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RSA MD5加解密算法,用c++实现,核心部分是c的代码,完全跨平台-RSA encryption and decryption algorithms, used to achieve c, c is the core part of the code, completely cross-platform
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 101.04kb Publisher : 张晓博

本软件代码所有权属于Scaton Software Co.,你可以任意使用该代码,但不得以商业形式整体或整模块使用本代码。 scaton, 2006.2.16 CipherOne 加密钻石锁软件代码模块介绍: Zlib---zip压缩静态库代码,GNU代码 Rsaref---Rsa密钥处理及各算法代码库,RSA Lab拥有版权,Scaton Software增加了AES和IDEA算法代码 RsaKern---本软件加密、解密处理核心模块,Scaton Software拥有版权 CipShext---资源管理器扩展模块(右键菜单支持),Scaton Software拥有版权 CipherOne---加密、解密主界面程序,Scaton Software拥有版权 BCGCBPro---界面增强库,BCGSoft拥有版权 TLCtrl---树型组合列表控件代码,Tiger X原创,Scaton Software整理、排错,并添加排序功能等。 -ownership of the software code is Scaton Software Co.. , you can use the arbitrary code, but not on a commercial basis in whole or in the use of the entire module code. Scaton, 2006.2.16 CipherOne Diamond encryption locks on software code modules : Zlib --- zip code static libraries, GNU code Rsaref --- Rsa key processing algorithm and the code base, RSA Lab copyright owner. Scaton Software increased AES algorithm and IDEA -- the code RsaKern software encryption, decryption processing core module, Software copyright owner Scaton CipShext --- Resource Manager extension (right keys menu support), Scaton Software copyright owner CipherOne --- encryption, the main interface decryption procedures, Software copyright owner Scaton BCGCBPro --- enhanced interface library copyright TLCtrl BCGSoft -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.21mb Publisher : wuyadong

This a core library for whom need to integrate the crypto function(DES/3DES/RSA) Iinto their codes. Very useful
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 52.04kb Publisher : Tiger Chen

RSA MD5加解密算法,用c++实现,核心部分是c的代码,完全跨平台-RSA encryption and decryption algorithms, used to achieve c, c is the core part of the code, completely cross-platform
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 101kb Publisher : 张晓博

本软件代码所有权属于Scaton Software Co.,你可以任意使用该代码,但不得以商业形式整体或整模块使用本代码。 scaton, 2006.2.16 CipherOne 加密钻石锁软件代码模块介绍: Zlib---zip压缩静态库代码,GNU代码 Rsaref---Rsa密钥处理及各算法代码库,RSA Lab拥有版权,Scaton Software增加了AES和IDEA算法代码 RsaKern---本软件加密、解密处理核心模块,Scaton Software拥有版权 CipShext---资源管理器扩展模块(右键菜单支持),Scaton Software拥有版权 CipherOne---加密、解密主界面程序,Scaton Software拥有版权 BCGCBPro---界面增强库,BCGSoft拥有版权 TLCtrl---树型组合列表控件代码,Tiger X原创,Scaton Software整理、排错,并添加排序功能等。 -ownership of the software code is Scaton Software Co.. , you can use the arbitrary code, but not on a commercial basis in whole or in the use of the entire module code. Scaton, 2006.2.16 CipherOne Diamond encryption locks on software code modules : Zlib--- zip code static libraries, GNU code Rsaref--- Rsa key processing algorithm and the code base, RSA Lab copyright owner. Scaton Software increased AES algorithm and IDEA-- the code RsaKern software encryption, decryption processing core module, Software copyright owner Scaton CipShext--- Resource Manager extension (right keys menu support), Scaton Software copyright owner CipherOne--- encryption, the main interface decryption procedures, Software copyright owner Scaton BCGCBPro--- enhanced interface library copyright TLCtrl BCGSoft-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.21mb Publisher :

This a core library for whom need to integrate the crypto function(DES/3DES/RSA) Iinto their codes. Very useful -This a core library for whom need to integrate the crypto function (DES/3DES/RSA) Iinto their codes. Very useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 122kb Publisher : Tiger Chen

DL : 0
RC4加密算法是大名鼎鼎的RSA三人组中的头号人物Ron Rivest在1987年设计的密钥长度可变的流加密算法簇。之所以称其为簇,是由于其核心部分的S-box长度可为任意,但一般为256字节。该算法的速度可以达到DES加密的10倍左右。-RC4 encryption algorithm is RSA famous trio of top figures Ron Rivest in 1987, the design of variable length key encryption algorithm flow clusters. The reason for the cluster it is due to the core part of the S-box length can be arbitrary, but is generally 256 bytes. The speed of the algorithm is DES encryption can be achieved about 10 times.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wzd

