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基于ti c55x序列dsp的YUV转RGB的算法实现-ti c55x sequence based on the dsp YUV to RGB Algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.28kb Publisher : 陈大山

提供大家颜色转换VC++源代码。RGB to HSV & HSV to RGB The Hue/Saturation/Value model was created by A. R. Smith in 1978. It is based on such intuitive color characteristics as tint, shade and tone (or family, purety and intensity). The coordinate system is cylindrical, and the colors are defined inside a hexcone. The hue value H runs from 0 to 360º . The saturation S is the degree of strength or purity and is from 0 to 1. Purity is how much white is added to the color, so S=1 makes the purest color (no white). Brightness V also ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is the black. There is no transformation matrix for RGB/HSV conversion, but the algorithm follows: -provide all the color conversion VC source. RGB to HSV
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 957byte Publisher : 大海

基于OpenGL与Windows的交互式三维图形技术以及程序设计。结合配套软件─—交互式三维图形软件开发工具Intra3D 2.0: (1)3D C++ 类库与COM对象库系统设计; (2)3D 交互算法与数据结构设计; (3)3D 图形用户界面设计; (4)使用Visual C++ 和Intra3D 2.0 C++ 类库编写交互式3D 应用程序; (5)使用Visual Basic和Intra3D 2.0 COM类库编写交互式3D 应用程序。 Intra3D 2.0是免费软件,可用于快速开发PC平台的交互式三维图形应用软件,其7万行核心程序全部公开。Intra3D系列版本曾获首届中国大学生电脑大赛软件展示一等奖。 -OpenGL-based and Windows interactive 3D graphics technology, and program design. Combination packages--interactive 3D graphics software development tools intra3D 2.0 : (1) 3D C class library and COM library system design; (2) 3D interactive algorithm and data structure design; (3) 3D graphical user interface design; (4 ) use Visual C and 2.0 C Class intra3D prepared interactive 3D applications; (5) The use of Visual Basic 2.0 and COM library intra3D prepared interactive 3D applications. Intra3D 2.0 is free software that can be used to quickly develop PC platform interactive 3D graphics software application, its 70,000's core public all procedures. Intra3D series won the first version of the Chinese University Computer software display contest won.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.25mb Publisher : 胡锦涛

基于ti c55x序列dsp的YUV转RGB的算法实现-ti c55x sequence based on the dsp YUV to RGB Algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : 陈大山

求取彩色图象的HSV直方图,用于彩色图象的颜色特征提取.该算法基于OpenCV.-strike HSV color image histogram, Color image for the color feature extraction. The algorithm is based on OpenCV.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : guolijun

提供大家颜色转换VC++源代码。RGB to HSV & HSV to RGB The Hue/Saturation/Value model was created by A. R. Smith in 1978. It is based on such intuitive color characteristics as tint, shade and tone (or family, purety and intensity). The coordinate system is cylindrical, and the colors are defined inside a hexcone. The hue value H runs from 0 to 360º . The saturation S is the degree of strength or purity and is from 0 to 1. Purity is how much white is added to the color, so S=1 makes the purest color (no white). Brightness V also ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is the black. There is no transformation matrix for RGB/HSV conversion, but the algorithm follows: -provide all the color conversion VC source. RGB to HSV
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 大海

灰度图象便于图像处理,本程序是根据RGB图像创建一幅灰度图像的算法源码-Gray-scale image to facilitate image processing, the procedure is based on RGB images to create a gray image of the algorithm source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : 张博

介绍了视觉颜色空间及其在交互式图像分割中的作用, 实验分析了它的奇异性, 在此基础上, 考虑像素的 空间和色彩分布, 提出了基于区域生长法的多颜色空间、 多度量准则的聚类算法和零碎区域的合并算法, 颜色空间选取HSL 和RGB 两种, 相似性度量包括了种子点、 扩张点和生长区域三个方面, 并用于敦煌壁画图像的分割.-Introduce the visual color space and its application in interactive image segmentation of the role, experimental analysis of its singularity, on this basis, taking into pixel space and color distribution, based on region growing multi-color space, multi-metric criteria clustering algorithm and fragmented region merging algorithm, select the HSL color space and RGB are two similarity measure, including the seed point, the expansion point and the three aspects of regional growth, and for image segmentation in Dunhuang murals.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 340kb Publisher : singro jiang

基于小波变换和K-Mean算法的崇明东滩遥感图像分类,读取样本的能量特征向量进行分类,并返回分类图像的RGB图,显示各类地物面积比例-Based on wavelet transform and the K-Mean Algorithm for remote sensing image classification Chongming Dongtan, the energy to read a sample feature vectors for classification, and return to the RGB image classification showing the proportion of various types of area features
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 李琛

