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可以算是学Visual C++的入门~~~~~ 主程序段只有:UpdateData(TRUE) if(m_b==0){ AfxMessageBox(\"除数不为0\") CWnd* pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT2) pWnd->SetFocus() return } int n=m_a/m_b int r=m_a-n*m_b char tbuf[160] sprintf(tbuf,\"%d除以%d=%d,余数=%d\",m_a,m_b,n,r) AfxMessageBox(tbuf) (只要设置和添加就OK)-can learn Visual C is a pioneer of the only main program titled : UpdateData (TRUE) if (m_b == 0) (AfxMessageBox ( "divisor is not 0") CWnd * pWnd = GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT2) pWnd -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 23.45kb Publisher : 虫世木

SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStockObject CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong GetWindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindow DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos InvalidateRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetCapture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindowProc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMenu-SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStock Object CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong Get WindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindo w DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos Invalida teRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetC apture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindow Proc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMen u
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 522.4kb Publisher : zzz

Private Static Sub Form_Resize() Dim bTimerWasOn As Boolean cmdShuffle.SetFocus Stop timer when game is minimized and start it when normalized If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then If Timer1.Enabled Then bTimerWasOn = True Else bTimerWasOn = False Timer1.Enabled = False Else If bTimerWasOn Then Timer1.Enabled = True End If End Sub-Private Static Sub Form_Resize() Dim bTimerWasOn As Boolean cmdShuffle.SetFocus Stop timer when game is minimized and start it when normalized If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then If Timer1.Enabled Then bTimerWasOn = True Else bTimerWasOn = False Timer1.Enabled = False Else If bTimerWasOn Then Timer1.Enabled = True End If End Sub
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.6kb Publisher : 汪柏然

Private Static Sub Form_Resize() Dim bTimerWasOn As Boolean cmdShuffle.SetFocus Stop timer when game is minimized and start it when normalized If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then If Timer1.Enabled Then bTimerWasOn = True Else bTimerWasOn = False Timer1.Enabled = False Else If bTimerWasOn Then Timer1.Enabled = True End If End Sub-Private Static Sub Form_Resize() Dim bTimerWasOn As Boolean cmdShuffle.SetFocus Stop timer when game is minimized and start it when normalized If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then If Timer1.Enabled Then bTimerWasOn = True Else bTimerWasOn = False Timer1.Enabled = False Else If bTimerWasOn Then Timer1.Enabled = True End If End Sub
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 汪柏然

可以算是学Visual C++的入门~~~~~ 主程序段只有:UpdateData(TRUE) if(m_b==0){ AfxMessageBox("除数不为0") CWnd* pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT2) pWnd->SetFocus() return } int n=m_a/m_b int r=m_a-n*m_b char tbuf[160] sprintf(tbuf,"%d除以%d=%d,余数=%d",m_a,m_b,n,r) AfxMessageBox(tbuf) (只要设置和添加就OK)-can learn Visual C is a pioneer of the only main program titled : UpdateData (TRUE) if (m_b == 0) (AfxMessageBox ( "divisor is not 0") CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT2) pWnd-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 虫世木

SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStockObject CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong GetWindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindow DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos InvalidateRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetCapture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindowProc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMenu-SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStock Object CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong Get WindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindo w DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos Invalida teRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetC apture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindow Proc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMen u
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 522kb Publisher : zzz

现代化的企业越来越重视科学技术,只有把科学技术应用到企业中才能获取更大的效益。 合同是商品经济的产物,是商品交换的法律表现形式。现代企业的经济往来,主要是通过合同形式进行的。所以,合同管理作为现代企业法律顾问制度的重要内容之一,能否实施有效管理把好合同关,是现化企业经营管理成败的一个重要因素。 企业往往会签订一系列的合同,并且会考虑如何去管理合同的进展,合同账款的收取和支付。完善的合同管理是企业健康运作的一个重要标志。 -Private Sub cancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub login_Click() Static Count As Integer Dim sqlstr As String sqlstr = "select* from userinfo where [user]= " & nametext & " " Adodc1.RecordSource = sqlstr Adodc1.Refresh If Adodc1.Recordset.BOF Then MsgBox "用户名错误,重新输入", vbExclamation, "警告" nametext.Text = "" nametext.SetFocus Else If Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("pass")) = Trim(passtext) Then mainMDIfrm.Show Me.Hide Else MsgBox "密码错误,重新输入", vbExclamation, "警告" passtext.Text = "" passtext.SetFocus End If End If Count = Count+ 1 If Count = 3 Then Unload Me End Sub
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 643kb Publisher : 哇陈

wen文本ub hsblevel_Scroll() fralevel.Caption = "关卡(速度):" + Str(hsblevel.Value) cmdok.SetFocus End Sub 最后,用VB设计一个帮助窗体frmabout,如图所示: -sssssdwefwerwerwerivate Sub Command1_Click() frmabout.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Unload Me frmmain.Show End Sub
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : ty