RSA核心运算使用的乘模算法就是 M(A*B)。虽然M(A*B)并不是乘模所需要的真正结果,但只要在幂模算法中进行相应的修改,就可以调用这个乘模算法进行计算了。本软件起初未使用Montgomery 乘模算法时,加密速度比使用Montgomery乘模算法慢,但速度相差不到一个数量级。 将上述乘模算法结合前面叙述的幂模算法,构成标准Montgomery幂模算法,即本软件所使用的流程 -RSA computation used by the core modulus algorithm is M (A* B). Although the M (A* B) is not required by the real-mode, but as long as the power modulus algorithm in the corresponding changes, you can call this by the calculated modulus algorithm. This software was initially not used by Montgomery modulus algorithm, the encryption faster than the use of Montgomery modulus algorithm by slow, but the speed was less than an order of magnitude. Modulus algorithm by the above described combination of the previous power-modulus algorithm, which constitute the standard Montgomery idempotent modulus algorithm, that is, the software used in flow
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 拉萨

分析RSA算法的应用现状,论证文件加密应用RSA算法的可行性和意义。设计一套完整实用的RSA文件加密解决方案,具体编码实现。对RSA算法进行研究,从常规RSA算法出发,用C++实现RSA加密算法类库,并在32位windows平台封装成组件。在.Net平台引用此组件,实现可以对任意文件进行RSA加密操作的窗体应用程序。经过加密的文件以及密钥文件都是文本文件。给出关键类类图、整个应用程序的结构描述文档、关键模块流程图、较详细的接口文档、所有源代码。对应用程序进行测试,对测试结果进行分析研究,进而对应用程序进行改进,对关键算法进行尽可能的优化,最终得到一个在windows运行的可以用指定密钥对任意文件进行RSA加密并可解密的完整应用程序,和一些相关的可移植组件。-Do research about the application area of RSA encryption and reason that RSA can be used for file encryption. Design a RSA file-encrypt solution and complete an application on Microsoft Windows™ . Design a C++ class based on normal RSA algorithm. And make a DLL module based on the class. Then complete a .Net Framework™ window-application using that DLL. The application can encrypt any file and decrypt them. The file after encryption can be saved as a text file. And the encryption-keys also can be saved as text.Provide pivotal classes chart, project description, core algorithm flowchart, all source code, and module interfaces document. Do application performance test and record the performance data. Analyze the result then optimize core algorithm and improve the application. Finally, create a practical application using RSA algorithm that can encrypt and decrypt any file. And several modules in the project can be reuse by other applications. For instance, the C++ class can be
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1020kb Publisher : 张波

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基于AES和RSA加密算法的RFID安全机制 考虑到对国内应用最广泛的Mifarel系列标签的安全手t一级, 在建立以 MFRC500为读卡核心的RFID读卡系统的基础上,提出了一种基于非 对称加密与对称加密算法相结合的RFID安全机制。利用一1卜对称力11密算法对对称 加密算法的密钥的二次加密,做到只有特定的读写器才能拥有读写卡的权利。该 安全机制跳过RFID在开放环境中传输所面临的各种威胁,通过利少月安全性和稳 定性久经考验的公开安全加密算法对存入智能卡信息的重加密,解决了RFID所 面临的安全和隐私泄露问题 -Taking into account the most widely used domestic Mifarel series of labels t a safe hand, In the establishment of MFRC500 as the reader, RFID reader system, the core was proposed based on a based on non- Symmetric encryption and symmetric encryption algorithm is a combination of RFID security mechanism. The use of a one-Bu symmetry edge 11 close to the symmetric algorithm The key encryption algorithm for re-keying, so that only certain card reader in order to have the right to read and write. The Skip RFID security mechanisms to transfer in an open environment faced by a variety of threats, through the pros on the security and stability Qualitative time-tested public security encryption algorithm into the smart card information, re-encryption, solved by RFID Faced with the problem of security and privacy leaks
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.01mb Publisher : wupiao

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RC4-简介 RC4加密算法是大名鼎鼎的RSA三人组中的头号人物Ron Rivest在1987年设计的密钥长度可变的流加密算法簇。之所以称其为簇,是由于其核心部分的S-box长度可为任意,但一般为256字节。该算法的速度可以达到DES加密的10倍左右。 -RC4 RC4-profile RSA encryption algorithm is the famous trio of top man Ron Rivest in 1987, the design flow of variable length key encryption algorithm clusters. It is called a cluster, is due to the core part of the S-box can be any length, but generally 256 bytes. The speed of the algorithm can achieve about 10 times DES encryption.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 舟自横

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hai it explain how rsa core
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : kannan

512位的rsa算法的yhdl实现,含说明文档-An open-source 512 bit RSA core in order to help small projects which need RSA ciphering.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 235kb Publisher : Rain

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对需要加密的地方进行RSA加密以及解密 RSA核心功能通过JAVA程序实现 可以对单一单元格加密解密 可以对选择范围内加密解密 可以整列加密解密(RSA encryption and decryption for places that need to be encrypted The RSA core functionality is implemented by the JAVA program Encryption and decryption of a single cell can be decrypted Encryption and decryption can be used within the selection range Whole column encryption decryption)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : lmlforever
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