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通讯协议转换型RS485与RS232转换器的设计-communication protocol conversion type RS485 and RS232 converter design
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 170kb Publisher : 郑卓

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单片机RS232/RS485串行发送实验(双机通讯)。 实验步骤: (1),准备两台598K实验机,确定1号机为发送,2号机为接收; (2),当作RS232接口实验时,1号机和2号机的P3.0和P3.1交叉相连,且两机共地; (3),当作RS485接口实验时,1号机和2号机的A、B作对应连接,同时1,2号机的R/TEN接P1.0, P3.0接R0, P3.1接DI。 (4),先运行2号机,键入[27]-->[EV]使2号机处于接收状态P。,后运行1号机[26]-->[EV]使1号机处于发送状态,P。会闪烁,在1号机键盘上按动数字键,在2号机的数码管上应显示对应的数字键值。-Send Singlechip RS232/RS485 serial experiment (two-plane communications). Experimental steps: (1), prepare two sets of experiments 598K machine, determined on the 1st machine to send, on the 2nd machine to receive (2), as a RS232 interface experiment, on the 1st and the 2nd machine and P3.0 P3.1 cross-linked, and the two planes were to (3), as a RS485 interface experiment, on the 1st and the 2nd machine A, B for the corresponding connection, while 1,2 No. of R/TEN then P1 .0, P3.0 access R0, P3.1 then DI. (4), first run on the 2nd machine, type [27]
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李凯

这是几年前我写的,自动识别RS485和RS232接线极性、自动检测波特率、自动匹配协议的云台控制软件,只是当时我还没用C写-This is a few years ago I wrote, and automatic identification RS485 and RS232 wiring polarity, automatically detects the baud rate, auto-matching agreement Yuntai control software, but I did not then use C to write
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : 钱雄

串口通讯编程实例,支持RS232-RS485通讯协议.-Serial Communication programming examples in support of RS232-RS485 communication protocol.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45kb Publisher : roselu

目前较为常用的串口有9针串口(DB9)和25针串口(DB25),通信距离较近时(<12m),可以用电缆线直接连接标准RS232端口(RS422,RS485较远),若距离较远,需附加调制解调器(MODEM)。最为简单且常用的是三线制接法,即地、接收数据和发送数据三脚相连,本文只涉及到最为基本的接法,且直接用RS232相连-At present, the more commonly used 9-pin serial port serial port (DB9) and 25-pin serial port (DB25), when the communication distance of more recent (<12m), can be directly connected to standard power cable RS232 port (RS422, RS485 away), If the distance required to attach a modem (MODEM). The most simple and commonly used is a three-wire connection, that is, the receive data and send data three-connected, this article only relates to the most basic access method, and directly connected to RS232
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : videowencn

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仿真标准串口,用于升级原串口外围设备,或者通过USB 增加额外串口。 ● 计算机端Windows 操作系统下的串口应用程序完全兼容,无需修改。 ● 硬件全双工串口,内置收发缓冲区,支持通讯波特率50bps~2Mbps。 ● 支持5、6、7 或者8 个数据位,支持奇校验、偶校验、空白、标志以及无校验。 ● 支持串口发送使能、串口接收就绪等传输速率控制信号和MODEM 联络信号。 异步串口/RS232/RS485/RS422 转换并口打印机为USB 打印机 EPP 并口和MEM 并口 常用的2 线和4 线同步串口 DD+ 计算机 或者 其它 USB 主机 CH341 转接芯片 CH341 中文手册(一) 2 ● 通过外加电平转换器件,提供RS232、RS485、RS422 等接口。 ● 支持以标准的串口通讯方式间接地访问CH341 外挂的串行EEPROM 存储器。-err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 618kb Publisher : 张哲

目前在工业控制领域,单片机系统主要通过RS232、RS485和CAN总线协议通信,它们无法直接与互联网连接,因此该系统处于与互联网隔绝的状态。这些系统广泛采用低成本8位单片机,而这种单片机一般只具有RS232异步串行通信接口,要接入到互联网必须进行通信接口改造,这种改造不仅是接口的物理改造,更关键是数据格式的改造和通信协议的转换。本文提出一种RS232串行通信接口与RJ45以太网接口转换器的设计方案,已有的单片机系统可以通过该转换器接入到以太网,进一步接入互联网。-Currently in the field of industrial control, single-chip microcomputer system mainly through RS232, RS485 and CAN bus protocol communications, they can not be directly connected to the Internet, so the system is in a state of isolation and the Internet. These systems are widely used in low-cost 8-bit MCU, which generally has a single-chip RS232 asynchronous serial communication interface, to access to the Internet must be communication interface transformation, such transformation is not only the physical interface transformation, more crucial is the transformation of data format and communication protocol conversion. In this paper, a RS232 serial communication interface with RJ45 Ethernet interface converter design, the existing single-chip microcomputer system via the access to Ethernet converter, and further access to the Internet.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 郑宏超

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atmega32 和RS485的通讯,已经在电路板上测试通过,RS232相对简单一点,RS485需要对控制收发信号处理一下,并且需要RS232转RS485工具来验证收发是否正确-atmega32 and RS485 communication, has been tested in the circuit board, RS232 relatively simple point, RS485 transceiver control signals need to deal with you, and will need RS232 to RS485 transceiver tools to verify the correctness of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : nicai

