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Description: 基于完成端口的TCP网络通信框架实现 工程iocp中包含了框架实现的所有代码,工程server和client是对该框架的简单测试 和应用。框架实现了基于消息的TCP网络通信,(避免了TCP的数据“粘连”问题)并进 行了封装,封装后的界面iocpapi.h非常简洁,应用程序代码只需要简单包含 iocpapi.h,就可以实现自己的网络应用.具体例子可以参考server和client代码提供 的两个类分别用于服务器端和客户端(一般来说客户端不用管理大量连接,所以有点 杀鸡用牛刀的味道,不过为了和服务器对应,应该使用该客户端,除非你自己实现 框架的消息格式)-based on the TCP port to complete network communication Framework Project iocp contains the framework for the realization of all generation code, the server and client is the framework of a simple test and application. Framework based on the news of TCP network communication, (to the TCP data "adhesion") and the Packaging, Packaging iocpapi.h the interface is very simple, Applications need only simple code contains iocpapi.h. can realize its own network application. Specific examples can reference server and client code for the 2 categories respectively for a server and the client (the client generally do not have a large number of link management, So it cracking a nut with a sledgehammer to the taste, but for the corresponding server, you should use the client. Unless you are th
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: tanglongsh | Hits:

[WEB Codebookstore_jspt

Description: 网上书店是一个多功能的网上店铺,您可以使用框架建立一个可扩展的系统。它运用数字签名付费表单系统检验信用卡。 特点有: - 用户注册 - 产品投票 - 数字签名付费表单综合化 - 类别 - 购物车 - 成员管理 - 命令管理 - 项目管理 - 类别管理 - 信用卡类型管理-online bookstore is a multi-purpose shop online, you can use the framework for the establishment of a scalable system. Digital signatures use it to pay credit card system on the form. Features include :- User Registration- products- in the form of digital signature to pay integrated-type-Cart- member management-Order Management- project management-type of management-type credit card management
Platform: | Size: 322560 | Author: xiaoguang327 | Hits:


Description: 使用J2EE Struts开发的房地产信息咨询系统,数据使用Sql Server2000 服务器为Tomcat 4.1,包里面有Bean源代码和布置好的工程文件,解压后只要将工程文件拷贝到Tomcat服务器里面的webapps下面即可开启服务器,在浏览器当中输入http://localhost:8080/Building进行浏览-use Struts J2EE development of the real estate information and consulting system. data server using SQL Server 2000 for Tomcat 4.1, Bean packet with a source code layout and good engineering documents, unpacked once the project files are copied to the server inside the Tomcat webapps below services can be opened All in a browser, which imported http://localhost : 8080/Building browsing
Platform: | Size: 1973248 | Author: uruz7 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpracatice_software_project

Description: 一份完整的项目总结报告,包含项目需求,系统功能设计,系统详细设计,数据库设计,处理流程设计,项目进度,开发费用,项目总结等内容。-a complete project summary report, including project requirements, functional design, detailed system design, database design, the management process design, project progress and development costs, project summary, and other content.
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: loafer | Hits:


Description: 这是一个网上卖衣服的网站项目,用jsp+javabean+mssql200开发。-This is an Internet site selling clothes to the project, jsp javabean mssql200 use development.
Platform: | Size: 2217984 | Author: OuIChien | Hits:

[Other systemsANSYSmechanical

Description: ANSYS机械工程应用实例,在工程运用中很具典型代表,实用性很强-ANSYS mechanical engineering application examples, the use of the project is very typical, very practical
Platform: | Size: 3160064 | Author: 张车干 | Hits:


Description: J2ME编的手机助手 文件下载解压缩以后,是一个NetBeans的工程文件,如果有NB的朋友,可以直接打开编辑 源文件在src目录下面,可执行文件在dist目录下 功能如下 1,可以添加账目记录,添加的时候可以分类添加,以及添加备注 2,可以按类型查看账目,也可以按金额查看账目,也可以按备注的关键字查询账目,也可以按日期查询账目,并有统计收支的功能 3,可以添加日记,最多一条笔记可以输入1000字. 4,可以查看日记,可以按日期查找,也可以按笔记内容的关键字查找 5,带密码保护功能,保护您的个人隐私 手机需如下配置: 支持MIDP2.0以及CLDC1.1 JAR文件为76K 用法如下,把jad和jar文件都下载到手机上,然后点击jad文件,这时手机会自动安装程序,安装完以后,就可以使用了.-J2ME addendum to the phone Help File Download decompress, NetBeans is a project document, if NB friends, Editing can be opened directly in the source file src directory, executable file in dist directory are a function, Records of the accounts can be added, add the classification can be added, as well as adding Note 2, you can check the accounts by type, can also check on the amount of the accounts can also Remarks by the keyword inquiries accounts can inquiries accounts by date, and the balance of payments statistics function 3, can be added diary, a notebook can be up to 1000 characters. 4. Diary can view, search by date, by the Notes can also keyword search the contents of five, with password protection function, Protect your personal privacy handset configuration required following : C
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: soee | Hits:


Description: Java项目 新闻管理系统 jsp+struts+hibernate 开发:eclipse+oracle9i+tomcat 高质量代码 导入数据即可用-Java project management information system jsp struts hibernate development : eclipse oracle9i tomcat code into high-quality data will be used
Platform: | Size: 2533376 | Author: 何岩 | Hits:

