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[Chess Poker gamesVersuschess

Description: 在我们身边有很多很多的国际象棋爱好者,但由于实物棋盘难于携带,当有共同爱好的两人想互相切磋棋艺的时候却不能如愿,又由于时代的发展社会的进步,电脑已经成了人们身边必备的工具,为了方便大家的实用本人开发了此游戏程序。 -Around us has many, many chess enthusiasts, but difficult to carry due to the physical board, when the two have common hobbies like chess with each other when they should not do so, and because the development of the times and social progress, the computer has become around an essential tool in order to facilitate everyone, I have developed a practical procedure for this game.
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 覃义茗 | Hits:


Description: 博弈论教程 作者: M. J. Osborne (Canada) A. Rubinstein (USA) 译者:魏玉根 出版社:中国社会科学出版社-Game Theory Tutorial Author: MJ Osborne (Canada) A. Rubinstein (USA) Translator: Wei-kan Publisher: China Social Sciences Press
Platform: | Size: 6760448 | Author: 丛威 | Hits:


Description: 一个游戏程序。In a very general way it is clear what kind of models we need, because one basic feature of the organization of social insect colonies is already obvious. Individuals following simple local rules, generate the achievements of colonies-A game program. In a very general way it is clear what kind of models we need, because one basic feature of the organization of social insect colonies is already obvious. Individuals following simple local rules, generate the achievements of colonies
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: dhsong | Hits:

[Game Enginesnowglobe-src-viewer-2.0.0-r0.tar

Description: 国外的开源游戏引擎,能够承载上千人,属于社交类的游戏-Foreign open source game engine, capable of carrying thousands of people, belonging to social class of the game
Platform: | Size: 9782272 | Author: 杜亮 | Hits:

[Other GamesHappyFarm

Description: 山寨QQ开心农场.而闻名的社交游戏开发商上海五分钟网络科技有限公司(简称“五分钟”),在前不久再被媒体高度关注-QQ happy farm cottage. A social game developer known for five minutes, Network Technology Shanghai Co., Ltd. (referred to as " five minutes" ), in the recently re-close attention by the media
Platform: | Size: 285696 | Author: 胡海亮 | Hits:

[Industry researchSocialGameTechReport

Description: Social Game技术的讨论,发展方向的展望以及现有一些实现方式的介绍-Social Game
Platform: | Size: 191488 | Author: juyizhou | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSoftware-Engineering-PPT

Description: 软件工程 (Software Engineering,简称为SE)是一门研究用工程化方法构建和维护有效的、实用的和高质量的软件的学科。它涉及到程序设计语言,数据库,软件开发工具,系统平台,标准,设计模式等方面。在现代社会中,软件应用于多个方面。典型的软件比如有电子邮件,嵌入式系统,人机界面,办公套件,操作系统,编译器,数据库,游戏等。同时,各个行业几乎都有计算机软件的应用,比如工业,农业,银行,航空,政府部门等。这些应用促进了经济和社会的发展,使得人们的工作更加高效,同时提高了生活质量。-The software engineering(Software Engineering, the brief name is for the SE) is a research to turn method to set up and support with the engineering effective of, practical of with the academics of the software of high quality. It involves the program design language, database, the software develops tool, system platform, standard, design aspects like mode,etc. In the modern society, the software is applied to several aspects. The software of typical model for example has an E-mail, built-in system, man-machine interface, transact a set of piece, operate system, edit and translate a machine, database, game etc.. At the same time, each profession almost has the application of calculator software, for example industrial, agriculture, bank, aviation, government section etc.. These applications promoted economic and social development, make people s work raise living quality at the same time more efficiently.
Platform: | Size: 32163840 | Author: 张文光 | Hits:


Description: Android核心技术与实例详解 随书源码,并包括多个实例,例如:Android 游戏开发实践——快乐数独,Android 地图搜索应用——美食天下,Android 社交分享平台——口袋微博。-Detailed Android core technology and examples of source code with the book, and includes multiple instances, for example: Android game development practice- Happy Sudoku, Android Map Search Application- Food World, Android social sharing platform- Pocket microblogging.
Platform: | Size: 18231296 | Author: wyunteng | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamestuixz

Description: vb源程序,推箱子游戏,可以自社关卡,有音效,主角转换。-vb source code, Sokoban game, since the social barriers, sound effects, the main character conversion.
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: gehai | Hits:

[Software Engineeringkaixinnongchang

Description: Social Game的技术挑战,开心农场架构PPT-Technical challenges of Social Game Happy Farm Architecture PPT
Platform: | Size: 191488 | Author: 25933911 | Hits:


Description: 基于博弈论的网络结构演化程序,网络逐渐演化到平衡状态-Network structure based on game theory evolution, the network gradually evolved to a state of equilibrium
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 谢福利 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackSA-Online---backstage-GM-management