DIY多功能转换器(已调试通过)。 本原理图可以实现USB/RS232、USB/RS422、USB/RS485接口转换功能。只需安装USB驱动程序即可实现USB转串口的功能,简单方便。另外只需对电路图稍作改动即可实现RS232/RS422或RS232/RS485转换功能。 心动了吗?不如赶快行动,拥有属于自己的五合一的接口转换器吧!-DIY Multi-function Converter (has debug through). The schematic diagram can be achieved USB/RS232, USB/RS422, USB/RS485 interface conversion. Simply install the USB driver can achieve the function of USB to serial, easy and convenient. Also just to make a minor amendment to the circuit can be realized RS232/RS422 or RS232/RS485 conversion. Echocardiography it? Action as soon as possible, with their own-one interface converter吧!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 164kb Publisher : laochao

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用VERILOG语言写的RS485通信程序,经调试可以直接使用-Verilog language used to write the RS485 communication program, the debugger can be used directly
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 638kb Publisher : 李俭

帖个RS485转RS232与PC通信的程序大家讨论一下一个怪现象程序运行环境: 下位机:dsPIC30F6014A 上位机:串口调试助手 RS485芯片:MAX489-With a RS485 to RS232 with the PC communications program we discuss the procedure is a strange phenomenon operating environment: The next bit machine: dsPIC30F6014A Host: Serial RS485 chip debugging assistant: MAX489
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lixin

广州周立功公司的SP485R的文档;RS485是为了弥补rs232的缺陷而设计的一种通信协议-Guangzhou week' s SP485R Ligong documents RS485 to rs232 to make up for deficiencies in the design of a communication protocol
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 371kb Publisher : sp485sR中文说明书

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工程名称:串口+485发送程序 控 制 器: ATmega16 晶 振: 8.0000Mhz 创建时间:2009年2月18日 说 明:CPU通过串口接RS485发送数据,终端PC机通过 RS485转RS232转换器接入PC机,使用串口调试 助手发送数据并接收数据。 端口配置: CPU RS485 RXD RO TXD DI PD6 DE,/RE-Project Name: serial port+485 sending program controller: ATmega16 Crystal: 8.0000Mhz Created: February 18, 2009 Description: CPU to send data through the RS485 serial port access, terminal PC, transferred via RS485 Converter RS232 access to PC machine, use the serial port debug helper to send data and receive data. Port configuration: CPU RS485 RXD RO TXD DI PD6 DE,/RE
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : liujianhu

本程序是一个AVR单片机通信小程序(其他单片机只要修改一下初始化即可),解压后用ICC软件打开项目即可编译,用到了RS232和RS485两种通信方式,两个串口,RS485走的9位数据位。很小的一个系统程序,只有三个C文件和一个H头文件。很适合在校学生和刚开始接触实际设计的新人。-This program is a small communication program AVR microcontroller (other microcontroller initialization as long as you can change it), with the ICC after decompression software to open the project can be compiled, use the RS232 and RS485 two kinds of means of communication, two serial ports, RS485 to go 9-bit data bits. A very small system program, only the three C files and an H header files. Very suitable for school students and the beginning of the actual design of the new contacts.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : rocky

pic18f4520使用uart做rs232或rs485與電腦pc做連線資料傳輸 內容簡單 從IC腳位設定到啟動UART功能與接收中斷和傳送資料-pic18f4520 use uart do rs232 or rs485 to do to connect with computer pc data transfer is simple and from the IC pin set to start the UART interrupt function and to receive and transmit data
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : vincent

基于2812实现rs485和rs232的串口通信源程序,欢迎下载-Based on 2812 to achieve the serial communication rs485 and rs232 source code, please download
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 69kb Publisher : phan02

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The Document Gives the basic idea about RS485 communication with the PC. It shows basic hardware arrangement of Rs-232 to 485 converter
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 573kb Publisher : Chetan Shah

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485H接口转换器是RS232至RS485转换器,可将发送数据TD和接收数据RD转换成差分半双工RS485信号,使RS232信号传输距离大大加长,是远距离点到多点通信的最佳选择。本转换器无需外接电源,自用串口转换电源;亦无需RTS信号控发,保证软件的广泛适应性-485H interface converter RS232 to RS485 converter is, can send data and receive data RD TD into a half-duplex RS485 differential signal to RS232 signal transmission distance significantly longer, is the best choice for long-range multipoint communication. The switch eliminates need for external power supply, power supply for personal use serial conversion also do not need to send RTS signal is controlled to ensure that a wide range of adaptive software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 131kb Publisher : 刘晓生

母板通过FR232R芯片及其外围电路实现USB接口转UART(TTL电平)接口,并提供自定义的双列插针扩展接口;功能子板则分为RS232接口和TTL接口两种,并可根据需要设计RS485/RS422/CAN总线接口。-Motherboard chip by FR232R USB interface and its peripheral circuit switch UART (TTL level) interface, and provide a custom double-row pin expansion interface function is divided into sub-board RS232 interface and TTL interface to two, and according to need to design RS485/RS422/CAN bus interface.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : 伍俊

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采用MFC编写的,RS485转RS232串口的上下位机通信,驱动VDL变频电机-Written using MFC, RS485 to RS232 serial subordinate unit communication, VDL variable frequency motor drive
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23.08mb Publisher : 郭雨
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