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营销网格图——从销售到营销 当你的市场需要变革,你却不知道如何下手的时候;当你的营销团队自满于现状,而你需要继续激励你的营销团队的时候;当你准备评估你正在进行的销售方式,期望把握其效果的时候;当你想对你的营销人员个人工作成绩作出评估,以便更准确地培训与考核的时候;当你的产品销售周期很长,而你需要时刻控制其进度检查其效果的时候……销售网格图不仅仅是你营销管理的一个工具,甚至是你营销管理的利器,虽然她的诞生已经有几十年了。-marketing grid map -- from sales to marketing to the market when you need to change, you do not know how the prime time; when your marketing team to be complacent in the present situation, and you need to inspire your team when marketing; When you are ready to assess your ongoing sales, expectations grasp the desired effect; When you think of your individual marketing performance assessment, in order to more accurately training and test time; when your sales cycle is very long, but you need to control the progress of inspections of its effects when ... sales mesh of your marketing is not just a management tool, or even your marketing management tools, Although she has been the birth of several decades.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.88kb Publisher : 曲弯弯

This unofficial Vega Prime FAQ Part 1 ( 1 thru 50) is provided by Gordon Tomlinson, I hope you find the information contained with these FAQ's useful and helpful Vega Prime is MultiGen-Paradigm's new premier software environment for the creation, development and deployment of 3d Real-time Visual and Audio Simulation including : Sensor, Virtual-Reality, Urban, High-Flight, Medium-Flight, Low Level and Ground warfare and general visualization applications (Vega Prime is the replacement to Vega)
Update : 2011-03-14 Size : 49.76kb Publisher : w328809280

英国几乎所有的报纸都刊登数独游戏,甚至进了黄金时间的电视节目,从法国到美国,各家报纸杂志纷纷刊登这种填数游戏,日本人每月购买的数独杂志超过60万份-Almost all the British newspapers published Sudoku game, and even into the prime-time television programs, from France to the United States, have been published in various newspapers and magazines to fill a number of such games, the Japanese Sudoku monthly purchase of more than 600,000 copies of magazines
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 271kb Publisher : 幸运草

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本算法为求解素数的较好代码,目前,较通用的算法时间复杂度通常为O(n*n),本文利用双向链表实现了时间复杂度为O(n)的算法-The algorithm for solving prime number the better the code, at present, a more generic algorithm time complexity is usually O (n* n), using two-way linked list realize the time complexity is O (n) algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 313kb Publisher : 韩秀锋

C# 基础讲解与设计,对初学者非常有用不过是英文的。同时也可以提高大家的英语水平。-C# Basis to explain and design, very useful for beginners is English. At the same time, we can also increase the standard of English.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.2mb Publisher : henry wen

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用Eratosthenes筛选算法,在1000000中求质数,分别用了串行算法,改进的串行算法,并行算法(openmp)实现,比较了执行时间-Eratosthenes screening algorithm used in prime number 1000000 in order to, respectively, with the serial algorithm, the improved serial algorithm, parallel algorithm (openmp) realize, compares the execution time
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 155kb Publisher : dd

vega prime demo 用于对flt实体的组成node进行遍历,同时更新node节点的信息及属性-vega prime demo for the composition of flt entity node to traverse, at the same time to update the information nodes and node attributes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : bobovip

This sample uses geometry representations to create an alternate representation of the esprit model that uses a separate color array and allows the selection of which color array to use at run time. The color tracking is enabled so that our material diffuse colors are overridden by our vertex colors. To do this we ll enable the "All Geometries Lit" and "Use Material Diffuse Color" options in the "Geometry Configuration" tab of the "Objects" LynX Prime panel.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : bobovip

vega prime 中将屏幕中心点的屏幕坐标转化为世界坐标并且将其值实时显示在屏幕左下角-vega prime focal point of the screen will be the screen coordinates into world coordinates and its value in real-time displayed in the lower-left corner of the screen
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.63mb Publisher : 肖琼

