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[OS programzwj

Description: lr(0)分析器编译原理LR(0)文法分析器 录入合法的LR(0)文法,将输出LR(0)分析表,并可以对输入的句子进行语法分析输出相应语法树。 程序中部分算法还很不简洁,有待改进,欢迎朋友与我多多交流。 - Translation principle LR (0) grammar analyzer input legitimate LR (0) the grammar, will output LR (0) the analytical table, and will be allowed to carry on the grammar analysis output corresponding grammar tree to the input sentence. In the procedure the partial algorithms very are not succinct, await improvements, welcome the -lr (0) analyzers compiler theory LR (0) grammar analyzer input legitimate LR (0) grammar. LR will output (0) analytical tables, and can import the sentence syntax analysis of the output corresponding syntax tree. Some procedures also very simple algorithm, the room for improvement, I welcome friends and conduct more exchanges. - Translation principle LR (0) analyze grammar r input legitimate LR (0) the grammar, LR will output (0) the analytical table, and will be allowed to carry on the grammar analy sis output corresponding to the grammar tree in put sentence. In the procedure the partial algo rithms are not very succinct. await improvements, welcome the
Platform: | Size: 62699 | Author: www | Hits:

[OS programzwj

Description: lr(0)分析器编译原理LR(0)文法分析器 录入合法的LR(0)文法,将输出LR(0)分析表,并可以对输入的句子进行语法分析输出相应语法树。 程序中部分算法还很不简洁,有待改进,欢迎朋友与我多多交流。 - Translation principle LR (0) grammar analyzer input legitimate LR (0) the grammar, will output LR (0) the analytical table, and will be allowed to carry on the grammar analysis output corresponding grammar tree to the input sentence. In the procedure the partial algorithms very are not succinct, await improvements, welcome the -lr (0) analyzers compiler theory LR (0) grammar analyzer input legitimate LR (0) grammar. LR will output (0) analytical tables, and can import the sentence syntax analysis of the output corresponding syntax tree. Some procedures also very simple algorithm, the room for improvement, I welcome friends and conduct more exchanges.- Translation principle LR (0) analyze grammar r input legitimate LR (0) the grammar, LR will output (0) the analytical table, and will be allowed to carry on the grammar analy sis output corresponding to the grammar tree in put sentence. In the procedure the partial algo rithms are not very succinct. await improvements, welcome the
Platform: | Size: 2276352 | Author: www | Hits:


Description: heat conversion and fare calculator for simulink
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: Selin OZCIRA | Hits:


Description: 根据需求分析的描述以及与用户的沟通,现制定网站实现功能如下: 灵活快速的填写供求信息,使信息传递更快捷。 系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 实施强大的后台审核功能。功能强大的月供求统计分析。  实现各种查询,如定位查询、模糊查询等。强大的供求信息预警功能,尽可量地减少供求信息未审核现象。对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。网站最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。界面简洁、框架清晰、美观大方。-According to the description of needs analysis and communication with users is the development site to achieve the following functions:  flexibility and fast filling the supply and demand information, to make information transfer more efficient.  system uses human-computer dialogue, beautiful and friendly interface, information inquiry and flexible, convenient, safe and reliable data storage.  making a strong background audit function.  powerful statistical analysis on supply and demand.  achieve a variety of inquiries, such as location query, fuzzy querying.  powerful early warning function of supply and demand information where possible reduce the quantity of supply and demand information is not audited phenomenon.  on the user input data, strict data test systems, as far as possible rule out human error.
Platform: | Size: 1967104 | Author: liuzunjing | Hits:

[Special EffectsDigitalsubtraction

Description: 数字减影血管造影( DSA) 通过向血管中注入造影剂, 使血管的整体影像的对比度有了明显的增强, 然后通 过造影前后图像的相减运算, 可以去除非血管器官的影像, 得到血管更清晰的图像, 目前广泛应用于心血管疾病的 诊断。由于患者的呼吸运动, 使得不同时间采集的图像相减后会产生运动伪影。为了消除运动伪影, 从医生临床上 对于心脏的运动以胸腔的横膈膜为参考目标得到启发, 首先得到很多幅注入造影剂之前的图像( 掩膜图像) 和一幅 注入造影剂之后的图像( 造影图像) , 然后指定其中的一幅掩膜图像作为参考图像, 其它的掩膜图像和那一幅造影图 像分别对参考图像求位移。基于上面求出的位移, 可以将候选图像集中到位移小于某一阈值的很少的几幅图像上, 然后在这几幅图像上应用改造过的搜索算法, 最终找到了运动伪影最小的那幅掩膜图像。该算法引入了绝对位移 和相对位移相结合的方法使减影图像中运动伪影得到明显消除。-In dig ital subtr action ang io gr aphy ( DSA) , the co nt rast of the v essels is gr eatly improv ed w ith the injectio n of contrast medium. In addit ion, mo re clear vessels can be visualized by eliminating the imag es o f non􀀁 vessel or gans, and those imag es ar e called subtr action imag e o r DSA. Therefo re, DSA is o f w ide use for diag no sis o f car dio vascular disease. Subtr action of imag es o bt ained befo re and after injection of contrast medium may cr eat e mo tion art ifacts due to the aspiratio n o f pat ient s. In this reg ard, being motiv ated by the docto rs􀀂 ex per ience that t he displacement of dia􀀁 phragm can be used as the reference to measur e the hear t beat, we present a method to eliminate the mot ion ar tifacts. In o ur method, fir stly , a set of DSA imag es are taken befo re injection o f contr ast medium, w hich are called mask images! and one imag e taken after injection o f contrast is called targ et image! . Seco
Platform: | Size: 666624 | Author: xingxing | Hits:


Description: Thi sis text book related to computatuional intilligence and mathematices and othe rmethods
Platform: | Size: 5428224 | Author: harikrishna | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmslibrary(deSolve).R

Description: 传染病sis模型代码,用于求解常微分方程模型,带有人口结构(Code of SIS model for infectious diseases)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: kaaa | Hits:

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