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rgb转换为XYZ色彩空间,使用matlab实现-rgb converted to XYZ color space, using Matlab to achieve
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : jiajia

此代码实现不同图像颜色制式之间的相互转换,如XYZ<->RGB, 不同标准的RGB<->RGB 以及RGB<->YCbCr之间的转换,包内含有matlab仿真代码m文件、VHDL代码.v文件以及modelsim仿真的testbench文件,相信对大家有一定的帮助
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 332.12kb Publisher : 王弋妹

DL : 1
这个Matlab程序用于颜色空间的转换。可以在RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH)等颜色空间中任意转换。.rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 96.28kb Publisher : 李远

用matlab实现图像彩色空间RGB,LUV,XYZ,LAB之间的转换-Image RGB color space, LUV, XYZ, the conversion between the LAB
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.37kb Publisher : 张新树

数字图像处理中关于色彩空间变换的实现,色彩空间包括:YUV,YCbCr,Iab,RGB,XYZ等等。-Digital Image Processing for color space conversion in the color space include : YUV, YCbCr, Iab, RGB, XYZ and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 249kb Publisher : 王青海

用matlab实现图像彩色空间RGB,LUV,XYZ,LAB之间的转换-Image RGB color space, LUV, XYZ, the conversion between the LAB
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher :

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rgb转换为XYZ色彩空间,使用matlab实现-rgb converted to XYZ color space, using Matlab to achieve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : jiajia

此代码实现不同图像颜色制式之间的相互转换,如XYZ<->RGB, 不同标准的RGB<->RGB 以及RGB<->YCbCr之间的转换,包内含有matlab仿真代码m文件、VHDL代码.v文件以及modelsim仿真的testbench文件,相信对大家有一定的帮助-This code different image color conversion between formats, such as XYZ <-> RGB, different standards of RGB <-> RGB and RGB <-> YCbCr conversion between packet contains code m file matlab simulation, VHDL code . v documents and ModelSim Simulation Testbench documentation, I believe everyone will certainly help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 332kb Publisher : 王弋妹

颜色空间的转换,xyz.rgb,lab,luv-Color space conversion, xyz.rgb, lab, luv
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : GUOXIN

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这个Matlab程序用于颜色空间的转换。可以在RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH)等颜色空间中任意转换。.rar-The Matlab program used for color space conversion. In RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH) such as color space conversion arbitrary. . rar
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : 李远

该程序首先把rgb图像转化为XYZ空间,然后在XYZ空间进行一些阈值找到黄色的底色车牌,这是从国外的车牌识别程序,但不明白那些阈值为什么要那么设,用的是什么原理? 还有一个疑问就是,这个程序对于输入的车牌有时候找到的是车牌的底,有时候是车牌的数字。一个是黄色,一个是白色。真不知道怎么找的。-The program first rgb image into XYZ space, and then in the XYZ space to some threshold to find a yellow background plates, this is from a foreign license plate recognition program, but those who do not understand why the threshold then set up, using the What is the principle? There is also a doubt is that this procedure for the importation of the license plate is sometimes found at the end of license plates, and sometimes the number of plates. One is yellow, one is white. Really do not know how to find.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 93kb Publisher : shayu

Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = dest<-src , or alternatively, S = src->dest . Supported color spaces are RGB R G B Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected) YPbPr Luma (ITU-R BT.601) + Chroma YCbCr / YCC Luma + Chroma ("digitized" version of Y PbPr) YUV NTSC PAL Y UV Luma + Chroma YIQ NTSC Y IQ Luma + Chroma YDbDr SECAM Y DbDr Luma + Chroma JPEGYCbCr JPEG-Y CbCr Luma + Chroma HSV / HSB Hue Saturation Value/Brightness HSL / HLS / HSI Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity XYZ CIE XYZ Lab CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) Luv CIE L*u*v* (CIELUV) Lch CIE L*ch (CIELCH)-Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE (S, A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = ' dest <-src' , or alternatively, S = ' src-> dest' . Supported color spaces are ' RGB' R' G' B ' Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected)' YPbPr ' Luma (ITU-R BT.601 )+ Chroma ' YCbCr' /' YCC' Luma+ Chroma ( " digitized" version of Y' PbPr) ' YUV' NTSC PAL Y' UV Luma+ Chroma ' YIQ' NTSC Y' IQ Luma+ Chroma ' YDbDr' SECAM Y ' DbDr Luma+ Chroma ' JPEGYCbCr' JPEG-Y' CbCr Luma+ Chroma ' HSV' /' HSB' Hue Saturation Value/Brightness' HSL ' /' HLS ' /' HSI ' Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity' XYZ ' CIE XYZ' Lab ' CIE L* a* b* (CIELAB)' Luv ' CIE L* u* v* (CIELUV)' Lch ' CIE L* ch (CIE
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 张灯结

RGB,YCbCr,HSV,HSL,CIE等颜色空间转换 这个Matlab程序用于颜色空间的转换。可以在RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH)等颜色空间中任意转换。-B = colorspace( dest<-src , A) converts image A from color space src to color space dest . Example: B = colorspace( HSV<-RGB ,A) Convert image A from RGB to HSV C = colorspace( YCbCr<-HSV ,B) Convert HSV to YCbCr D = colorspace( RGB<-YCbCr ,C) Convert YCbCr back to RGB
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李佳航

颜色空间转换,RGB YPbPr YCbCr / YCC YUV YIQ YDbDr JPEGYCbCr HSV / HSB HSL / HLS / HSI XYZ Lab Luv Lch 等色彩制式之间的装换,matlab-Color space conversion, RGB YPbPr YCbCr/YCC YUV YIQ YDbDr JPEGYCbCr HSV/HSB HSL/HLS/HSI XYZ Lab Luv Lch equipment such as color change between formats, matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : hello

用于颜色空间的转换。可以在RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH)等颜色空间中任意转换。 -The Matlab program used for color space conversion. In RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH) any other color space conversion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 142kb Publisher : Matthew

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this a matlab file for converting XYZ colorspace to RGB color space.-this is a matlab file for converting XYZ colorspace to RGB color space.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : farinaz ka

利用matlab编写函数实现RGB到XYZ空间的转换并利用这个函数对给定的图像进行处理,仿真手机屏上显示标准图片。在图像处理过程中考虑Gamma特性。-Matlab write the function RGB to XYZ space conversion and use of this function on a given image processing, simulation on the cell phone screen displays the standard picture. Gamma characteristic is considered in the image processing procedure.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 898kb Publisher : 攀龙

matlab写的 处理图片白平衡的三种方法 第一种,选取图片中最亮的点作为white 第二种,手动选取任一点作为white 第三种,求RGB的平均作为white 其中包含了rgb xyz等空间转换代码,有CAT02, 和VK chromatic adaptation transforms 适合颜色科学相关专业-1. the brightest object in the imge is just white. 2. select a white object from the image 3. assume the average color data of the image is just a medium gray, get the white from this. others: the color space transform, RGB to XYZ, the chromatic adaptation transform code: cat02, VK. A 2nd level of color science.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 312kb Publisher : mcm

用matlab实现色彩空间转换,先计算RGB空间的GAMMA值然后进行RGB空间到XYZ的转换(Color space conversion transform rgb into xyz)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.15mb Publisher : pansey
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