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在VC中调用matlab图像处理工具箱来进行canny边缘提取。有运行代码-in VC Calling Matlab Image Processing Toolbox for canny edge extraction. Have to run code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 190kb Publisher : 薛风光

spea2的源码,用C语言编写,在Visual c++6.0中运行-spea2 source code, using C language, in the Visual c++ 6.0 run
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : gdhsth

nnToolKit 神经网络工具包是基于 MATLAB 神经网络工具箱自行开发的一组神经网络算法函数库,其中的函数在MATLAB环境下均可独立运行,并可打包成DLL组件,这些组件作为独立的COM对象,可以直接被Visual Basic、Visual C++ 、C++ Builder或其它支持COM的高级语言所引用。本工具包中包含的算法包括BP算法中的一些改进算法、模糊神经网络、小波神经网络、遗传算法优化神经网络权值改进算法等,根据需要,读者还可以对该工具包进行扩展,即扩充一些新的函数,以实现特殊的算法需求。-nnToolKit neural network tool kit is based on the MATLAB neural network toolbox developed by a group of neural network algorithm library, which functions in the MATLAB environment can be run independently, and packaged into a DLL components, these components as a separate COM object, can be directly by Visual Basic, Visual C++, C++ Builder or other high-level language support COM quoted. The toolkit includes algorithms, including some of the BP algorithm to improve the algorithm, fuzzy neural network, wavelet neural networks, genetic algorithms to optimize neural network weights to improve the algorithm, if necessary, readers can also expand the tool kit, namely the expansion of some new function, the algorithm in order to achieve special needs.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10.36mb Publisher : 魏建明

分析MATLAB 编译器4. x 的新特点,提供一种MATLAB7. x 与Visual Studio. Net 相集成并生 成可独立运行应用程序的方法,并对该方法给出具体实现步聚和系统设置。利用该方法,已在工程中取得 了成功运用。-Analysis of MATLAB Compiler 4. X The new features provide a MATLAB7. X and Visual Studio. Net and generate integrated applications can be run independently of the approach and the specific method to achieve步聚and system settings. Use of the method, has been in engineering the success of the application.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 81kb Publisher : chenjin

DL : 0
元胞自动机的虚拟程序 开发工具:Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 运行平台:Windows OS (VB编译,代码未优化,运行速度较慢) 词语解释: CA,cellular automata,元胞自动机,或称细胞自动机。 模式(Pattern),多个细胞构成的一个状态组合。 模型: 维度,二维四方网格 细胞,两种状态(活、死);一个方格代表一个细胞。 邻居,Moore型(上、下、左、右、左上、右上、左下、右下) 规则,1)一个活着的细胞如果保持活的状态,那么它必需具有2至3个活的邻居,否则它就变成死的状态。2)一个死的细胞如果变成活的,那么它必需恰好有3个活的邻居。 程序功能: 1. 方格水平数量和垂直数量自由设置(最少为2,即2*2的网格) 2. 随机初始化细胞(细胞为活的概率可设置) 3. CA状态的演化,可自动逐步也可手动逐步。 4. 两种显示模式(用于研究可能的规律) 5. 可对CA状态进行编辑(操作类似简单的绘图)。 6. 模式。可以选择局部网格为模式;模式可以被旋转和翻转操作;模式可以被保存到文件和插入到网格。 7. 可以保存当前CA的状态到文件,也可载入已保存的CA状态。-Cellular Automata virtual procedure Development tools: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Platform: Windows OS (VB compiler, the code is not optimized to run more slowly) Words to explain: CA, cellular automata, cellular automaton, or cellular automata. Pattern (Pattern), consisting of a number of cells in a state of combination. Model: Dimension, two-dimensional grid Quartet Cells, two states (living and dead) a grid on behalf of a cell. Neighbors, Moore-type (upper and lower, left, right, left, right, left, bottom right) Rules, 1) If a living cell to maintain a state of living, then it must have 2-3 living neighbors, otherwise it becomes a state of death. 2) If a dead cell becomes live, then it must have exactly three live neighbors. Program features: 1. The number of grid levels and the number of free vertical settings (at least 2, which is 2* 2 grid) 2. Random initialization cells (the probability
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 104kb Publisher : iDo4LT

刘维的《精通Matlab与Cpp混合程序设计》。 本书主要介绍如何运用Matlab与C/C++进行混合程序设计。共分8章,主要包括:Matlab程序设计初步、Matlab编译器、Matlab与C语言的接口、生成可独立运行的Matlab程序、Visual C++调用Matlab程序、Matlab DotNet Builder与Visual C++、Matcom与C/C++以及Visual C++调用Mattab C++数学库。另外,附录中介绍有关动态链接库的基础知识。-By Liu Wei. This book describes how to use Matlab and C/C++ mixed programming. Is divided into eight chapters, including: Matlab programming initially, Matlab compiler, Matlab and C language interface, generates an independent run Matlab programs, Visual C++ calling Matlab program, Matlab DotNet Builder and Visual C++, Matcom and C/C++ and Visual C++ call Mattab C++ math library. In addition, the appendix introducing the basics of the dynamic link library.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 27.17mb Publisher : Ming

