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[Special EffectsECG

Description: 此代码用于ECG波形的QRS检测,采用常见的可实时检测波形的算法。-This code for the ECG waveform of QRS detection, the use of commonly available real-time detection algorithm waveform.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 晶晶 | Hits:


Description: 做ECG的可以看一下,一个自适应实时变门限的QRS波形检测算法,根据国外一篇经典的文献编写的,有一定实用价值-ECG can be done to look at a real-time variable adaptive threshold QRS wave detection algorithm, according to a foreign classic literature written in a certain practical value
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: aswan | Hits:


Description: 本文提出了一种简单而有效的算法,可实现单信道数字心电图记录数据QRS波群的高速(约32倍的实时速度)检测。-A simple and efficient algorithm has been developed to detect QRS complexes at high speed (approximately 32x real time speed) from the single channel digitized ECG data records.
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: 牛莉 | Hits:


Description: 在本文中,我们提出了一种新算法,利用重建相图的特征和迟豫坐标去实现QRS波群的实时检测。-In this article, we propose a new algorithm using the characteristics of reconstructed phase portraits by delaycoordinate mapping utilizing lag rotundity for a real-time detection of QRS complexes in ECG signals.
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: 牛莉 | Hits:


Description: 一个模拟的心电信号的matlab程序,其中一共包含了一个主程序和6个小程序,小程序分别是q波,s波,u波,p波,t波以及QRS波的模拟,运行的时候直接运行主程序complete.m 文件即可,运行良好,可以出波形-A simulated ECG of the matlab program, which includes a total of six small main program and procedures, the procedures are small q-wave, s-wave, u-wave, p-wave, t-wave and QRS wave simulation, run time complete.m documents directly to the main program to run, run well, can be a waveform
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhengp | Hits:


Description: 该代码首先对ECG信号进行消噪过滤,并且对信号进行平方,加窗等处理,最后用于对QRS波形的检测,压缩文件内同时包含了2个心电数据信号,可直接用于测试-The code first ECG signal de-noising filter, and the square of the signal, such as window handle, and finally used for the detection of QRS waveform, at the same time compressed file contains two ECG data signals can be directly used to test
Platform: | Size: 694272 | Author: zhengp | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developqrs

Description: 通过串行口,提示用户输入倒计时时间(0~999秒); 时间设定完成后提示用户选择控制方式:“倒计时开”还是“倒计时关”; 若用户选择 “倒计时关”,继电器立即吸合,并倒计时直到时间为0时关断继电器; 若用户选择“倒计时开”,继电器暂不吸合,等倒计时时间为0时再吸合继电器; 倒计时时间通过串口送上位机(每秒更新一次); 倒计时结束时蜂鸣器鸣响2秒作为提示; -Through the serial port, prompts the user to enter the countdown time (0 ~ 999 seconds) time is set up prompts the user to select control mode: " Countdown to open" or " Countdown off" if the user selects " Countdown off" , relays immediately suck together, and the countdown until the time is 0:00 off relay if the user selects " countdown to open" relay temporarily Pick-up, and so the countdown time is 0:00 and then pull-in relay countdown time, sent through the serial port bit machine ( updated once per second) countdown to the end of two seconds when the buzzer sounded as a reminder
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 王静 | Hits:


Description: 基于emd分解的QRS复合波检测器,输入为ecg信号,输出为各QRS波的出现时刻-An EMD based qrs complex detector, input is row ecg data while output is the presence time of each detected QRS wave
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: DC | Hits:


Description: 一个基于fpga的简单的实时心电检测系统,包括与pc通讯和qrs检测两部分-A simple fpga-based real-time ECG detection system, including communication with the pc and qrs detection of two parts
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: DC | Hits:


Description: 哲学家就餐问题的实现:五个哲学家任务(ph1、ph2、ph3、ph4、ph5)主要有两种过程:思考(即睡眠一段时间)和就餐。每个哲学家任务在就餐前必须申请并获得一左一右两支筷子,就餐完毕后释放这两支筷子。五个哲学家围成一圈,每两人之间有一支筷子。一共有五支筷子,在该实验中用了五个互斥信号量来代表。-Implementation of the dining philosophers problem: five philosophers task (ph1, ph2, ph3, ph4, ph5) There are two main processes: thinking (that is, sleep for some time), and dining. Each task in the dining philosophers must apply for and obtain either side before the two chopsticks, eating after the release of the two chopsticks. A circle of five philosophers, each with a chopstick between the two. A total of five chopsticks, used in the experiment, five to represent the mutex.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zbs | Hits:


