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一个远程监控系统,可以监控被观察电脑状态-A remote monitoring system that can be observed to monitor the status of computer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 231kb Publisher : 王说

一个很好的远程视频录像监控系统的成功方案,发上来以供大家参考,文章里面列出了原理图,以及每个关键的步骤!-A very good remote video monitoring system of the success of the program, a table for your reference, the article which lists the schematics, as well as the steps for each key!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 261kb Publisher : 关植天

本系统可以实现远程屏幕监控,是用WinSock技术编写的,是网络编程者的很好的学习资料-This system can realize the remote screen monitoring, is prepared to use WinSock technology is a good network programming from the learning materials
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 154kb Publisher : liuxu

DL : 0
java编写的远程监控系统,实现了局域网监控,防止上机时间或工作时间游戏,聊天。-write java remote monitoring system, the LAN monitoring, prevention of computer time or work time games, chat.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 78kb Publisher : houxiaomeng

作为远程监控系统的一个具体应用,设计了一种基于Zigbee 技术的彩信远程监控系统。本系统包括监控网关和智能终端两部分。监控网关由Zigbee 模块、S3C44B0X ARM控制器系统和GSM/GPRS模块组成;智能终端由Zigbee 模块、图像处理模块和报警传感器模块组成。当有报警信号时,用户可以通过手机收到报警现场实时图片,也可以发送短信索取监控环境的图片信息。-the Remote Monitoring System of the MMS based on the Zigbee technology is developed through the analysis and research of the status of the intelligent monitoring home system and the features of the Zigbee technology, which is a specific application of the remote monitoring system. The system includes two parts: monitoring gateway and intelligent terminal. The monitoring gateway is composed by the Zigbee module、S3C44B0X ARM MCU system and GSM/GPRS module;the intelligent terminal is composed by the Zigbee module、Image Processing module and Alarm sensor module. When a warning signal is occurring, men can receive the scene picture in real-time through the short messages sent from mobile phone, users can also receive the scene picture in real-time by the developed system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 49.93mb Publisher : czcyh

作为远程监控系统的一个具体应用,设计了一种基于Zigbee 技术的彩信远程监控系统。本系统包括监控网关和智能终端两部分。监控网关由Zigbee 模块、S3C44B0X ARM控制器系统和GSM/GPRS模块组成;智能终端由Zigbee 模块、图像处理模块和报警传感器模块组成。当有报警信号时,用户可以通过手机收到报警现场实时图片,也可以发送短信索取监控环境的图片信息。-the Remote Monitoring System of the MMS based on the Zigbee technology is developed through the analysis and research of the status of the intelligent monitoring home system and the features of the Zigbee technology, which is a specific application of the remote monitoring system. The system includes two parts: monitoring gateway and intelligent terminal. The monitoring gateway is composed by the Zigbee module、S3C44B0X ARM MCU system and GSM/GPRS module;the intelligent terminal is composed by the Zigbee module、Image Processing module and Alarm sensor module. When a warning signal is occurring, men can receive the scene picture in real-time through the short messages sent from mobile phone, users can also receive the scene picture in real-time by the developed system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.46mb Publisher : czcyh

一片关于基于FPGA的远程图像与温度采集监控系统论文-One on the FPGA-based remote monitoring system image and temperature acquisition papers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 187kb Publisher : hxl

远程分布式温湿度实时监测系统设计Distributed real-time remote monitoring system for temperature and humidity-Distributed real-time remote monitoring system for temperature and humidity
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 445kb Publisher : heart112

基于GPRS的光发射机远程监控系统的实现GPRS-based remote monitoring system of the optical transmitter implementation-GPRS-based remote monitoring system of the optical transmitter implementation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 336kb Publisher : bala1234

DL : 0
一种新型多通道远程监控数据采集系统A new multi-channel remote monitoring data acquisition system-A new multi-channel remote monitoring data acquisition system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 464kb Publisher : kw2000

远程监控系统VC++源码远程桌面控制是控制远程计算机的网络通信程序,该程序可让您同时访问不同的远程计算机,无论何时何地,但是 ,因为NAT,PPPoE,DHCP ,和VPN,或一些最新的技术的陆续出现,使该程序功能越来越受到重视。 当然,远程控制软件是一把双刃剑,有优点就会有缺点,它存在比较严重的安全隐患。一方面给用户和网络管理员工作带了很大的方便,另一方面也给一些居心不良者留下后门。形成很多木马程序。这就需要对软件在设计方面做一些安全考虑。 -Remote Monitoring System for VC++ source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.04mb Publisher : 李才

本文构建了基于 ARM 和 Linux 的远程监控系统,不仅实现了对远程空间的视频监视、远程终端开关设备的控制和语音报警等功能-Constructed a remote monitoring system based on ARM and Linux, remote space, video surveillance, control and voice alarm and other functions of the remote terminal switch device
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.51mb Publisher : 沈燕妮

基于51单片机实现远程监控系统参考程序,个人感觉很好,要想实现远程监控系统的同学可以-Remote monitoring system based on 51 single-chip reference program, individuals feel good, students can look at in order to achieve the remote monitoring system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher : liu

基于ARM11的轮船远程监控系统,通过3G网络传输,包括音视频传输,GPS信号获取和ARM11的485控制-ARM11 ship-based remote monitoring system, through the 3G network transmission, including audio and video transmission, GPS signal access and ARM11 485 control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : 杨勉

用visual basic实现的短信实现远程监测系统,对初学者有帮助,已编译通过-SMS Remote Monitoring System
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 310kb Publisher : lauffer

基于Web的远程实时监控系统中的应用研究-Web-based remote monitoring system of applied research
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : ehco

基于GPRS远程监控系统设计ARM7解决方案-GPRS-based remote monitoring system design ARM7 solution
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 308kb Publisher : terry

基于LabVIEW的远程测控系统视频采集的设计与实现-Remote monitoring system based on LabVIEW Design and Implementation of Video Capture
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 441kb Publisher : 刘萌萌

新能源汽车远程监控系统具有实时监控车辆的电池信息,电机控制器信息,整车信息车辆运行状态信息、故障信息、电池信息等的显示、查询和存储功能,用户能够实时掌握电动车辆的运行情况,使人、车、路三者紧密协调,为车辆的运营、维护提供快速的安全保障。 系统由两部分组成,一是车载信息终端;二是云端信息服务平台。通过车载信息终端和云端信息服务平台实现对电动车辆的远程监控、故障诊断和信息服务。用户可通过浏览器登陆远程综合信息服务平台,对电动车辆进行管理,同时可获取相应的服务信息。 平台介绍地址 -The remote monitoring system of new energy vehicle with real-time monitoring of vehicle battery information, motor controller information, vehicle information of vehicle running status information, fault information, battery information display, query and storage function, the user can run real-time grasping of an electric vehicle, make people, car, road three in close coordination, provide security fast in order to maintain vehicle operation. The system is composed of two parts, one is the vehicle information terminal two is the cloud information service platform. Through the implementation of the electric vehicle remote monitoring, fault diagnosis and information service vehicle information terminal and information in the cloud service platform. The user can login remote integrated information service platform through the browser, for the management of electric vehicles, and can obtain the corresponding service information. Platform is introduced. Http://
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.07mb Publisher : 刘欣

电池远程监控系统,用于监控和管理电动汽车动力电池-battery remote monitoring system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 92kb Publisher : 潘瑞
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