给予matlab的JPEG压缩程序,包含原始压缩图片,程序对灰度bmp图片进行JEPG编码,压缩成以0101形式的编码。JPEG编码先把图象色彩RBG变成亮度Y和色度Cr、Cb,它利用人的视觉对色度不敏感的特点,减少一部分色度数据,以达到压缩。 JPEG采取多种编码方式,包含有行程编码(Run Length Coding)和哈夫曼(Huffman)编码,有很高的压缩比。在编码前,先对数据进行分块,离散余弦变换(DCT)及量化,保留能量大的低频信号,丢弃高频信号以达到压缩。-Given to the JPEG compression matlab program, contains the original compressed image, the program of the grayscale bmp picture JEPG encoded, compressed into a 0101 form of encoding. RBG color coded JPEG image into a first luminance Y and chrominance Cr, Cb, which uses the human visual characteristics is not sensitive to the color, reduce the number of color data to achieve compression. Take a variety of JPEG encoding, includes length coding (Run Length Coding) and Huffman (Huffman) coding, a high compression ratio. In the code before the data block, discrete cosine transform (DCT) and quantization, to retain a large low-frequency signal energy, discarding high-frequency signals in order to achieve compression.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 171kb Publisher :

静态图像显著性分析程序,利用matlab开发。加州理工三位教授所写。-Software] Saliency Map Algorithm : MATLAB Source Code Below is MATLAB code which computes a salience/saliency map for an image or image sequence/video (either Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) or the standard Itti, Koch, Niebur PAMI 1998 saliency map). See the included readme file for details. I also have a newer, simpler version implementing only the Itti algorithm (see simpsal/readme.txt). Please try it out and email me if you have any questions. Download: Please select one of the following to download: [] This package includes an implementation of the full GBVS algorithm. It also lets you compute an Itti, Koch, Niebur saliency map. It includes a function for computing the ROC score between eye-movements (provided as x,y fixation points) and a saliency map, and a function for displaying a saliency map overlayed on top of an image (as in the screenshot below). Right after you download the zip file, you must change into the gbvs/ directory and run: >>
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.3mb Publisher : Johnny

显著性分析论文(英文),三个加州理工教授所写。附带有源码是实验Sample(见英文说明中的下载链接)-Saliency Map Algorithm : MATLAB Source Code Below is MATLAB code which computes a salience/saliency map for an image or image sequence/video (either Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) or the standard Itti, Koch, Niebur PAMI 1998 saliency map). See the included readme file for details. I also have a newer, simpler version implementing only the Itti algorithm (see simpsal/readme.txt). Please try it out and email me if you have any questions. Download: Please select one of the following to download: [] This package includes an implementation of the full GBVS algorithm. It also lets you compute an Itti, Koch, Niebur saliency map. It includes a function for computing the ROC score between eye-movements (provided as x,y fixation points) and a saliency map, and a function for displaying a saliency map overlayed on top of an image (as in the screenshot below). Right after you download the zip file, you must change into the gbvs/ directory and run: >> gbvs_ins
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 249kb Publisher : Johnny

在Matlab环境下实现手势跟踪算法,准确性和实现性都很好,运行编译可以通过,是学习手势跟踪很好的资料。-In the Visual studio environment to achieve the gesture tracking algorithm, and implementation of very good accuracy, you can run the compiler, is to learn a good gesture tracking information.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.18mb Publisher : weilong

该程序应用八点算法计算视觉几何中的基本矩阵,并在MATLAB的环境中运行-The program application eight algorithm to calculate the fundamental matrix of the visual geometry, and run in the MATLAB environment
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 44kb Publisher : lixiaofang

介绍了作为开发软件的重要工具Visual Basic和MATLAB的发展情况,论述了利用Visual Basic 6.0中的ActiveX技术调用MATLAB的计算引擎,给出了Visual Basic和MATLAB联合开发的方法,使MATLAB 能在VB环境下运行,实现了VB的可视... -Introduced as an important tool for the development of software development in Visual Basic and MATLAB, discusses the use of Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX technology to call MATLAB computational engine, Visual Basic and methods are given jointly developed MATLAB, MATLAB can make the environment in VB run to achieve a combination of VB and MATLAB visualization interface powerful numerical analysis capabilities, to play their respective advantages. text with a simple example illustrates the use of MATLAB software can enable the production of more sophisticated applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 247kb Publisher : 王斌

