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Description: This is a computer vision project implemented in matlab to remove radial distortion from the image This is a computer vision project implemented in matlab to remove radial distortion from the image
Platform: | Size: 239616 | Author: Tanzir | Hits:

[Special EffectsImageCalibration

Description: 一种简单而精确的径向畸变标定方法 通过标准栅格,对摄像机拍摄的畸变图像进行空间位置校正,主要校正对机器时期视觉影像很大的径向畸变。-Through the standard grid, the distortion of the camera image space location of correction, the major correction during the visual images on the machine a lot of radial distortion.
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 陈云峰 | Hits:


Description: 一篇关于摄像头鱼眼矫正的论文,分析的不错,很有应用价值。-Many different types of cameras have been used in com- puter vision. Existing calibration and self-calibration pro- cedures are often taylor-made for specific camera models, mostly for pinhole cameras (possibly including radial or de- centering distortion), fisheyes, specific types of catadioptric cameras etc.
Platform: | Size: 770048 | Author: li | Hits:


Description: 鱼眼校正用matlab编写,可以得到矫正后的图片-Radial distortion
Platform: | Size: 2523136 | Author: xueyun | Hits:

[Special Effectscorrection-method

Description: 该文通过对光学成像系统中非线性畸变的分析,提出了一个数字校正方法。 该方法利用与光轴对称的径向畸变数学模型求出光学镜头的校正系数,对畸变图 像进行校正。对校正方法的程序实现进行讨论,给出了对实际畸变图像进行校正 的实验结果-This article through to the distortion of the nonlinear optical imaging system are analyzed and a digital correction method. This method USES and axis symmetric radial distortion mathematical model of the optical lens distortion coefficient of calibration As for correction. The program for correction methods are discussed, and a practical distortion image The results of the experiment
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: 肥猪流 | Hits:

[2D Graphic1

Description: 精确校正图像的径向畸变和倾斜失真,用于二维图像的规格化。-Accurate calibration of radial distortion and tilt the image distortion, for the two-dimensional image of standardization.
Platform: | Size: 283648 | Author: sq | Hits:

[Software EngineeringThe.Detail.Analysis.and.Improvement.of.Calibration

Description: 以计算机视觉和视觉检测中的摄像机标定过程作为研究的对象,分析了开源计算机视觉函数库OpenCV中的摄像机模型,使用张正友基于平面模板的方法进行标定,过程中充分考虑了透镜径向畸变和切向畸变因素的影响。文章给出了标定的详细步骤,并对具体函数做了算法上的分析,同时从参数非线性回归分析的角度提出了优化的途径和措施。该算法充分发挥了OpenCV函数库的功能,提高了标定精度和计算效率,具有良好的跨平台移植性,可以满足视觉检测或其它计算机视觉系统的需要。-To computer vision and visual inspection of the camera calibration process as the object of study,analysis of the camera model in the open source computer vision library OpenCV,making used of Zhang Zhengyou planar template-based approach to calibration,the process takes full account of the radial lens distortion and tangential distortion factors.Article give the detailed steps of the calibration of the specific function of the algorithm to do the analysis,the parameters simultaneously from the perspective o...
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: 豆豆 | Hits:


Description: 针对基于计算机视觉技术的空间方位测量系统研制过程中摄像机标定问题,分析了通用摄像机模型,深入讨论了镜头的径向畸变和切向畸变对标定精度的影响以及相应的解决办法-Based on computer vision technology for spatial orientation measurement system during calibration, analyzing the general camera model, in-depth discussion of the lens radial distortion and tangential distortion of the calibration accuracy and the corresponding solutions
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: sunqian | Hits:


Description: Function for camera calibration with 1 radial distortion factor using the method presented in Trucco.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sully2001 | Hits:

[Special Effects7

Description: 本文提出一种基于核方法的下视等分辨率景象匹配算法. 通过模拟电荷吸引模型, 提出了计算不等维高维数据相似度的SNN 核函数. 将图像中的特征点映射到径向基向量(Radial basis vector, RBV) 空间, 利用SNN 核函数计算两个特征点集的相似度及过渡矩阵. 利用置换测试模块来增强SNN 核的稳定性, 以确保输出解的可靠性. 实验证明, 基于SNN 核的景象匹配算法对图象畸变、噪声干扰与信号缺失具有很强的鲁棒性, 并可保证高精度与高实时性. -This paper presents a method based on kernel resolution of the next scene, as the other matching algorithms. Attracted by charge simulation model for computing the data ranging from high-dimensional similarity dimension SNN kernel function. The image feature points mapped to the radial basis vector (Radial basis vector, RBV) space, calculated using SNN kernel similarity of two feature point sets and the transition matrix. permutation test module to enhance the stability of the nuclear SNN to ensure the reliability of the output solution. Experiments show that SNN-based scene matching algorithm kernel image distortion, noise and signal loss are highly robust, and can ensure high precision and high real time.
Platform: | Size: 677888 | Author: wenping | Hits:


Description: 包含角点提取功能能够进行摄像机标定及图像修正的matlab程序,考虑径向畸变,薄透镜畸变。-Corner detection features include camera calibration and image can be modified matlab program, consider the radial distortion, thin lens distortion.
Platform: | Size: 233472 | Author: 张维达 | Hits:

[OpenGL programradialdistortion

Description: A simple radial distortion application. Written using OpenGL.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: erdprg | Hits:


Description: 本文介绍了基于单幅图像的鱼眼镜头径向畸变校正-This article describes the single image based on the fish-eye lens radial distortion correction
Platform: | Size: 356352 | Author: 夏天 | Hits:


Description: IMCORR corrects image coordinates, which are contaminated by radial and tangential distortion-IMCORR corrects image coordinates, which are contaminated by radial and tangential distortion
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 段祝庚 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringglobally-camera

Description: :遥操作中采用全局摄像机对机器人进行定位时存在图像畸变带来的误差,针对这一 问题提出了一种图像畸变校正方法,该方法采用径向基神经网络(RBFNN)进行畸变校 正,从而获得机器人在实际空间中的坐标位置。实验表明,该方法简单有效,适用于广角镜 头带来的图像畸变校正,可以满足利用定位坐标进行路径规划的要求。-: Image distortion error when using the the global camera on the robot locate teleoperation proposed an image distortion correction method to solve this problem, the method using radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) distortion correction to obtain The coordinate position of the robot in real space. The experiments show that the method is simple and effective, applicable to a wide-angle lens to bring the image distortion correction, meet the requirements of positioning coordinates for path planning.
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: caowenming8 | Hits:


Description: A simple radial distortion application. Written using OpenGL.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: ichsur | Hits:

[Special EffectssRDSIFT_02.tar

Description: 图像匹配程序,当图像发生径向畸变时,如何勋章稳健的特征点呢你?-Image matching procedure, as the image of radial distortion occurs, how to medal of the steady feature points you?
Platform: | Size: 969728 | Author: 曹德才 | Hits:

[Special EffectsAutomaticRadialDistortion

Description: 这是对鱼眼图像的径向畸变进行自动校正的代码。-This is a fish-eye image of the radial distortion automatic correction code.
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: wangxiao | Hits:

[Special Effectsjibian

Description: 摄像机标定中图像径向畸变的处理matlab源码-Camera calibration with radial distortion of the image processing matlab source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lxz | Hits:


Description: 基于opencv的相机标定是利用张正友相机标定法,利用规则的标定板,对其进行不同角度的拍摄,获得10 20张有效的像片,然后自动标定出相机的内方位元素以及畸变差,包括径向畸变和切向畸变。本程序实测能运行。前提要配置好opencv。- 基于opencv的相机标定是利用张正友相机标定法,利用规则的标定板,对其进行不同角度的拍摄,获得10 20张有效的像片,然后自动标定出相机的内方位元素以及畸变差,包括径向畸变和切向畸变。本程序实测能运行。前提要配置好opencv。 Opencv based camera calibration using Zhang Zhengyou camera calibration method using the calibration board rules, shoot them different angles, to obtain a valid photo 10- 20 sheets, and then automatically calibrate the interior orientation of the camera and lens distortion, including radial distortion and tangential distortion. This program can be found to run. Prerequisites To configure opencv.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ww | Hits:
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