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[Technology Management2power2

Description: 在大功率DC/DC开关电源中,为了获得更大的功率,特别是为了得到大电流时,经常采用N个单元并联的方法。多个单元并联具有高可靠性,并能实现电路模块标准化等优点。然而在并联中遇到的主要问题就是电流不均,特别在加重负载时,会引起较为严重的后果。普通的均流方法是采取独立的PWM控制器的各个模块,通过电流采样反馈到PWM控制器的引脚FB或者引脚COMP,即反馈运放的输入或者输出脚来调节输出电压,从而达到均流的目的。显然,电流采样是一个关键问题:用电阻采样,损耗比较大,电流放大后畸变比较大;用电流传感器成本高;用电流互感器采样不是很方便,同时会使电流失真。本文提出了一种新型的、方便的、无损的电流采样方法,并在这种电流检测方法的基础上实现了并联系统的均流。 -in High Power DC/DC switching power supply, in order to gain more power, in particular in order to obtain the current, frequently using N units parallel method. Parallel number of modules with high reliability, and the circuit module can achieve the advantages of standardization. However, in parallel encountered in the current main problem is uneven, particularly in the heavier load, it will cause more serious consequences. The general flow is to have an independent PWM controller modules, Current sampling through feedback to the PWM controller pin FB pin or COMP. that feedback operational amplifier input or output pin to adjust the output voltage, thereby achieving both flow purposes. Clearly, the current sampling is a key question : sampling resistor, loss comparison, the amplifier dis
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: duanshaochun | Hits:


Description: 升压型功率因数修正器操作在不连续电流模式下的大信号分析,新一代单片PFC+PWM控制器,一种新颖的功率因数校正控制技术研究-boost power factor that is not in continuous operation mode under the current large-signal analysis, PFC new generation of single-chip PWM controller, a novel power factor correction control technology
Platform: | Size: 1240064 | Author: 温飞雪 | Hits:


Description: 一种基于KA3525的单片机辅助PWM控制电源电路,设计了一种基于该电流型PWM控制芯片、单片机辅助、实现输出电压可调的稳压电源电路-KA3525-based PWM control of single-chip auxiliary power circuit design based on the current-mode PWM control chip, single-chip support, to achieve an output voltage adjustable regulated power supply circuit
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: GM | Hits:

[Other Embeded programPWM

Description: 加PID控制的PWM波形产生源代码,已经调试通过-Plus PID control PWM waveform generator source code has been debugging through
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 牛杰 | Hits:


Description: 无刷电机控制器的控制电路的单片机程序,更详细说明见程序注释.-Brushless motor controller control circuit Singlechip procedures, see procedures for more detailed description of the Notes.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: xuqiyang126 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpwm

Description: 运用MATLAB的S函数来实现PWM控制器-Use MATLAB functions to achieve S-PWM Controller
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: phoebe | Hits:

[Energy industryPWM

Description: pwm控制器,包括整流个逆变,基于pscad仿真软件-pwm controller, including the rectification of the inverter, based on the simulation software pscad
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 杨一冰 | Hits:


Description: 四路PWM输出控制器,输入频率5OMHz,输出频率调,输入数据实现占空比控制。-Four-way controller PWM output, input frequency 5OMHz, tune output frequency, duty cycle control of the realization of the input data.
Platform: | Size: 238592 | Author: wx | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developpwm

Description: Brushsd motor controller for EV in pic basic pro
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: buddhika | Hits:


Description: 这是STC2052AD单片机内部资源的C51控制代码。包括AD转换器和PWM控制器的源代码。-This is STC2052AD of resources within the C51 MCU control code. Including the AD converter and PWM controller source code.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 居锦武 | Hits:

[Software Engineering02FPGA_FuzzyController

Description: FPGA based PWM controller
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: samy | Hits:


Description: 利用FPGA可编程芯片及Verilog HDL语言实现了对直流电机PwM控制器的设计,对直流电机速度进行控制。介绍了用Verilog HDL语言编程实现直流电机PwM控制器的PwM产生模块、串口通信模块、转向调节模块等功能,该系统无须外接D/A转换器及模拟比较器,结构简单,控制精度高,有广泛的应用前景。同时,控制系统中引入上位机控制功能,可方便对电机进行远程控制。-Using FPGA programmable chip and Verilog HDL language for the design of DC motor PwM controller, DC motor speed control. Introduced with the Verilog HDL language programming controller PwM DC PwM generated module, serial communication module, steering adjustment module and other functions, the system is an external D/A converters and analog comparators, simple structure, high control precision, there a wide range of applications. Meanwhile, the introduction of PC control system control functions can be easily remote control the motor.
Platform: | Size: 4268032 | Author: 杨汉轩 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programpwm

Description: PIC based PWM controller example
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sreejith222 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developpwm_fan_controller_schematic

Description: schematic of pwm fan controller
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: hai | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPWM-Controler

Description: 俺自己做的PWM控制器.CPU STM32f103vbt6 所用键盘4*4 .所用显示器LCD12864-I own the PWM controller. CPU STM32f103vbt6 the 4* 4 keyboard with display LCD12864
Platform: | Size: 1013760 | Author: 王海亮 | Hits:


Description: 这个是一个16F877A的程序,是关于pwm波产生和处理的程序,用pwm波的递增,递减控制相应的控制器-This is a 16F877A program is on the pwm wave generation and handling procedures, with the pwm wave of increasing, decreasing control of the corresponding controller
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 谢师 | Hits:


Description: 8051微型控制器-四通道伺服馬逹控制器, 通過程式的收改, 可以容易學習怎樣控制伺服馬逹及產生PWM信號, -8051 microcontroller- four-channel servo motor controller, the program received through the change, you can easily learn how to control servo motor and generate PWM signals
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: mingck | Hits:


Description: 基于FPGA的直流电机PWM控制器设计,利用FPGA芯片设计了直流电机PWM控制器-DC motor PWM controller design based on FPGA
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: | Hits:


Description: PWM controller with LCD display. With the possibility of changing the frequency and pulse width.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Martin Serbezov | Hits:


Description: 利用Verilog语言设计一个PWM控制器,实现:控制器输入时钟1MHz;控制器输出脉冲周期1kHz,脉宽最小调节步长0.1%。(The Verilog language is used to design a PWM controller, which is realized: the controller input clock 1MHz; the controller output pulse cycle 1kHz, and the pulse width minimum adjustment step 0.1%.)
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: jcg17 | Hits:
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