种类及滤波频率,可以选择是否滤波。 只使用两个Graph,分别用于显示信号和功率谱。(若进行滤波,则只显示滤波后信号和功率谱)-12, Double or multiplayer chat program using TCP 13 generation: to generate a signal noise consisting of several different frequency sine wave, and uniform distribution, and display. (Allowing the user to pick a sine wave number, set a different frequency, set the amplitude, set the length of the signal.) Save: Save the generated signal to a binary file. Open: Open a binary file, and display. Calculation: calculates and displays the power spectral filter: filter types and filter frequency can be set, you can choose whether to filter. Uses only two Graph, respectively, for a display signal and the power spectrum. (If the filtering only display the filtered signal and power spectrum)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : Haibin Zhang

通过单片机控制电机模拟电梯自动升降,02./*项目名称:基于51单片机的自动升降电梯简易模型 03./*主控芯片:STC89C52 04./*使用模块:28BYJ_48步进电机、ULN2003驱动模块、无源蜂鸣器、红外发射器、红外接收头、4×4软键盘 05./*平台搭建:废旧泡沫块、硬纸壳 06./*主要功能:装置供电后,通过按下红外遥控器或者软键盘选择楼层所对应的数字,选择升降方式(只上升、只下降、先升再降) 07./* 然后升降电梯(泡沫模拟)停在对应楼层,蜂鸣器发出“叮咚”的声响。共计16层。 08./*引脚说明:步进电机接P1低四位,蜂鸣器IO口接P3^7,红外接收头接P3^2,软键盘接P2口;(MCU 02. / * project name: automatic elevator simplified model based on 51 single chip microcomputer 03. / * master control chip: STC89C52 04. / * use module: 28 byj_48, ULN2003 stepper motor driver module, passive buzzer, infrared transmitter and infrared receiving head, 4 x 4 soft keyboard 05. / * platform: waste foam block, YingZhiKe 06. / * main functions: device after the power supply, infrared remote control or by pressing the soft keyboard choice of the floor number, choose lifting way (only rise, decline, only to rise and fall) 07. / * (bubble simulation) and then lifts stops in the corresponding to the floor, "ding dong" noise from the buzzer.A total of 16 layer. 08. / * pin description: low P1 four step motor, a buzzer IO mouth pick P3 ^ 7, infrared receiver head P3 ^ 2, soft keyboard after P2 mouth;)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : 韩立

系统以R5F100LEA芯片为四旋翼飞行器的主控制器,主要由电机模块、电机驱动模块、姿态传感器模块、飞行高度测量模块、循迹模块、电源模块、电磁铁模块组成。利用CMOS摄像头进行循迹,检测出黑色指示线,使飞行器沿指定飞行路线飞行。利用超声波传感器来检测飞行器与地面的距离,使飞行器定高并可以从等高线间穿过。利用电磁铁来拾取和投放铁片。(The system uses R5F100LEA chip as the main controller of four rotor aircraft, mainly composed of a motor module, motor driver module, sensor module, flight height measurement module, tracking module, power supply module, electromagnet module. For tracking using CMOS camera to detect the black line, the vehicle along the specified flight route flight. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the distance between the aircraft and the ground, so that the aircraft is fixed high and can pass through the contour lines. Use electromagnets to pick up and cast iron sheets.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51.79mb Publisher : 阿萨实习生
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