Robust Non-negative Dictionary Learning for Visual Tracking The provided codes could be either embedded into the benchmark framework of paper Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark (CVPR2013) (You can find details here: or run on individual sequence. To run the benchmark, just put the entire folder into the /trackers folder in the benchmark code base, and modify the configTrackers.m in util folder. DLT gets an AUC of 0.436, which ranks 5th among 26 in the benchmark by 19/03/2014. We don t tune parameters for single sequence in this case, all the parameters are stored in trackparam_DLT.m. To run on individual video, you need to modify the dataPath and title in run_individual.m. If you run MATLAB version after 2012, and have a CUDA compatible GPU installed, you may enjoy the fast computation speed by GPU, just set useGPU to true in trackparam_DLT.m and run_individual.m! -Robust Non-negative Dictionary Learning for Visual Tracking The provided codes could be either embedded into the benchmark framework of paper Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark (CVPR2013) (You can find details here: or run on individual sequence. To run the benchmark, just put the entire folder into the /trackers folder in the benchmark code base, and modify the configTrackers.m in util folder. DLT gets an AUC of 0.436, which ranks 5th among 26 in the benchmark by 19/03/2014. We don t tune parameters for single sequence in this case, all the parameters are stored in trackparam_DLT.m. To run on individual video, you need to modify the dataPath and title in run_individual.m. If you run MATLAB version after 2012, and have a CUDA compatible GPU installed, you may enjoy the fast computation speed by GPU, just set useGPU to true in trackparam_DLT.m and run_individual.m!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21.18mb Publisher : mohit

OpenCV的全称是:Open Source Computer Vision Library。OpenCV是一个基于(开源)发行的跨平台计算机视觉库,可以运行在Linux、Windows和Mac OS操作系统上。它轻量级而且高效——由一系列 C 函数和少量 C++ 类构成,同时提供了Python、Ruby、MATLAB等语言的接口,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。 现本教程,是在windows平台下使用visual studio2013和opencv2.4.9配置一个开发环境。 -OpenCV' s full name is: Open Source Computer Vision Library. OpenCV is based on (open source) issued cross-platform computer vision library, you can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS operating systems. It is lightweight and efficient- by a series of C functions and a few C++ class structure, while providing an interface Python, Ruby, MATLAB and other languages, to achieve a lot of common algorithms for image processing and computer vision. Now this tutorial is to use visual studio2013 and opencv2.4.9 configure a development environment in the windows platform.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 747kb Publisher : 胡古月

1. Run mex -setup and choose a proper complier (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 is prefered) Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y 2. Put cec15_func.cpp and input_data folder with your algorithm in the same folder. Set this folder as the current path. 3. Run the following command in Matlab window: mex cec15_func.cpp -DWINDOWS 4. Then you can use the test functions as the following example: f = cec15_func(x,func_num) here x is a D*pop_size matrix. 5. main.m is an example test code with PSO algorithm.-1. Run mex -setup and choose a proper complier (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 is prefered) Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y 2. Put cec15_func.cpp and input_data folder with your algorithm in the same folder. Set this folder as the current path. 3. Run the following command in Matlab window: mex cec15_func.cpp -DWINDOWS 4. Then you can use the test functions as the following example: f = cec15_func(x,func_num) here x is a D*pop_size matrix. 5. main.m is an example test code with PSO algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : bhalab

对图像绘制直方图,并进行适当的灰度变换,分别进行线性的和非线性的灰度拉伸变换,改善图像的视觉效果; 主要功能函数自己编写; 在一个主程序中运行实现,并在一个统一的交互式界面下选择参数.(Histogram of the image, and the appropriate gray-scale transformation, linear and nonlinear gray scale stretching transform, to improve the visual effects of the image; Main function, write your own; Run the implementation in a master program and select parameters at a unified interactive interface)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.42mb Publisher : 晓风残月

[矩阵实验室].Mathwork.Matlab.R2015a_x64(8.5)(At Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ you can just execute "make.bat" command. If error message is printed that "nmake" or "cl" command is not recognized, then MS Visual Studio environment variables are not properly set. There are two ways to solve the problem: 1. Run from "Microsoft Visual Studio" menu in start panel, choose "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools", and in it - "Microsoft Visual Studio Command Prompt". The in this window change directory to FastDB home and do "make.bat" 2. In "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin" directory there is vcvars32.bat file (this is the path for VS 2003, but Visual C++ 6.0 has the similar file). Run it to setup environment in current window.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : 13662627252

64位编译,VS2015调用Matlab2016编译生成的DLL,搞定各种运行错误,调试错误。32位编译下,VC++(Visual studio)调用Matlab编译生成的DLL本来是一件很容易的事情,现在转到64位了,编译环境设置不当,程序无法调通。另外,参照别人的帖子copy代码,不仔细思考,容易出现各种运行报错。(VS2015 call the DLL by Matlab2016. Enviroment setting in the Visual studio 2015. Solve the problem of run time error and debug error. e.g. error C3861: 'mclmcrInitialize_proxy': identifier not found error C3861: 'mclInitializeApplication_860_proxy': identifier not found Exception thrown at 0x000007FEFCF6A06D in StartOpenCV.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: xsd_binder::MalformedDocumentError at memory location 0x00000000002887B0)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 110kb Publisher : h5j1n962
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