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[Other resourcePIC_speed

Description: 用接近开关作速度传感器的PIC程序speed.asm RS485输出-spent close to the speed sensor switch for the PIC procedure speed.asm RS485 output
Platform: | Size: 5708 | Author: 朱春明 | Hits:

[Other resourceCCS脉冲程序

Description: 汽车巡航定速系统模拟车速传感器驱动程序,可以自动加速或减速。-Cruise vehicle speed sensor simulation system driver, it will automatically accelerated or decelerated.
Platform: | Size: 31242 | Author: 钱立志 | Hits:

[Other resourcezhedalunwen

Description: 浙大博士论文:无速度传感器异步电机变频调速与位置伺服控制技术研究-Zhejiang University doctoral thesis : no speed sensor VVVF asynchronous motor and servo control technology
Platform: | Size: 4678792 | Author: zyl | Hits:

[assembly languagesensorlessDtcControl

Description: 这是电机控制的源码,主要是F240用于无速度传感器直接转矩控制!-This is the source of motor control, the F240 is no speed sensor for direct torque control!
Platform: | Size: 15913 | Author: liyunbo | Hits:

[Other resourceF2407A_PMSM_sensor

Description: TI 的DSP2407A的无速度传感器永磁同步电机FOC控制程序-TI DSP2407A the speed sensor PMSM FOC control procedures
Platform: | Size: 165585 | Author: apple | Hits:

[Other resourceSTM32MCKit

Description: The PMSM FOC is made of several C modules, compatible with the free-of-charge IAR EWARM KickStart edition toolchain version 4.42. It is used to quickly evaluate both the MCU and the available tools. In addition, when used together with the STM32F103xx motor control starter kit (STM3210B-MCKIT) and PM motor, a motor can be made to run in a very short time. It also eliminates the need for time-consuming development of FOC and speed regulation algorithms by providing ready-to-use functions that let the user concentrate on the application layer. Moreover, it is possible to get rid of any speed sensor thanks to the sensorless algorithm for rotor position reconstruction.
Platform: | Size: 18678544 | Author: HJ | Hits:


Description: 用接近开关作速度传感器的PIC程序speed.asm RS485输出-spent close to the speed sensor switch for the PIC procedure speed.asm RS485 output
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 朱春明 | Hits:


Description: 汽车巡航定速系统模拟车速传感器驱动程序,可以自动加速或减速。-Cruise vehicle speed sensor simulation system driver, it will automatically accelerated or decelerated.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 本次设计的自动往返电动小汽车,以ATMEL公司生产的AT90S8515为核心,其构成为: 传感器信号检测电路、微控制系统和电机驱动电路以及显示电路构成。 本系统采用AVR高速嵌入式单片机和少量的外围电路,尽量采用“以软代硬”的方式,实现小车的大部分功能。 -the design from the automatic electric cars, ATMEL Corporation to the AT90S8515 production at the core, which is composed of : sensor signal detection circuit, Micro-control systems and motor drive circuit and display circuit. The system uses high-speed AVR embedded microcontroller and a small number of external circuits to maximize the use of "soft-generation hardware" approach, Trolley achieve most of the functions.
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个基于矢量控制的无速度传感器MATLAB仿真模型。-Based on vector control without a speed sensor MATLAB simulation model.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 郑天江 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopfxyPROTUES

