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实现对GOOGLE卫星图片的下载, 直接取GOOGLE服务器上的图片地址。 可实现范围载取-GOOGLE satellite images to achieve the download, direct access to the picture GOOGLE server address. Check the extent of the area can be achieved
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 565kb Publisher : 温小斌

视频编码软件。多种比特率、分辨率和质量的视频压缩方法,适用于数字电视广播、交互式存储媒体、直播卫星视频业务、多媒体邮件、分组网络的多媒体业务、实时通信业务、远程视频监控等应用。-Video encoding software. Multiple bit rate, resolution and quality of video compression methods, applicable to digital television broadcasting, interactive storage media, direct broadcast satellite video services, multimedia mail, multimedia services packet networks, real-time communication services, remote video surveillance applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 292kb Publisher : 孙琨

北斗定位系统卫星下行信号的基带处理部分——基于FPGA的直接序列扩频发射机的设计与仿真。-Beidou Positioning System satellite downlink of the baseband signal in part- based on direct sequence spread spectrum FPGA Design and Simulation of the transmitter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 404kb Publisher : 罗亦鸣

中国直播卫星产业研究报告,详细介绍中国直播的发展与现状,对于想尝试该行业的同志是很不错的-direct broadcasting satellite report in China
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 843kb Publisher : 小杨

GPS定位中调用的选星子程序,依据每颗卫星贡献的GDOP值的大小进行选星,其中又分为递推选星和直接选星。考虑到机动载体存储空间限制,选星为4颗或6颗。而6颗卫星的GDOP值更接近所有卫星时的值,且计算量小。-GPS positioning called planetesimals selection process, based on the contribution of each satellite GDOP value of the selected size of stars, which are divided into the selection of satellite delivery, and direct elections stars. Taking into account the motor vehicle storage space constraints, the election of four stars, or 6. The six satellites, GDOP value is closer to the value of all the satellites, and the computation amount.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘卫菠

GPS后卫星导航技术发展向何处去,从总体角度探讨GPS走向-GPS satellite navigation technology development after heading, from the overall perspective of GPS to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 121kb Publisher :

本文重点介绍了如何通过GPS卫星星历来计算卫星的坐标,采用了直接法、拉格朗日插值法以及切尔比雪夫拟合的方法分析通过广播星历计算的精度-This paper focuses on how the GPS satellite has always calculate the coordinates of the satellite, using the direct method, Rugby Long Day interpolation Mitchell Chebyshev fitting method to analyze the accuracy of calculation of the broadcast ephemeris
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 156kb Publisher : 孔林

北斗定位系统卫星下行信号的基带处理部分——基于FPGA的的直接序列扩频发射机的设计与仿真。,已通过测试。 -Beidou positioning system satellite downlink signal baseband part- based on the design and simulation of the FPGA direct sequence spread spectrum transmitter. , Has been tested.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 405kb Publisher : shanchun

本书采用软件接收机的观点,详细介绍了GPS接收机原理,涉及软件无线电和GPS两个热门领域。GPS接收机包括直接序列扩频信号接收技术和导航处理两个学科内容,涉及卫星星座及GPS信号的影响、信号捕获跟踪、导航电文解扩接收、伪距测量、定位和导航计算处理等内容。本书第2版增加了3章新的内容,主要涉及微弱信号和强干扰环境下,GPS接收机的处理方法。本书还附列了许多用Matlab编写的计算机程序,帮助阐明某些思想,一些可直接用于接收机的设计-This book uses software receiver s point of view, described in detail GPS receiver principle, relates to the software radio and GPS two hot areas. GPS receiver including direct sequence spread spectrum signal receiving technology processing and navigation in two disciplines, relates to the satellite constellation and the influence of GPS signal, signal acquisition and tracking, navigation message despreading reception, pseudo distance measuring, positioning and navigation calculation etc.. Book Second Edition adds 3 new section, mainly involving the weak signal and strong interference environment, GPS receiver processing method. The book also annexed many written using Matlab computer program, to help clarify some ideas, some can be used directly in the design of receiver
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.16mb Publisher : 单边

Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 "Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite".
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : sdf5gh

ATSC Digital TV Standards include digital high definition television (HDTV), standard definition television (SDTV), data broadcasting, multichannel surround-sound audio, and satellite direct-to-home broadcasting.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : heck

源码简介: 本项目是一套关于图文资讯的项目源码,这个项目是由若干个小项目组成。整整集成了10个开源项目, 把不要重复造轮子这句程序界的名言发扬的无比光大。其中七个项目以jar包形式支持,其余三个需要 以工程方式链接。另外项目使用了mvc和多种设计模式但是代码比较干净整洁。更多项目细节可以自己 下载源码编译运行。另外项目是从github直接下载的,如果出错可以访问下载最新源码 涉及模块&技术 图片缓存 微博模块 桌面小工具 文件缓存 网络模块 内存缓存 Sqlite json 异步缓存 ActionBarSherklock SlidingMenu(侧边栏菜单) satellite-menu(Path菜单) SwitchButton(IOS风格开关按钮) ImageLoaderEx(图片异步请求) RefreshListView(下拉刷新) greenDAO(数据库操作) android-async-http(网络异步请求) RoboGuice(快速开发框架) shareSDK(社会化分享) -Source description: This project is a source of information about the graphic project, which is composed by a number of small projects . Full integration of the 10 open source projects , Do not repeat the wheels made ​ ​ famous phrase program promoting community incomparable Everbright . Jar package which seven projects in the form of support , and the remaining three needs Way linked to the project . Another project uses a variety of design patterns and mvc code but relatively clean. More details can be yourself project Download the source code to compile and run . Another project is a direct download from github , and if something goes wrong you can download the latest source code access Involved Module & Technology Image cache Microblogging module Desktop Gadgets File Cache Network Module Memory cache Sqlite json Asynchronous cache ActionBarSherklock SlidingMenu ( sidebar menu ) satellite-menu (Path menu ) Swi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5mb Publisher : 姜丙凯

Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite . -Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : vonzuiveng

Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite . -Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : gaxading

Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite . -Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : qlqinnn

DL : 0
Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) communication systems has been widely used in these years for its advantage of wide spectrum, low working Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR), anti-interference, anti-multipath effect and capability of LPI and LPD. They are increasingly replacing conventional communication forms and obtaining extensively applications in modern military and commercial communication systems, for example, CDMA communication system, GPS , measuring and control system, satellite chain, identification of friend or foe and etc. Therefore, corresponding DSSS electronic counter technique becomes a big problem to solve in electronic warfare domain. DSSS electronic counter technique including blind detection, blind parameter estimation and spreading sequences estimation. For the issue of DSSS electronic counter technique of DSSS/QPSK signal damaged by strong additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), the main research content in this dissertation as follow.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : yangs

Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite . -Driver for the Integrant ITD1000 Zero-IF Tuner IC for Direct Broadcast Satellite .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : vgvigt

种子在线播放,由于涉及到黄内容,被人账号改掉了 如果想正常使用,请自己做一个Cookie 登陆 源码目前直接调试 网络电视 只能播放中国现有的卫星电视-Seed streaming, because involves the yellow content, account changed If you want to normal use, please make a Cookie As the direct debugging source network only China s current TV satellite TV
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.76mb Publisher : 周辉

DL : 0
在圆内随机分布的传感器节点利用波束成形与卫星直接通信。(Distributed sensor nodes that is randomly distributed in the circle can create a direct communication with satellite using Beamforming.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 朱圣祥
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