Description: SA联机-后台GM管理工具,也就是说玩家只要本地有 圣安地列斯-客户端 可下载SAMP通过私人架设的服务器IP进入游戏 扮演角色模拟现实的社会! 联机里面没有任何电脑人 全部为玩家扮演 不可能输入秘籍就能实现效果的 跟私fu一样 玩家每一个数据都是从服务器发出和接收的!-SA Online- backstage GM management tools, that player as long as there is a local San Andreas- SAMP client can be downloaded via a private IP into the game to set up a server role simulate real social! There is no one-line computer can not enter all of the players play Cheats able to achieve the same effect with private fu Each player is issued and receive data from the server!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 案件 | Hits:


Description: 电子产品装配与调试(中职组)竞赛规程 一、赛项名称 电子产品装配与调试赛项 二、比赛方式 1.本赛项为个人赛。以院校为单位组队参赛,每个院校限报2队。 2.参赛选手为中等职业学校(含中专、职高、职教中心)、技工学校相关专业专任教师。 3.本赛项全部比赛内容均在现场完成。 4.本赛项赛场开放,允许师生、社会观众等人员在不影响选手竞赛的前提下进入比赛现场观摩。-Electronics assembly and commissioning (vocational group) competition rules First, the game item name Electronics assembly and commissioning tournament entries Second, the way the game 1. The race entry for the individual competition. Team up with colleges and universities as a unit, each of the institutions reported that two teams limit. 2. The players of secondary vocational schools (including secondary, vocational school, vocational education centers), technical schools related professional full-time teachers. 3. This game content item All matches are completed in the field. 4. The game item arena open to allow teachers and students, social workers and other spectators without affecting the premise of competition players into the game to watch the scene.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 徐同盟 | Hits:

[Web Serverwcnews

Description: 程序文件一个,大小仅8K,全部文件压缩后也只有8K.但具备BAIDU新闻的搜索能力.内容自动更新,和BAIDU同步,适合各大站长. 包括:√ 国内新闻 √ 社会新闻 √ 国际新闻 √ 互联网新闻 √ 财经新闻 √ 房产新闻 √ 汽车新闻 √ 体育新闻 √ 娱乐新闻 √ 教育新闻 √ 游戏新闻 √ 健康新闻 √ 科技新闻 √ 搜-A program file, the size of only 8K, after all the files are compressed and only 8K. BAIDU but with the ability to search news content is automatically updated and synchronized BAIDU for major owners. Includes: √ √ Domestic News Social News World News √ √ √ Internet news business news property news √ √ √ Automotive News Sports News Entertainment News √ √ √ game news education news health news √ √ √ Science News search
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 栗子 | Hits:

[Game Programfrogger

Description: 这是用netlogo编写的一款小游戏,青蛙过河。netlogo是一个用来对自然和社会现象进行仿真的可编程建模环境。它是由UriWilensy在1999年发起的,由链接学习和计算机建模中心(CCL)负责持续开发,其研发目的正是为科研教育机构提供一个强大且易用的计算机辅助工具。-This is netlogo prepared a little game, Frogger. netlogo is used to simulate the natural and social phenomena programmable modeling environment. It is made UriWilensy initiated in 1999 by the links and computer modeling study center (CCL) is responsible for the continued development of its R & D is the object to provide a powerful and easy to use computer-aided tools for the research and education institutions.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 杨修 | Hits:

[Video CaptureKinectBasicHandTrackingFramework

Description: kinect是一种3D体感摄影机(开发代号“Project Natal”),同时它导入了即时动态捕捉、影像辨识、麦克风输入、语音辨识、社群互动等功能。玩家可以通过这项技术在游戏中开车、与其他玩家互动、通过互联网与其他Xbox玩家分享图片和信息等。-Kinect is a 3D somatosensory camera (development code named Natal Project ), and it introduced a real-time dynamic capture, image recognition, microphone input, speech recognition, social interaction and other functions. Players can drive through this technology in the game, interact with other players, through the Internet and other Xbox players to share pictures and information, etc..
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 孙晴 | Hits:


Description: 在朋友圈看到一篇很火的文章,大概内容如下,感兴趣的去搜索这篇文章来看。上传的是根据介绍重写的代码。 我们不妨把这场游戏视作社会财富分配的简化模型,从而模拟这个世界的运行规律。我们假设:每个人在18岁带着100元的初始资金开始玩游戏,每天玩一次,一直玩到65岁退休。“每天拿出一元钱”可理解为基本的日常消费,“获得财富的概率随机”是为了……嗯……简化模型。以此计算,人一生要玩17000次游戏,即获得17000次财富分配的机会。(In the circle of friends to see a very fire article, probably content as follows, interested in search this article to see. The uploaded code is rewritten according to the introduction. We might as well see the game as a simplified model of social wealth distribution, thus simulating the laws of the world. Let's assume that everyone starts playing games at the age of 18 with $100 of initial money, playing once a day and retiring until the age of 65. "A dollar a day" can be understood as basic daily consumption, and the probability of getting wealth is random...... EH?...... Simplified model. In this way, people have to play 17000 games in their lifetime, that is, 17000 opportunities for wealth distribution.)
Platform: | Size: 2564096 | Author: lirongqing | Hits:

[simulation modeling第05章 图与网络

Description: 图论起源于 18 世纪。第一篇图论论文是瑞士数学家欧拉于 1736 年发表的“哥尼 斯堡的七座桥”。 1847 年,克希霍夫为了给出电网络方程而引进了“树”的概念。 1857 年,凯莱在计数烷CnH 2n+2 的同分异构物时,也发现了“树”。哈密尔顿于 1859 年提 出“周游世界”游戏,用图论的术语,就是如何找出一个连通图中的生成圈、近几十年 来,由于计算机技术和科学的飞速发展,大大地促进了图论研究和应用,图论的理论和 方法已经渗透到物理、化学、通讯科学、建筑学、运筹学,生物遗传学、心理学、经济 学、社会学等学科中。(Graph theory originated in eighteenth Century. The first paper on graph theory is the Swiss mathematician Ola in 1736 published "Cornelius Seven Bridge middlesbrough". In 1847, the "tree" concept and the introduction of Cush Hof in order to give electric network equation. One thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven In 2008, Kailai in isomer counting pregnane CnH 2n+2, also found a tree "". Hamilton in 1859 "Around the world" game, using graph theory terminology, is how to find the generating circle, a connected graph in recent decades To, as the rapid development of computer science and technology, greatly promotes the research and application of graph theory, graph theory and The method has penetrated into physics, chemistry, communication science, architecture, operational research, genetics, psychology, economy Science, social science and other disciplines.)
Platform: | Size: 451584 | Author: aaaqsss | Hits:


Description: Netlog 帕累托最优的经典案例,帕雷托最优(英语:Pareto optimality),或帕雷托最适,也称为帕雷托效率(英语:Pareto efficiency),是经济学中的重要概念,并且在博弈论、工程学和社会科学中有着广泛的应用。与其密切相关的另一个概念是帕雷托改善。 帕雷托最优是指资源分配的一种理想状态。给定固有的一群人和可分配的资源,如果从一种分配状态到另一种状态的变化中,在没有使任何人境况变坏的前提下,使得至少一个人变得更好,这就是帕雷托改善。帕雷托最优的状态就是不可能再有更多的帕雷托改善的状态;换句话说,不可能在不使任何其他人受损的情况下再改善某些人的境况。(Netlog classic case of Pareto optimality, Pareto optimal (English: Pareto optimality), the most suitable or Pareto, also known as Pareto efficiency (English: Pareto efficiency), is an important concept in economics, and game theory, engineering and social sciences have been widely used. Another concept that is closely related to it is Pareto's improvement. Pareto optimality refers to an ideal state of resource allocation. Given the inherent group of people and the resources that can be allocated, if one changes from one distribution state to another, without making any situation worse, it will make at least one person better, which is Pareto improvement. Pareto's best state is that there can be no more improvement of Pareto's condition. In other words, it is impossible to improve someone's condition without damaging anyone else.)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 丽丽丽 | Hits:

[Other卡乐购官方卡盟源码 亲测可用

Description: 卡盟主要就是供应各类游戏点卡、休闲棋牌点卡、手机话费充值、网络加速器、游戏CDK等卡密。并且提供了安全绑定措施,以防止账户丢失等问题出现。 中国网民人数大约5.38亿(截至2012年6月)人,其中网购网站依然以淘宝网马首是瞻。据悉淘宝网的交易额已经突破一万亿。 随着电子商务的发展,越来越多的大学生、社会精英选择网络自主创业,在这些自主创业项目中,网络充值业务继服装行业之后,成为最易上手、最易赚钱的创业项目。手机话费、游戏点卡、虚拟游戏币等都有着非常广阔的市场,点卡卡盟是一项具有发展潜力的一个创业项目。(Kamun is mainly supply all kinds of game cards, leisure chess cards, mobile phone recharge, network accelerator, CDK card game. And provide security binding measures to prevent account loss and other problems. The number of Internet users Chinese about 538 million (as of June 2012), the online shopping website taobao.com remains to lead. It is reported that Taobao's trading volume has exceeded one trillion. With the development of e-commerce, more and more college students and social elites choose to start their own businesses online. In these self starting projects, Internet recharging business has become the easiest and most profitable business project after the clothing industry. Mobile phone charges, game card, virtual game currency, etc. have a very broad market, card card alliance is a potential development of a entrepreneurial project.)
Platform: | Size: 48849920 | Author: tznyfc | Hits:
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