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伪随机序列发生器的vhdl算法 设计一个伪随机序列发生器,采用的生成多项式为1+X^3+X^7。要求具有一个RESET端和两个控制端来调整寄存器初值(程序中设定好四种非零初值可选)。 -Pseudo-random sequence generator algorithm VHDL design of a pseudo-random sequence generator, using the generation polynomial for the 1+ X ^ 3+ X ^ 7. RESET has a client request and the two control registers client to adjust the initial value (procedures set of four non-zero initial value optional).
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 文成

伪随机码发生器的VHDL实现 随着通信理论的发展,早在20世纪40年代,香农就曾指出,在某些情况下,为了实现最有效的通信,应采用具有白噪声的统计特性的信号。另外,为了实现高可靠的保密通信,也希望利用随机噪声。然而,利用随机噪声最大困难是它难以重复产生和处理。直到60年代,伪随机噪声的出现才使这一难题得到解决-Pseudo-random code generator for VHDL realize communication with the development of the theory, as early as the 20th century, 40 years, Shannon has pointed out that in some cases, in order to realize the most effective communications, should be used with the statistical properties of white noise signal . In addition, in order to realize highly reliable secure communication, but also wish to take advantage of random noise. However, the use of random noise the greatest difficulty is that it difficult to repeat the generation and treatment. Until 60 years, the emergence of pseudo-random noise so that this problem only be solved
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 212kb Publisher : 张之晗

语言:VHDL 功能:该PN4序列的特点为将一个4位序列的前两位取异或,再让序列左移一位,用异或的结果作为序列的最后一位。序列周期是15,即15位伪随机序列。其中包括序列的产生模块和检测模块。对于误码检测,首先捕获相位。然后,规定测试的码的总个数,统计这些码中有多少个不能满足PN序列特点的,用计数器统计个数。如果发现误码过多,可能是相位失调,重新捕获相位,再进行误码检测。 仿真工具:modelsim 综合工具:quartus -Language: VHDL function: the sequence characteristics of the PN4 a 4-bit sequence of the first two to take different or, let a sequence of left, with the result as a sequence of different or the last one. Sequence cycle is 15, or 15-bit pseudo-random sequence. Including sequence generation module and detection module. For error detection, the first capture phase. Then, provided the total number of test code, statistics, the number of these codes can not meet the characteristics of PN sequences, with the number of counter statistics. If you find too many errors, it may be the phase offset, re-acquisition phase, then the error detection. Simulation tools: modelsim synthesis tool: quartus II
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : huangjiaju
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