Description: ECG wave generator Algorithm is based in part on the journal article: Ruha, Antti and Seppo Nissila, "A Real-Time Microprocessor QRS Detector System with a 1-ms Timing Accuracy for the Measurement of Ambulatory HRV", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Vol. 44, No. 3, 1997 The artificial ECG signal they describe is based on the recommendations in the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) "Standard for Cardiac Monitors, Heart Rate Meters and Alarms (draft), Aug. 1981-ECG wave generator Algorithm is based in part on the journal article: Ruha, Antti and Seppo Nissila, "A Real-Time Microprocessor QRS Detector System with a 1-ms Timing Accuracy for the Measurement of Ambulatory HRV", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Vol. 44, No. 3, 1997 The artificial ECG signal they describe is based on the recommendations in the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) "Standard for Cardiac Monitors, Heart Rate Meters and Alarms (draft), Aug. 1981
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: raida | Hits:


Description: 心电信号QRS复波实时检测代码及界面,使用QRS复波检测算法检测QRS复波-Code and interface, real-time detection of ECG QRS complex wave QRS complex wave detection algorithm to detect QRS complex wave
Platform: | Size: 3612672 | Author: hubiying | Hits:


Description: Android Java 通过蓝牙接受数据,画出无线心电图 -ECG analysis software, including a QRS detector algorithm. The algorithm here, designed to detect the QRS complexes in the electrocardiogram using by Pan J and Tompkins WJ. A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: matlab实现串口通信,心电信号实时显示,QRS波提取-matlab serial communications, real-time display ECG, QRS wave extraction
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: yanbuding | Hits:

[File FormatNew-folder-(2)

Description: qrs detection give it a time axis filter ECG plot data resample the signal in the Frequency domain at n times the original sampling frequency upsample rate -qrs detection give it a time axis filter ECG plot data resample the signal in the Frequency domain at n times the original sampling frequency upsample rate
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: vakily | Hits:


Description: 以软件为主的方法实现QRS波的检测滤波之后的信号一般经过一些 变换以提高QRS波的份量,进而采用一系列阈值进行判别,这些阈值有固定 阈值法,也有可变阈值法。前者由于可能的干扰或高P、高T波的存在,若 其滤波后超过其阈值便会产生假阳性(FP,falsepositive)结果;另外,当心 律失常或QRS波幅度变小,阈值设置过高,会导致漏检产生假阴性(FN, falsenegative)结果。由于固定阈值的这些缺点,有研究者提出了用可变阈 值检测,以提高检测的精确率,所采用的可变阈值包括幅度阈值、斜率阈值 和时间间隔阈值等。-Give priority to with software method for detecting QRS wave signal after some commonly after filtering Amount of transformation in order to improve the QRS wave, then using a series of threshold to distinguish, the threshold value is fixed Threshold value method and variable threshold value method. The former due to the possible interference or the existence of the high P and T waves, if More than the threshold value is created after the filtering false positives (FP, falsepositive results In addition, be careful Law of disorder or QRS wave amplitude decreases, threshold is set too high, can lead to leak to produce false negatives (FN, Falsenegative) results. Due to these disadvantages of fixed threshold, some researchers have proposed using variable threshold Value detection, in order to improve the precision of detection rate, adopted by the variable threshold including amplitude threshold, the slope threshold And the time interval threshold, etc.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 钟能枝 | Hits:


Description: 因工作调试需要而用vs2010开发的串口通讯程序,可以当通用串口调试助手使用,也可以与下位机通过自定义协议通讯,并把下位机数据实时绘制出来。此外还包含心电图QRS波形分析功能。-Due to work with vs2010 debugger needs to develop serial communication program, you can use when universal serial debugging assistant, but also with the next crew via custom protocol communication, and the next crew plotted data in real time. Also included electrocardiogram QRS waveform analysis.
Platform: | Size: 673792 | Author: 刘志军 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCalculate-ECG-Parameters-through-Labview

Description: This paper gives an insight to labview software tools which helps in analysis of ECG signals. The raw ECG data are taken MIT-BIH Arrhythmia . Study of ECG signal includes filtering & preprocessing which removes the baseline wandering and noise due to breathing through wavelet transform technique. ECG features extraction VI will use for extracting various features viz P onset, P offset, QRS onset , QRS offset, T onset, T offset, R , P & T wave, with which we can calculate various parameters like Heart rate, QRS amplitude and their time duration.-This paper gives an insight to labview software tools which helps in analysis of ECG signals. The raw ECG data are taken MIT-BIH Arrhythmia . Study of ECG signal includes filtering & preprocessing which removes the baseline wandering and noise due to breathing through wavelet transform technique. ECG features extraction VI will use for extracting various features viz P onset, P offset, QRS onset , QRS offset, T onset, T offset, R , P & T wave, with which we can calculate various parameters like Heart rate, QRS amplitude and their time duration.
Platform: | Size: 388096 | Author: aykut | Hits:


Description: 基于差分法的QRS波检测算法程序(PAN.J, TOMPKINS. W.J: A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm 对应的matlab程序)。-QRS detection algorithm program based difference method (PAN.J, TOMPKINS WJ:. " A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm" corresponding matlab program).
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: liliwang | Hits:

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