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[Finance-Stock software systembank_web

Description: 欢迎您使用审批系统!该系统主要面向银行内部人员,但也为客户提供一些信息." 登陆,注册和管理员入口"项目专为银行内部人员设计."客户登陆,注册,贷款须知和预约"项目专为客户设计.客户可通过这些窗口浏览贷款相关信息."客户留言"项目便于客户为我们的服务提出宝贵的建议和意见,欢迎您使用!"实时信息"项目便于您查询需要的信息.理财计算器方便您对存贷款作结算." 资费查询"为您提供银行业务的收费标准,请您监督.-welcome you use approval system. The system is mainly for internal bank staff, but also to provide some information. "Landing, registration and administrators Entrance" project for the bank's internal design. "Customers landing, registration, loan notes and appointments" project designed specifically for customers . customers can browse through the window of these loans related information. "Message" project to facilitate customer service to our valuable suggestions and comments, please use! "Real-time information" project to facilitate your need for information. financial calculator for your convenience deposits and loans for clearing. " Tariff inquiries "to offer you the operations of the bank charges, you supervision.
Platform: | Size: 624640 | Author: 大使馆 | Hits:


Description: 基于Java的软件信息系统-项目管理,实现了项目管理的基本功能-Java-based software information systems-project management, project management to achieve the basic functions
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 谷天一 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingGDI+中的圆角矩形

Description: GDI+是对GDI的一个令人兴奋的扩展,但由于某些原因,它没有提供绘制圆角矩形的函数,虽然我们可以在GDI+中使用GDI中的函数,但这样一来我们没办法在圆角矩形中使用GDI+中的纹理和透明色等新特性。怎么办?GDI+中有一个GraphicsPath 的类,我们可以用它构造各种形状并且可用任何画刷来填充这些形状。本源码中提供了一个可以加到任何工程中的函数,并用它来绘制了一个圆角矩形,矩形的远郊程度可以通过一个滑动条来设置-GDI GDIGDI How? GDI is a GraphicsPath the category, we can use it for all sorts of shapes and structures available to any brush painting to fill these forms. The source provided a project can be added to any of the functions, and use it to draw a rectangular fillet, rectangular extent of the suburbs of the city through a sliding strip to set up
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 王明 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combine语音识别

Description: 老师布置的一个project,里面有题目和源程序,能够识别十个数字。-This is a project given by teacher ,including subject and code .It can recognise ten numbers.
Platform: | Size: 811008 | Author: 郭慧勤 | Hits:

[Game ProgramDx8.1头文件与库

Description: Directx8.1的头文件和库。进行directx编程必备的东西。无密码,解压后可以直接加入工程或#import进去-Directx8.1 the header files and libraries. DirectX programming for essential things. No password can be unpacked or direct entry into the project into the# import
Platform: | Size: 2673664 | Author: | Hits:

[WAP developstantor_xp_access_v1_7

Description: Stantor is a Domotic project. It is a SCADA for the computer interface board K8055 (USB bus), K8000 (I2C bus) , X10 modules and also Webcam. It uses Browser WEB, I-mode and Wap2/Wap1, Apache,mySQL, PHP, javascript. It run with Linux 2.4 or 2.6 and XP
Platform: | Size: 1699840 | Author: 陈新 | Hits:

[Windows Develop200552212529158

Description: 工资管理系统是一个很好的工资管理系统,很适合大学生毕业设计-wage management system.it is very good.especilly ,it can be use to the universtiy students final year project.
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: 王越 | Hits:

[Other Databases酒店管理系统需求分析

Description: 随着旅游业的发展,酒店、餐饮娱乐行业日趋发达,引入全方位的电脑服务和电脑管理日益流行。同时,酒店和餐厅娱乐业引入电脑服务和管理也取得了优良的经济效益和社会效益。为此,国家建设部已于最近作出明确规定:凡星级酒店在项目审批时,其设计方案必须包括电脑管理系统,否则不予立项。可见,酒店管理电脑化势在必行。酒店管理系统将先进的电脑技术与现代酒店服务管理完美地结合起来,实现了住宿、餐饮、娱乐全新概念的服务和管理方式。-With the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment industries increasingly developed, the introduction of comprehensive computer services and computer management is increasingly popular. Meanwhile, hotels and restaurants to introduce computer entertainment services and management has made good economic and social benefits. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction has recently made clear : all-star hotels in the project's approval, its design must include computer management system, otherwise, not creation. Visibility, hotel management computerized inevitable. Hotel management system of advanced computer technology with modern hotel management services to the perfect combination to achieve accommodation, catering, entertainment brand new concept of service and manageme
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: li | Hits:

[Communication-MobileTele Project

Description: 简易手机软件系统,具有话音,短信等基本业务处理功能,用Telelogic Tau SDL and TTCN Suite 4.4完成,含完整开发文档,已编译通过-simple software system for cell phone,including basic function in processing vioce,SMS. Developed by using Tau SDL and TTCN Suite4.4,completed documentation and compiled.
Platform: | Size: 248832 | Author: 包包 | Hits:


Description: 通过高斯消去法,进行矩阵求逆运算,在工程中有很强的实用价值。-through Gaussian elimination method for computing matrix inversion, the project has a strong practical value.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王五 | Hits:


Description: 也是一个基于。net的短信项目,只不过用web service的方式实现了-Is based on. SMS net project, but with the way web service to achieve a
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: 曾诚 | Hits:

[Graph Recognize人工智能OCR文字识别程序

Description: 人工智能OCR文字识别源程序,VB编写的,不得不服,没用使用控件,识别率在90%以上,可直接用于你的项目中,经过我的测试,绝对可以使用.-Character Recognition OCR artificial intelligence source, written in VB, not against, it's useless to use controls, the recognition rate of more than 90%, can be used directly in your project, after the test I definitely can be used.
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 在sourceforge的一个关于RSS的开源项目。 RSS是现在一个很流行的东西,在Blog还有很多地方都得到广泛使用。下面是它的英文介绍。 (RSS Feed aggregator & Blog Tool - Newspaper view, Outlook style 3 pane view, Store feeds in Outlook folder. No Outlook overhead, hang or delay. Blog to Wordpress/.Text/Movabletype/B2. Newsgator import. Auto Update. Post to weblog from Outlook folders.)-in sourceforge RSS on the one open-source project. RSS is now a very popular things in the blog there are many areas are widely used. Below is the English introduced. (RSS Feed aggregator Blog Tool-Newspaper view, Outlook style three pane view, Store feeds in Outlook folder. No Outlook overhead, hang or delay. Blog to Wordpress/.Text/Movabletype/B2. Newsgator import. Auto Update. Post to weblog from Outlook folders.)
Platform: | Size: 1515520 | Author: 李川 | Hits:

[Search EngineThe Search Engine Project

Description: sourceforge的一个开源项目。一个功能强大而且快速的站内搜索引擎,要建大型的多文章系统可以下载来看看。-sourceforge of an open source project. A powerful and fast search engine station to be built in many articles can be downloaded to the system to see.
Platform: | Size: 565248 | Author: 李川 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopUSB项目技术报告

Description: 对usb 的工作原理进行了细致的分析,还分析了usb整个信息的交流过程.-Technological report of USB project. It analysised the operation principle of usb, and analysised the course of data transfer.
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: 刘波 | Hits:

[Program docv0[1].1

Description: The goal with this project was to make it possible for almost any mobile-phone to use ICQ and be able to communicate with other users! One other goal with this project was to lower the GPRS-traffic in the phone and make the ICQ-ing cheaper. A third goal was to make this service as easy to log-in to as possible. Anyone tried to fill a log-in screen with a WAP-browser should know what I mean. With Wapmess all you have to do is to write your login-url ONCE and then bookmark it in your phone, to make it available fast. :)
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: yan | Hits:


Description: 这是一个关于小波应用工程程序的期末作业,里面包括连续小波变换和离散小波变换,适合初学者使用-This is a project on the application of wavelet end of the operating procedures, including inside the continuous wavelet transform and discrete wavelet transform, for beginners
Platform: | Size: 336896 | Author: 赵锐 | Hits:

[Graph programjpeg_src

Description: 是jpeg标准下图象压缩的vhdl实现工程,包括core文件,测试文件,工程文件-image compression vhdl realization project under standard jpeg.core files, test files and project files are included.
Platform: | Size: 1569792 | Author: 石伟 | Hits:

[OtherProject 2002 手册

Description: 这是一本很好的书,有兴趣的人事可以 认真看一下,会有很大收回。-This is a very good book, the staff are interested in a serious look at it, and it would recover.
Platform: | Size: 9564160 | Author: 木子 | Hits:

[Home Personal applicationjspguestbook

Description: 采用jsp+servlet+javabean,jsp负责少量的页面处理,以servlet为主。 结构清晰明了,未对页面做美工处理,因此html和javascript代码很少, 非常适合作为java入门的例程,特别是对servlet部分。 开发调试平台为jbuilder9+tomcat4,在resin下测试通过。 数据库平台为ms sql server,在mysql下测试通过,但要改部分代码 数据库连接池为apache组织下jakarta项目组开发的commons-dbcp 1.0-used jsp servlet javabean, jsp responsible for a small number of pages, mainly to servlet. Structure of clarity, the pages do not deal with artists, html and JavaScript code rarely, very suitable for the entry of java as routines, especially on some servlet. Developing and debugging platform for jbuilder9 tomcat4 the resin under test. Ms database platform for sql server, mysql under the test, but to change some code for the database connection pool apache JAKARTA organized the project team to develop the commons- DBCP 1.0
Platform: | Size: 1304576 | Author: 黎平 | Hits:
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