Description: SST89C256RD+与风速传感器做成的风速仪,风传感器价格300RMB,在现实中已使用,内有风速传感器资料,源码,PROTUES仿真!-SST89C256RD+ With the wind speed sensor made of wire anemometer, the wind sensor price 300RMB, in reality has been used with a wind speed sensor data, source code, PROTUES simulation!
Platform: | Size: 4021248 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 本文详细介绍了我们为首届全国智能车大赛而准备的智能车系统方案。该 系统以Freescale16 位单片机MC9S12DG128 作为系统控制处理器,采用基于的 摄像头的图像采样模块获取赛道图像信息,通过边缘检测方法提取赛道黑线, 求出小车与黑线间的位置偏差,采用PID 方式对舵机转向进行反馈控制。通过 自制的速度传感器实时获取小车速度,采用Bang-Bang 控制策略形成速度闭环 控制。小车还将通过特定算法分析出前方的路况,并根据路况的不同而为小车 分配以不同的速度。文中将介绍赛车机械结构和调整方法,赛车转向模块和驱 动模块的设计、参数和有关测试,图像采样模块的摄像头工作机制以及安装选 型、采样电路设计和采样策略,还将介绍自制的速度传感器的制作、安装方法 和对其可靠性所做的测试。我们将说明本系统的舵机转向策略、速度闭环控制 与速度分配策略。除智能车系统本身的介绍外,我们还将详细叙述该系统开发 过程中所用到的开发工具、软件以及各种调试、测试手段方法。-In this paper we will demonstrate an intelligent vehicle system scheme prepared for the first national intelligent vehicle contest. The vehicle system, with the Freescale16-bit single-chip MC9S12DG128 as its control microprocessor, uses image-sensor module based on camera to obtain lane image information, then abstract the black line on the contest lane by edge-detection method and calculate the position difference between the vehicle and the black line with which we will have a PID feedback control on the steering angle. The vehicle also uses a speed-sensor made by ourselves to obtain the real time speed which will be used in a speed feedback that adopts Bang-Bang control method. Certain algorithm will be employed to analyze the lane styles in front of the vehicle and set different vehicle speed according to the lane style. The mechanical structure and adjustment method of the vehicle, the design, parameters, and relative tests of the vehicle steer module and driving modul
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 单片机与光电传感器测量转速程序 首先,你的原理图我没有,我就按我开发板的原理图来写。原理图在我的博客上:http://hi.baidu.com/mcu 5Fspaces/album/item/8b0e987e63e7ed360cd7daf7.html 数码管是4位的,把红外传感器当霍尔转速传感器。如果这些器件和单片机连接和你 的不一样,自己改一下定义就行。-SCM and photoelectric sensor speed measurement procedure First of all, you I do not have the schematic diagram, according to my on my development board to write the schematic diagram. Schematic diagram on at my blog: http://hi.baidu.com/mcu 5Fspaces/album/item/8b0e987e63e7ed360cd7daf7.html digital control of the four are the infrared sensor when the Hall speed sensor. If these devices and single-chip connectivity and you are not the same, change the definition of their own on the line.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 赵珂 | Hits:


Description: 03全国电子设计大赛题目设计,小车实现金属探测并报警,自动寻线,自动避障,光源检测等功能。-Base on the microcontroller 89c52, the mini-car can race intellectually by detecting the black guide-line, then dodge the barriers and finally reach the destination. The system adopts photo electronic sensors to control the direction, search barriers and the light source precisely. By introducing the PWM and the HALL speed sensor, the car can measure the distance accurately while running at different speed. Guided by a unique software algorithm, the car dodges barriers and reaches the garage easily.
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: 刘婷婷 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringspeed

Description: SPEED:  A  Stateless  Protocol  for  Real-Time  Communication  in  Sensor  Networks  speed的出处~   -SPEED:    A  Stateless  Protocol  for  Real-Time  Communication  in  Sensor  Networks   
Platform: | Size: 528384 | Author: lovewinner | Hits:


Description: 利用码盘和红外对管传感器实现测量车速度的功能并记录下车的里程-speed sensor
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 啊冰 | Hits:


Description: 介 绍了在估算的两相旋转坐标系下的永磁同步电机模型,推导出了反电动势方程的扩展形式。针 对凸极永磁同步电机提出了在电动机低速时,利用凸极跟踪法和在高速时利用反电动势相结合来获得转子 转速和转子位置的方法。仿真结果表明两者相结合的估算方法的有效性。-t:A modelo fp ermanentm agnets ynchronousm otor(P MSM)i nt hee stimationt wop haser otating reference frame is introduced and an extended back electromotive force (EMF) equation is deduced. A sensorless control strategy for a salient-pole PMSM using saliency tracking at low speed and back EMF at high speed is presented to obtain the rotor speed and position. The simulation results illustrate the validity of the approach. Ke yw or ds p ermanentm agnets ynchronous motor(PMSM) speed sensorless back EMF high frequency signal
Platform: | Size: 235520 | Author: fmx | Hits:

[Other Embeded programSimulation-of-Speed-Sensor-less-Control-of-PMSM.r

Description: Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are appropriate for applications with load-independent speeds or synchronous operation with high accuracy under defined speed. In this paper analysis the structure and equations of the PMSM, direct torque control (DTC) and voltage space vector process then study model reference adaptive system (MRAS) estimators. The PI controller uses from estimate speed feedback and do the speed sensorless control of PMSM based on DTC method with MRAS. The simulation results show that the speed of rotor estimates with high precision and torque response is considerably fast.
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: Poorhossein | Hits:


Description: win speed sensor aaze.ir
Platform: | Size: 585728 | Author: ali | Hits:

[Technology ManagementModel reference adaptive vector control for induction motor without speed sensor

Description: Model reference adaptive vector control for induction motor without speed sensor
Platform: | Size: 823101 | Author: electronic | Hits:
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