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PCA/LDA/LPP/TensorLPP/代码。 LPP是目前一种比较重要的子空间算法。基于Tensor的子空间算法,是传统PCA/LDA算法的进一步推广,具有重要意义。-PCA/LDA/LO/TensorLPP/code. Alignment is a more important subspace algorithm. Based on the Tensor subspace algorithm, is a traditional PCA/LDA further promote algorithm is of great significance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 李民

张量分析工具,计算乘积测度空间的张量用于信号处理-tensor analysis tool to calculate the product measure space tensor for Signal Processing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 294kb Publisher : tlb

这是CISS会议上发表的著名论文“Tensor Canonical decomposition based method for blind identification of MIMO system with 3-input 2-output case”的源程序,主要是讲基于张量规范分解的多天线系统的忙识别问题,里边包含了相应的文章,可以一起对照着看。-conference on the famous treatise "Tensor Canonical deco mposition based method for blind identificati on of MIMO system with 3-input 2-output case, "the source procedures, primarily based on stress tensor decomposition of standardized multiple antenna system to identify problems in the 1980s, contained inside a corresponding article, can work together to look to see.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 173kb Publisher : 到达

Tensor MIMO system simulation using MATLAB.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : KMY

高维PCA 参考文献: MPCA Multilinear Principal Component Analysis of Tensor Objects-High-dimensional PCA References: MPCA Multilinear Principal Component Analysis of Tensor Objects
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wzh

英国sussex大学图像研究所James Malcolm博士写的Graph cut分割,可对图像进行实时分割,解压到linux下后可直接编译运行-Graph cut segmentation in tensor space Often intensity alone does not provide enough discriminating power for image segmentation. This work demonstrates extending the standard graph cut technique to more discriminative feature spaces. One such space is formed from the tensor products of feature vectors incorporating intensity, image derivatives, etc. Download Matlab wrapper for graph cut image segmentation (Win32,Mac,Linux32,Linux64)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.96mb Publisher : 覃杨

一种彩色图像边缘检测的算法。实现J.van de Weijer的" Robust Photometric Invariant Features from the Color Tensor"-The quasi-invariant derivatives can be used to suppress undesired edges such as shadow, shading and specular edges. LITERATURE: J. van de Weijer, Th. Gevers, A.W.M Smeulders " Robust Photometric Invariant Features from the Color Tensor" IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 15 (1), January 2006.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 379kb Publisher : 张子墨

张量投票在matlab环境下的仿真。球型张量及棒型张量的仿真-Tensor voting in matlab simulation environment. Spherical and rod-type tensor tensor Simulation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : misseli

tensor,毕设用的,算法优化得非常好,保证调用后运行正确-tensor, with completion set up and a very good algorithm to ensure correct operation after the call! !
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lili

these codes are for tensor analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : aditya

DL : 0
3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder. - 3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : kiyoung

traightforward Diffusion MRI (DTI) and Fiber Tracking (FT) functions and examples. DTI.m, will calculate the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient(ADC), fractional anistropy (FA), and diffusion tensor field, of a DTI datasets consisting of at least 6 dataset with different MRI gradients and at least 1 without gradient. FT.m, will calculate neural tracts (fiber tracts) starting from every point in the brain, and outputs all fibers crossing a certain ROI. Try DTI_example.m and then FT_example.m
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.05mb Publisher : mitko

用matlab书写的关于tensor的列子。tensor即张量,是高纬线性代数的核心。-Using matlab to write on the tensor of Liezi. tensor or tensor, is the high latitudes of the core of linear algebra.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : 一心

多维数组tensor的一些运算代码,可以进行tensor间相乘,tensor与矩阵相乘等,运算很完备-tools used for multi array type tensor, it can be used to multiply tensor or array
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 278kb Publisher : sharling

tensor_toolbox_2.3 tensor操作 HOSVD分解 -tensor_toolbox_2.3 tensor operator, HOSVD
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 289kb Publisher : leedong

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Structure Tensor 的 matlab 实现 Tensor 源于对方向和密度的描述,可在局部描述2/3维数据的形态
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.89mb Publisher : xuehan

A tensor product (ranks 1 and 2) matlab a-A tensor product (ranks 1 and 2) matlab app
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Antonio Quintana

this file is contained the tensor toolbox for matlab platform.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 180kb Publisher : Hamid

最新版本 Tensor Toolbox 2.6,下载之前需要简单的注册一下,提交相关的使用者基本信息,点击提交后直接跳转到下载页面,下载即可,有zip和tar.gz格式.(The latest version of Tensor Toolbox 2.6, Download: before downloading simply need to register, submit the user basic information, click submit to jump directly to the download page to download, zip and tar.gz format. Http://
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.28mb Publisher : 一只小故里呀

一些关于张量填充,张量恢复,张量分解的一些常用算法(CP分解,Tucker分解)(some Algoithm about tensor decomposition)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : paidax12
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