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[Disk Toolssequence

Description: 这是个C#读硬盘序列号的原代码 ,希望站长接收。-This the C# hard time sequence of the original code, the receiving station.
Platform: | Size: 2224 | Author: 刘坤模 | Hits:

[Crack HackSequence-Cipher-Algorithm

Description: 序列加密算法,用于文件的加密。基于硬件,速度快,还算好用-sequence encryption algorithm for file encryption. Hardware-based, fast and rather user-friendly
Platform: | Size: 52354 | Author: 云容 | Hits:


Description: symbol sequence statistics 符号序列统计源码
Platform: | Size: 830 | Author: 小珍 | Hits:


Description: 伪随机gold序列产生程序- The pseudo-random gold sequence has the procedure
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[Disk Toolssequence

Description: 这是个C#读硬盘序列号的原代码 ,希望站长接收。-This the C# hard time sequence of the original code, the receiving station.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 刘坤模 | Hits:

[Windows Developpn

Description: PN序列生成器,比较好的demo-PN sequence generator, and better demo
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 秦赵真 | Hits:


Description: m序列产生器 用于扩频通信-m sequence generator for spread spectrum communications
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 田允国 | Hits:

[Communication-MobileKasami Sequences产生器

Description: Kasami序列产生器 用于扩频通信-Kasami sequence generator for spread spectrum communications
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 田允国 | Hits:

[Program docmseq

Description: m序列的生成,包括在有限域GF(p)中的基于不同p取值,不同级数条件下的本原多项式多种选择条件下的m序列生成。-m sequence generation, including in GF (p), the p value based on different, different levels under the conditions of primitive polynomial number of options under the conditions of m-sequences generated.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李南 | Hits:


Description: 通过C#进行图片的序列化和反序列化的基本操作!-Through C# for picture of the sequence and the anti-sequence of the basic operation!
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 陈锋 | Hits:


Description: 伪随机序列产生器源代码-Pseudo-random sequence generator source code
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 谭硕 | Hits:


Description: 序列检测器设计的思路大多都是用FSM来实现的,此思路是通过移位寄存器来实现序列检测-Sequence detector design ideas are often used to achieve the FSM, the idea is to achieve through the shift register sequence detection
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: lsp | Hits:


Description: M序列信号算法仿真在系统辨识中有着很大的应用前景。多谐差相方法辨识精度很高有着很苛刻的要求,要求已知辨识参数个数已知并且需要整周截断。而M序列信号的测试方法没有这个方面的要求。其辨识未知模型时,可以用最小二乘算法观察辨识系统的精度来确定模型的阶次。本算法里面不但给出了用于M序列生成的本原多项式计算方法,同时编写了M序列信号的生成算法,并编写了相关辨识方法的算法。-M sequence signal simulation algorithm for identification in the system have great application prospects. Identification of multi-harmonic differential phase method with high precision has very stringent requirements, demand parameters are known to identify the number of known and need to cut off the whole week. The M sequence signal testing methods do not have this requirements. Its identification unknown model, you can observe the identification system using least-squares algorithm to determine the accuracy of the model order times. This algorithm is used which not only gives the M sequence generated by primitive polynomial method of calculation as well as prepare the M sequence signal generation algorithm, and the preparation of the relevant identification method algorithms.
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: 黄金峰 | Hits:


Description: M sequence generator using VHDL-M sequence generator
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: jkl | Hits:


Description: 基于部分传输序列的OFDM系统峰值平均功率比优化算法Partial transmit sequence based on the peak average power ratio of OFDM system optimization-Partial transmit sequence based on the peak average power ratio of OFDM system optimization
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: shen1052 | Hits:


Description: 求解序列比对得分矩阵,对于两个序列S和T,令[S]和[T]分别为序列S和T的长度,S[i]和T[j](其中正整数i,j满足0≤j< [S]和0≤j <[T])都属于字符集Ω={A,T,C,G,-},对Ω中的任何元素和空符号。 设计S[i]和T[j]两两之间的一个记分值来比较序列间的同一性的优劣,用记分函数σ(x,y)表示, σ(S[i],T[j])=2 ( S[i]=T[j]≠-);σ(S[i],T[j])= -1 ( S[i]≠T[j],S[i]≠-,T[j]≠-);σ(S[i],T[j])= -2 (S[i]orT[j]=-)。-Solve the sequence alignment score matrix for two sequences S and T, so [S] and [T] S and T respectively, sequence length, S [i] and T [j] (which is an integer i, j satisfying 0 ≤ j < [S] and 0 ≤ j < [T]) belong to the character set Ω = {A, T, C, G,-}, any element of Ω, and the empty symbols. Design S [i] and T [j] between any two of a record score to compare the sequence identity between the pros and cons, with the score function σ (x, y) that, σ (S [i], T [j ]) = 2 (S [i] = T [j] ≠-) σ (S [i], T [j]) =-1 (S [i] ≠ T [j], S [i] ≠- , T [j] ≠-) σ (S [i], T [j]) =-2 (S [i] orT [j ]=-)。
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: zhouyanghua | Hits:

[OtherHailstone Sequence Analyzer

Description: Messing around with entropy and trajectory paths of the Hailstone Sequence.
Platform: | Size: 22826 | Author: nVasquez | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-Verilogsequence detector

Description: sequence detector in verilog for xilinx
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: addy007 | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-VerilogFSM two sequence

Description: FSM sequence detector
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: mgvayada | Hits:

[Data structslist and sequence table

Description: 链表和顺序表的基本操作,简单易懂,简洁明了(The basic operation of the list and the sequence table.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: jane_x | Hits:
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