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Smoke Detector Code for F2002
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.13kb Publisher : tu

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Smoke Detector Code for F2002
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : tu

vhdl source code of fire detection system/fire alarm system especially for high rise building? This among the requirement :- according to my "fire detection system for tall building" project by using Spartan 3E FPGA, the vhdl program need to include all of dis specification:- First of all, we ll put sensor/smoke detector each floor in the tall building. 1) alarm ll activated if the sensor/smoke detector sense a fire 2)at the same time, the actuator will activate in order to control such a elevator and any other machines in the building. 3)the controller will display which floor caught by fire and the sensor/smoke detector initial or current temperature. 4)If there is false alarm, we can stop it by push the reset button .-vhdl source code of fire detection system/fire alarm system especially for high rise building? This is among the requirement :- according to my "fire detection system for tall building" project by using Spartan 3E FPGA, the vhdl program need to include all of dis specification:- First of all, we ll put sensor/smoke detector each floor in the tall building. 1) alarm ll activated if the sensor/smoke detector sense a fire 2)at the same time, the actuator will activate in order to control such a elevator and any other machines in the building. 3)the controller will display which floor caught by fire and the sensor/smoke detector initial or current temperature. 4)If there is false alarm, we can stop it by push the reset button .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : subin

基于opencv 的烟雾检测能实现图像边缘检测等实时监控-Opencv smoke detection based on image edge detection, to achieve real-time monitoring
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : 联系哦

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利用MSP430单片机设计做的一个烟雾传感器源代码,大家可以参考。-MSP430 MCU design done by a smoke sensor source code, we can refer to.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : 阿乐

this a project for fire alarm expert system for a cotton warehouse my design for this project is based on a journal of combined smoke/mono oxide detector and using fuzy logic equations to achieve that and have modules of expert system-this is a project for fire alarm expert system for a cotton warehouse my design for this project is based on a journal of combined smoke/mono oxide detector and using fuzy logic equations to achieve that and have modules of expert system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.37mb Publisher : ali

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感烟探测器程序,HA2089开发MATLAB开发-Smoke detector program, HA2089 development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 58kb Publisher : dj

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* Smoke detector Application Note program, S3F8S28/8S24, * Developed by SSCR Microcontroller Application Team * * Copyright 2008 by MCU Application Team, Samsung Semiconductor China R&D CO.,LTD. * 11F, WeiLing Building, Binjiang Hi-tech Industry Development Zone, * Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. * 310052 * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Samsung * Electronics CO.,LTD. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Inforamtion and shall use it only * in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Samsung. * * The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any * kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without limitation * any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or fitness for * any particular purpose, or against the infringements of intellectual property * rights of others.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : fateme

烟感探测器设计应用笔记,真好,真的很完整的设计应用笔记-Smoke detector design application notes, nice, really complete design application notes
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 142kb Publisher : 不要踩我

S3F8S28 烟雾传感器探测系统简介,以及其设计源代码。-S3F8S28 Smoke Detector Source Code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : YLZ

关于图像中的烟雾检测,输入图像,如果图像有烟雾的话,会自动检测,并显示出来-The smoke detector on the image, the input image, if the image of smoke, it will automatically detect and display
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Ivanchen

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wince下对于烟雾检测的实时显示上位机程序-wince under the smoke detector for real-time display PC program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.27mb Publisher : 徐俊

16F676+c探测器 ,汇编语言在MAPlab下开发-16F676+cdetector,Smoke detector
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 60kb Publisher : li wenbin

火灾作为一种发生频率高、破坏性强的灾害,已受到了人们的大力重视。本文依据传感器检测技术和单片机技术的发展,从人们日趋严重的安全问题出发,设计了适用于居民住房的基于单片机的智能火灾报警系统。该系统采用了感温和感烟探测器相结合的探测方法,能更加准确的报警,从而降低误报率。以AT89S52单片机为控制器,通过温度传感器、烟雾传感器采集现场火灾信号,经信号处理、A/D转换送入单片机,单片机经过数据处理、与设定值比较、判断是否超过报警上限,若未超过,则由数码管显示器显示烟雾浓度和温度;若超过,则由数码管显示的同时实现声光报警,使人们能够及时发现火灾,并采取有效措施,扑灭初期火灾。智能火灾报警系统具有实时监控和报警的功能,是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的报警器,具有较好的实用性。-Fire is a kind of high frequency, destructive disasters, which was given a strong attention. In this paper, based on the development of sensor technology and computer technology, starting the security problem that people increasingly serious, smart fire alarm was designed based on single chip microcomputer system.The designed system is suitable for the residents of housing. The system employs a temperature detector and smoke detector to detect fire together they can give a more accurate alarm and reduce the false alarm rate. Using AT89S52 as controller, the temperature sensor and smoke sensor are employed to acquired the fire signal. After the signal was processed and A/D conversion it was in put the SCM. Then the data was processed by the SCM, Comparing with the preset value and determining whether it exceeds the alarm limit or not. In normal condition four 7-segment LEDs shows the smoke concentration and temperature. When it fire, the designed system gives light and sound to alarm p
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 635kb Publisher : 舒糖

烟雾 气体探测器,带显示,用的是Microchip的PIC16F系列芯片-smoke detector,apply to gas smoke or special air detection,Microchip PIC16F with LCD module
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 776kb Publisher : 王康

有线烟感解决方案 smoke detector cable type software-smoke detector cable type software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 186kb Publisher : jkm99

基于opencv231和vs2015的烟雾检测,用到运动检测和烟雾特征。-Based on the smoke detector opencv231 and vs2015, use motion detection and smoke characteristics.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.02mb Publisher : 宫晨
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