简单的加密算法,可逆与不可逆 数据加密: 算法1:(不可逆) 将ASCII表中32~~126中的字符,加密后,显示为128~~255的字符. 128~~255的字符会让人看起来头痛些。。。。。。安全. 当ch[?]的值为偶数时:ch[?]=255-ch[?]的个位*10-ch[?]的十位 当ch[?]的值为奇数时: ch[?]=128+ch[?]的个位*10+ch[?]的十位 当ch[?]的值为质数时:ch[?]=128+ch[?]的个位+ch[?]的十位 算法2:(可逆) 当ch[?]的值能被3整除时:ch[?]-=2,否则ch[?]-=3 -Simple encryption algorithm, reversible and irreversible data encryption: Algorithm 1: (irreversible) would be ASCII table 32 ~ ~ 126 characters, encrypted, shown as 128 ~ ~ 255 characters. 128 ~ ~ 255 characters will be looks more headache. . . . . . Security. When ch [?] Even when the value is: ch [?] = 255-ch [?] For a bit* 10-ch [?] 10 when the ch [?] Value is odd: ch [ ?] = 128+ ch [?] for a bit* 10+ ch [?] 10 when the ch [?] the value of prime time: ch [?] = 128+ ch [?] for a bit+ ch [ ?] of 10 Algorithm 2: (reversible) When ch [?] value can be divisible by 3 pm: ch [?]-= 2, otherwise, ch [?]-= 3
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : lymyoyo

PrimeTime Intro to STA -PrimeTime Intro to STA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.71mb Publisher : xiantongma

使用synopsys design compiler和 prime time进行Asic开发的英文pdf-Advanced.ASIC.Chip.Synthesis.Using.Synopsys.Design.Compiler.Physical.Compiler.And.Primetime
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.89mb Publisher : rocky

这篇论文介绍了一种简单快速的动态流体的解决方案应用于游戏引擎。-In this paper we present a simple and rapid implementation of a fluid dynamics solver for game engines. Our tools can greatly enhance games by providing realistic fluid-like effects such as swirling smoke past a moving character. The potential applications are endless. Our algorithms are based on the physical equations of fluid flow, namely the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations are notoriously hard to solve when strict physical accuracy is of prime importance. Our solvers on the other hand are geared towards visual quality. Our emphasis is on stability and speed, which means that our simulations can be advanced with arbitrary time steps. We also demonstrate that our solvers are easy to code by providing a complete C code implementation in this paper. Our algorithms run in real-time for reasonable grid sizes in both two and three dimensions on standard PC hardware, as demonstrated during the presentation of this paper at the conference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 942kb Publisher : li

firestarter – A Real-Time Fire Simulator Many obstacles exist in attempting to graphically render physical phenomena that are highly fluid and ostensibly chaotic in nature. Fire is a prime example of such phenomena. Given the unrealizable computational complexity of chemical-atomic modeling, this paper explores how to best apply our current understanding of the physical fire model to balance computational stresses for optimal realism. Special emphasis is given specifically to the constraints imposed by real-time rendering, as opposed to production pipeline rendering, introducing firestarter – a real-time fire simulator developed by the author using OpenGL – which features some unique implementations of previously discussed topics.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : hwind

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实现素数的求解方法,利用素数表进行线性时间筛选-Solving the achievement of prime numbers, using prime time table for the linear filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘艺

产生大素数。以时间作为随机数生成的种子,随机生成大素数。-Generate large prime numbers. With time as the random number generator seeds, randomly generated large prime numbers.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : hejun

Synopsys Primetime 培训专用资料,让你快速入门-Synopsys Primetime training materials,that is very good。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 987kb Publisher : 杨振飞

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实现两个四位素数之间的转换,每次变一位数 中间过程都是素数 要几次-Between the two prime numbers to achieve the conversion of four, each time varying the number of intermediate process is a prime number to be several times
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

使用E-PRIME软件实现的屏幕闪烁刺激,可以作为心理学和神经学尤其是视觉刺激的刺激界面,同时拥有打标功能,能够得到精确的闪烁时间和闪烁频率,并确定精确的时间基点。-Using E-PRIME software screen flicker stimulation can serve as a psychological and neurological stimulation of visual stimuli in particular the interface, concurrent marking functions, time to get accurate flash and flicker frequency, and determine the accurate time point.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 131kb Publisher : 张军

appplication deployment matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 78kb Publisher : tommy
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