[WEB CodeTheBeerHouse_SRC_Project

Description: TheBeerHouse Website for ASP.NET 2.0 Sample project for the Wrox Press book "ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming", by Marco Bellinaso You must have Visual Studio 2005, and either the Express Edition of SQL Server 2005, or the one of the full featured editions of SQL Server 2005 loaded on your computer. If you only have SQL Server 2000, then you can download the free Express Edition of SQL Server 2005 - you can NOT use SQL Server 2000 with this project (unless you change a few T-SQL stored procedures at least)-TheBeerHouse ASP.NET 2.0 Website for Samp le project for the Wrox Press book "ASP.NET 2.0 W ebsite Programming " by Marco Bellinaso You must have Visual Studio 2 005. and either the Express Edition of SQL Server 200 5. or the one of the full featured editions of SQL Se rver 2005 loaded on your computer. If you only ha 've SQL Server 2000. then you can download the free Express Edition o f SQL Server 2005-you can NOT use SQL Server 2000 with this project (unless you change a few T-SQL stored procedures at least)
Platform: | Size: 1764352 | Author: lj | Hits:


Description: 本程序是一个在线书店管理系统。采用了模块化的设计思想~ bookstore:MySQL 数据库文件,可以将它复制到MySQL安装目录的data下,即可完成数据库建立。 bookshop.sql:SQL脚本,可以用来建立数据库并初始化数据。 bookshop目录中是JSP页面文件 bokjpx.jpx是JBuilder工程文件,用来编辑bookshop包-this procedure is an online bookstore management systems. Using a modular design concept ~ bookstore : MySQL database files. It can be copied to the MySQL installation directory data, the database can be completed. Bookshop.sql : SQL scripts can be used for creating databases and data initialization. Bookshop directory is JSP pages of documents bokjpx.jpx JBuilder project document for editing packages bookshop
Platform: | Size: 429056 | Author: 李志 | Hits:

[GUI Developwipppppcap

Description: Using the WipCap capture network data packet and the analysis data packet, contains the source code and the project document, the study network data packet capture analysis as well as the WinPcap good procedure -Using the WipCap capture network data pack et analysis and the data packet, contains the source code and the project docume nt. the study data network packet capture analysis as well as the WinPcap good procedure
Platform: | Size: 301056 | Author: Mary | Hits:


Description: FPGA-based_oscilloscope,VHDL写的实现 示波器的程序,及完整的工程描述文档-FPGA-based_oscilloscope. VHDL was oscilloscope to achieve the realization of the process, and complete the project description document
Platform: | Size: 228352 | Author: 严刚 | Hits:

[Com PortNewCSerialPort

Description: 新的串口通信类,用C++开发,可直接加入项目中,好用.-new serial communication category C, can be directly joining the project and ease of use.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: awen | Hits:

[assembly languageADC0832-1602LCD

Description: 这是一个062-AD0832数字电压表1602液晶,适合初学者及工程开发。-This is a 062- AD0832 digital voltmeter 1602 LCD, for beginners and project development.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 少萧风 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programARM_SHTxx

Description: 我写的基于NXP ARM7的SHTx.x 温湿度传感器程序,由其公司所提供的MSC-51Demo程序移植到ARM平台,已成功用于一个比较大的项目中。-I write NXP ARM7 based on the temperature and humidity sensor SHTx.x procedures, which companies provide MSC-51Demo transplanted to ARM platform has been successfully used for a larger project.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 刘国兵 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL

Description: c++ builder 图形图象处理(OpenGL编程) 含有源代码及所有工程文件-c builder graphic image processing (OpenGL Programming) contains all the source code and project documentation
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 邹亮 | Hits:

[WEB CodedigitalShop

Description: 一个.net项目案例,数码商店。出处:《Asp.net+SQLServer动态网站开发实例》-1. Net project case, the digital stores. Source : "Asp.net SQLServer dynamic web site development and examples"
Platform: | Size: 2486272 | Author: 李俊生 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programtnkernel-arm-2-4

Description: TnKernel是一个源码开放的ARM嵌入式实时操作系统,该操作系统在众多ARM芯片中得到广泛应用,官方已经移植了包括LPC、AT91SAM7S、STR7等ARM7芯片,本工程是最新的2.4版本,包含了ADS、Keil、IAR、GCC等众多编译环境,开发人员可以在不同的目录下找到自己熟悉的编译器工程文件,对嵌入式开发人员极具参考价值。-TnKernel is an open-source embedded real-time operating system ARM, The operating system in many ARM chip to be widely applied, the government has been transplanted, including LPC, AT91SAM7S, such as ARM7 STR7 chip, the project is the latest version 2.4, includes ADS, Keil, IAR, and many other GCC compiler environment. Development officers in different directory to find their own familiar with the compiler works documents, Embedded developers of great reference value.
Platform: | Size: 1687552 | Author: temp | Hits:

[Windows DevelopFINAL

Description: 图像拼接!!此为本人的毕业设计源码,能完整远行,希望能对大家起到帮助。强烈鄙视那些为了骗取下载数而上载一些无关紧要代码甚至是编译错误一堆的卑鄙小人-Image mosaic! ! This is my graduation project source code can be a complete separation, I hope everyone can help. Strongly despise those who cheat in order to download and upload some irrelevant code compiler error or even a bunch of despicable villains
Platform: | Size: 4131840 | Author: jin | Hits:


Description: 提供了一个简单的KEIL C51工程模板,包含最基本的函数以及宏定义,简化KEIL C51开发过程。-Provides a simple template KEIL C51 project, including the most basic function and macro definitions, to simplify the development process KEIL C51.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: wqfeng | Hits:
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