一套完整的某公司的石油钻井设计软件 源代码公布, 可供VC学习之用-A complete set of a company-CPen CString CBrush CWnd CDialog LoadResource CDataExchange CDC CRect GetClientRect SetBkMode CPalette CClientDC SelectPalette RealizePalette IsChild CStdioFile CFileException CFile GetDlgItem CButton DestroyIcon LoadIcon LoadAccelerators GetSystemMenu CMenu ModifyMenu ShowWindow SetWindowPos SetCursor GetPrinter GetLocalTime EndDoc TranslateAccelerator DestroyAcceleratorTable CPoint GetCapture ClientToScreen LoadMenu GetSubMenu TrackPopupMenu SetCapture ClipCursor SetROP2 SelectObject Rectangle ReleaseCapture MessageBox Beep ShowCursor Ellipse TextOut CStringList PtInRect CMDIChildWnd CView UpdateWindow CCmdUI CSize CControlBar CFrameWnd LoadCursor GetSysColorBrush GetWindowRect GetParent GetDlgCtrlID OffsetRect ExtractIcon MoveWindow SetRectEmpty CPaintDC CWindowDC ScreenToClient ExcludeClipRect IntersectClipRect FillRect GetSysColor ReleaseDC RedrawWindow LockWindowUpdate IsRectEmpty GetDCEx PatBlt CImageList GetStockObject CFont CCreateContext EnableWindow SetFocus SetWindowText Se
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.07mb Publisher : madud00079

Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic MessageBeep SetBkMode GetStockObject RedrawWindow SetCursor SetWindowLong CreateFontIndirect IsWindow GetWindowRect-Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic object as usual the MessageBeep SetBkMode the GetStockObject the RedrawWindow the SetCursor the SetWindowLong the CreateFontIndirect the IsWindow the GetWindowRect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : cici

How to use skin control: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic MessageBeep SetBkMode -How to use skin control: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic MessageBeep SetBkMode
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.9mb Publisher : cici

演示: 1.对话框内的控件焦点控制(SetFocus()) 2.程序窗口置顶(置最前)并抢夺系统焦点(SetForegroundWindow(-Demo: 1. The focus of the controls in the dialog box control (the SetFocus ()) program window Top (set top) and snatch the system focus (SetForegroundWindow ())
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.26mb Publisher : 罗立

DL : 0
override public void SetFocus(System.Web.UI.Control ctrl) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder() s.Append("<SCRIPT language=\"javascript\">" + "\n") s.Append("document.getElementById(\ " + ctrl.ID + "\ ).focus() " + "\n") s.Append("</SCRIPT>" + "\n" ) RegisterStartupScript("focus", s.ToString()) }- override public void SetFocus(System.Web.UI.Control ctrl) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder() s.Append("<SCRIPT language=\"javascript\">"+ "\n") s.Append("document.getElementById(\ "+ ctrl.ID+ "\ ).focus() "+ "\n") s.Append("</SCRIPT>"+ "\n" ) RegisterStartupScript("focus", s.ToString()) }
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.79mb Publisher : my name

DL : 0
CWnd LoadCursor CPaintDC CRect GetClientRect GetTickCount waveInAddBuffer MessageBox waveInOpen waveInPrepareHeader waveInStart waveInReset waveInStop waveInUnprepareHeader waveInClose waveInGetErrorText CView CCmdUI CDialog CDataExchange CString CComboBox SetDlgItemText GetDlgItem CheckDlgButton GetDlgItemText IsDlgButtonChecked GetDC CDC CPen SelectObject LineTo ReleaseDC GetWindowRect ScreenToClient MoveWindow CFrameWnd SetFocus CWinApp GetModuleFileName ShowWindow UpdateWindow CBitmap CFont DeleteDC CreateCompatibleDC DeleteObject CreateCompatibleBitmap CreatePen SetBkColor DrawText SetTextColor BitBlt GetProfileInt ZeroMemory WriteProfileString GetProfileString
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : prinick

DL : 0
1. 选择点餐品种后,光标自动处于数量输入框中。(提示:文本框的setFocus方法) 2. 单击“确定”按钮后,根据点餐的品种和数量,计算总金额;如果是外送,加收20元。将点餐的帐单明细表用消息框给出。(提示:将所有的内容通过字符的连接组合为一项作为MsgBox的提示项,需要换行的地方连接上VB预定义常量vbCrLf,即回车换行符) 3. 单击“下一位”按钮后,作好下一位点餐的准备。 4. 注意两个命令按钮的Enabled属性的合理设置。(1. after selecting the variety of the meal, the cursor is automatically in the number input box. (hint: the setFocus method of the text box) 2. click the "confirm" button and calculate the total amount according to the variety and quantity of the point meal; if it is sent out, add 20 yuan. The table list is given with a message box. (hint: all contents are combined by character connection to be a reminder item for MsgBox, where VB is required to line up, and the vbCrLf is predefined constant, that is, carriage return line. 3. click the next button and prepare for the next meal. 4. notice the reasonable setting of the Enabled properties of the two command buttons.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 菁渊

messagebox("Mensaje",as_mensaje) adw_actual.setcolumn(as_campo) adw_actual.setfocus()
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : LIVENETC
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