本程序是基于RGB的皮肤提取算法 用MATLAB实现-This procedure is based on RGB' s skin extraction algorithm using MATLAB to achieve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李莉莉

The following implementation steps have been made for the devised algorithm, which is based on 2D-wavelet. 1. Reading an image of either gray scale or RGB image. 2. Converting the image into grayscale if the image is RGB. 3. Decomposition of images using wavelets for the level N. 4. Selecting and assigning a wavelet for compression. 5. Generating threshold coefficients using Birge-Massart strategy. 6. Performing the image compression using wavelets. 7. Computing and displaying the results such as compressed image, retained energy and Zero coefficients. 8. Decompression the image based on the wavelet decomposition structure. 9. Plotting the reconstructed image. 10. Computing and displaying the size of original image, compressed image and decompressed image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : fer

文章介绍了YUV向RGB颜色空间转换的硬件电路实现算法.在高基乘法算法基础上,建立了参数化高基乘法算法模型,并给出了Verilog HDL描述 小数乘法的整数乘法近似和近似误差给予了详细的讨论.采用乘法单元复用的设计结果将在两个时钟周期内完成YUV向RGB的颜色空间转换.-This paper introduces the YUV to RGB color space conversion hardware algorithm. Matrix multiplication algorithm in high-was established based on a parametric model of the high base multiplication algorithm, and gives the Verilog HDL description decimal multiplication and integer multiplication approximation error of approximation give a detailed discussion. using multiplication unit design reuse results will be completed in two clock cycles YUV to RGB color space conversion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.81mb Publisher : jjj

本程序首先把图像由RGB空间转到HSI空间,然后利用彩色图像分割策略以及meanshift算法对图像进行分割最后加入边界合成。其中‘keyprogram.m’文件为主程序,‘meanshift.m’文件为调用函数,实现数据的聚类分割。-The program first the image from the RGB space to HSI space and then using color image segmentation strategy and meanshift image segmentation algorithm synthesis of the last to join the border. Which ' keyprogram.m' file-based program, ' meanshift.m' file to call the function, data clustering segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 158kb Publisher : 刘常云

这是一个基于图模型的图像分割算法,实现了RGB图形图像的分割功能,分割的效果不错,运行速度也很快。-This is a graph based image segmentation algorithm, realize the RGB image segmentation, segmentation effect is good, the running speed is very fast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher : 王文彬

基于颜色的图像特征提取算法,将RGB转换为HSV-Color-based image feature extraction algorithm, the RGB to HSV
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.43mb Publisher : fengjinlei

基于FPGA的图像压缩算法程序,自己写的,可以参考一下-FPGA-based image compression algorithm, write your own, you can refer to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : YF

基于DNA编码和混沌系统相结合的图像加密算法-Chaotic systems based on DNA coding and image encryption algorithm combining
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 714kb Publisher : 刘丽

在VC6.0平台下,实现了基于MFC的24位彩色bmp位图的图像色彩空间变换(RGB->HIS、HIS->RGB)的算法程序,以及彩色图像灰度化的算法实现。-VC6.0 platform, MFC-based 24-bit color bmp bitmap image color space transform (RGB-> HIS, HIS-> RGB) algorithm program, grayscale and color images of the algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 64kb Publisher : 李若

基于RGB-H-CbCr新颜色空间的肤色检测算法-Detection algorithm based on skin color RGB-H-CbCr new color space
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 640kb Publisher : 赵建立

图像分割是图像处理的重要步骤, 由于彩色图像含有的信息比灰度图像还多, 因而对彩色图像分割的研 究越来越受到人们的关注. 提出一种新的基于RGB 空间颜色相似性的彩色图像分割方法. 首先比较各种颜色模 型的优势与不足, 然后根据RGB 颜色空间的颜色信息和亮度信息提出一种计算在RGB 空间下颜色相似性的方 法, 再结合提出的图像颜色分量计算方法, 从而形成颜色分类地图, 最后根据颜色分类图进行像素划分, 得到分 割结果. 实验在Matlab 平台上进行, 结果表明: 对于颜色分明的图像, 该算法准确性高, 有较好的健壮性和较低 的计算复杂度, 能很好应用在图像前景与背景分割应用上.-Image segmentation is an important step in image processing, since the information contained in the color image more than the grayscale image, so the color image segmentation more and more people' s attention. A novel based on the RGB color space color similarity image segmentation. first comparative advantages and disadvantages of various color models, and propose a method to calculate the color similarity in the RGB color space based on information and brightness information RGB color space, combined with the proposed image color component calculation method, thereby forming a color-coded map of the last pixel is divided according to the color classification map, segmentation results obtained in experiments on Matlab platform, the results show that: for distinct color image, high accuracy of the algorithm has better robustness and low computational complexity, can be well applied in image segmentation foreground and background applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 480kb Publisher : naipab
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