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unit ReadMem interface uses TLHelp32,Windows function GetMems(PID:longword baseaddress:string= len:integer=0):string //获取指定进程中的~内存数据 implementation function UpperCase(const S: string): string var Ch:Char L:Integer Source,Dest: PChar begin L := Length(S) SetLength(Result, L) Source := Pointer(S) Dest := Pointer(Result) while L <> 0 do begin Ch := Source^ if (Ch >= a ) and (Ch <= z ) then Dec(Ch, 32) Dest^ := Ch Inc(Source) Inc(Dest) Dec(L) end end -unit ReadMem interface uses TLHelp32. Windows function GetMems (PID : longword baseaddress : string = len : integer = 0) : string / / designated access to the process of memory data implementation FUNCT ion UpperCase (const S : string) : string var Ch : Char L : Integer Source, Dest : PChar begin L : = Length (S) SetLength (Result, L) Source : = Pointer (S) Dest : = Pointer (Result) while L
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.84kb Publisher : cl

unit ReadMem interface uses TLHelp32,Windows function GetMems(PID:longword baseaddress:string= len:integer=0):string //获取指定进程中的~内存数据 implementation function UpperCase(const S: string): string var Ch:Char L:Integer Source,Dest: PChar begin L := Length(S) SetLength(Result, L) Source := Pointer(S) Dest := Pointer(Result) while L <> 0 do begin Ch := Source^ if (Ch >= a ) and (Ch <= z ) then Dec(Ch, 32) Dest^ := Ch Inc(Source) Inc(Dest) Dec(L) end end -unit ReadMem interface uses TLHelp32. Windows function GetMems (PID : longword baseaddress : string = len : integer = 0) : string// designated access to the process of memory data implementation FUNCT ion UpperCase (const S : string) : string var Ch : Char L : Integer Source, Dest : PChar begin L : = Length (S) SetLength (Result, L) Source : = Pointer (S) Dest : = Pointer (Result) while L
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : cl

这是一款游戏内存遍历工具,发出来给大家一起分享一下-This is a game of memory traversal tools, sent to give everyone together to share!!!!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 杨记航

一款内存遍历工具源码。可偏移三级基址。 外挂制作不可少的工具。-A memory traversal tool for source code. Can be offset 3 base address. Plug-produced essential tool.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 莫晓辉

通过共享内存实现 数据共享的功能,可以在多个程序间传递数据,很简单-Through the shared memory data transfer functions. Simple
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : HmilyStone

Do I HAVE to backannotate to use these models? No but, to ensure correct results, you must pass the correct values to the models s generics. This can be done by editing the model s instantiations in your netlist. SDF backannotation may be easier. What is the format for writing my own ".mem" memory files? The exact format varies from one memory to another based on memory organization, primarily word width and address width. However, the basics are constant and consistant with the Verilog readmem function: Lines begining with "/" are comments Lines begining with "@" jump to a new address to load the next word Words are loaded into sequential locations unless a new address is provided.-Do I HAVE to backannotate to use these models? No but, to ensure correct results, you must pass the correct values to the models s generics. This can be done by editing the model s instantiations in your netlist. SDF backannotation may be easier. What is the format for writing my own ".mem" memory files? The exact format varies from one memory to another based on memory organization, primarily word width and address width. However, the basics are constant and consistant with the Verilog readmem function: Lines begining with "/" are comments Lines begining with "@" jump to a new address to load the next word Words are loaded into sequential locations unless a new address is provided.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : Boris

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从日置Hioki 8860系列记录仪生成的.MEM文件和.FFT文件中读取数据。-Read data from .MEM or .FFT file genetated by Hioki 8860 serial data recorder.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 张群飞

Delphi 内存遍历工具(ReadMem)源代码,,感觉的确挺好用的,让大家一起共享。 -Delphi memory traversal tool (ReadMem) source code, it really felt very good use, so that everyone shared.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher :

导入bmp的使用方法,怎么把bmp格式导入到modelsim中-Use of import bmp, bmp format into how the modelsim in
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张笑冬

内存遍历delphi源码,用于外挂寻找基地址。-Memory traversal delphi source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : zmxlc

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读取memory0xE0000-0xFFFFF的内容并比较特定字符-Read memory0xE0000-0xFFFFF and compare the contents of a particular character
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.04mb Publisher : 张炳会
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