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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1020.44kb Publisher : 王元

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1020kb Publisher : 王元

A vision based navigation system for autonomous aircraft.pdf
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 886kb Publisher : 张建宏

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利用人工合成数据进行了仿真实验,因为仿真时真实情况是可知的,便于考察算法的性能。这个仿真只为验证数据关联效果而设计,故方便起见,设载体航行轨迹为直线,从(1m,40m)位置处出发,速度为1m/s,运行时间为100s。载体所携带的传感器的视野呈半圆形,量程为25m,载体姿态预测和测量更新的频率均为1Hz。整个仿真环境中随机散布着120个静止的点特征。-The use of synthetic data simulation, because simulation of the real situation when it is known, easy to study the performance of algorithm. This simulation only in order to verify the effect of data association designed, so the sake of convenience, vector-based navigation for the straight-line trajectory, from (1m, 40m) position, the speed of 1m/s, running time for the 100s. Vector carried by the vision sensor was semicircle, range for the 25m, carrier-profile prediction and measurement of the frequency of updates are 1Hz. The entire simulation environment randomly scattered 120 points static characteristics.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : liancb

基于视觉的道路识别技术在智能小车导航中的应用研究-Vision-based road recognition technology in smart car navigation Applied Research
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.15mb Publisher :

基于视觉的车辆导航,利用摄像机拍摄图像,完成车辆导航。-vision based navigation for car
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 470kb Publisher : zhaolong

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 968kb Publisher : Nithin

The field of radionavigation signals and systems has seen significant growth in recent years. Satellite systems are very efficient, but owing to their limited exposure and/or availability in some environments, they do not cover the whole spectrum of applications. Thus, many other positioning techniques are being developed. Now, Global Positioning presents an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of various systems with a specific emphasis on those that are satellite-based. Beginning with a description of the evolution of positioning systems, the book provides detailed coverage of the three main Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations, discusses how to cope with indoor positioning, defines development activities and commercial positioning, and proposes a vision for the future of the field.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.04mb Publisher : anna

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基于双目视觉的AVG导航技术研究 AGV的视觉导航系统 针孔摄像机成像原理-Binocular vision-based navigation technology AVG
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 502kb Publisher : 毛毛

本文提出一种基于改进图模型的自适应道路跟踪算法,利用基于边缘置信度的均值偏移 算法,将图像划分为具有准确边界的若干同质区域,以这些区域为结点构建改进图模型,然后根据道路/非路模型统计信息,采用 Graph Cut 方法获得最终的二值图。该算法将Graph Cut 和均值偏移方法有效融合,以克服各自缺点,并通过道路/非路模型自更 新使得该算法可有效适应室外环境下复杂场景变化。-Two dimension road following is a crucial task of vision navigation for mobile robots. Because road environments are usually complex, robust and continuous road following based on two-dimension image sequence is still a challenging task. This paper proposes a self-adaptive road following algorithm based on an improved graph model. Firstly, the mean shift algorithm embedded with edge confidence is used to partition the images into homogenous regions with precise boundary, and an improved graph model is constructed with these regions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.08mb Publisher : 黄松

计算机视觉_INS的无人机自主着陆组合导航研究-Computer vision-based autonomous landing of UAVs _INS Integrated Navigation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 360kb Publisher : hai1900

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Vision Autonomous Relative Navigation Algorithm for Distributed Micro/Nano Satellite Earth Observation System Based-on Motor Algebra
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 312kb Publisher : wangmingxiao

CxVision V0.05 源代码 智能机器视觉系统 0.05版本源代码(Euresys版本) 这是视觉智能的开始,应用于众多大型工业检测环境,多线程对相机多轴运动控制系统,针对当前最先进的智能视觉系统的一个雏形 当前版本是基于Euresys稳定的工业检测工具上的开源 此后版本 CxVision拥有了更多更强大的自主核心系统功能和核心算法 是现代智能视觉的领航系统 更多智能CxVision 搜索CxVision QQ群一起分享CxVision的发展和进步-CxVision V0.05 source code version of intelligent machine vision systems 0.05 source code (Euresys version) This is the beginning of visual intelligence, used in many large industrial inspection environments, multi-threaded multi-axis motion control system of the camera, for the most advanced intelligent vision The current version of a prototype system is based on Euresys stable industrial detection tools on the open source version of CxVision have more then a more powerful independent core functions and core algorithm is the vision of modern intelligent navigation systems more intelligent CxVision search CxVision QQ group to share the development and progress CxVision
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.64mb Publisher : 蔡先生

This paper presents a hierarchical fl ight control system for unmanned aerial vehicles. The proposed system executes high-level mission objectives by progressively substantiating them into machine-level commands. The acquired information from various sensors is propagated back to the higher layers for reactive decision making. Each vehicle is connected via standardized wireless communication protocol for scalable multi-agent coordination. The proposed system has been successfully implemented on a number of small helicopters and validated in various applications. Results from waypoint navigation, a probabilistic pursuit-evasion game and vision-based target tracking demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach toward intelligent fl ying robots
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 826kb Publisher : ywauto

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基于视觉的服务机器人导航,非常好的文章,希望对你有很大帮助。-Vision-based service robot navigation, very good article, I hope you have a great help.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 433kb Publisher : green

V详细描述了几种基于视觉的自主导航算法与SLAM的实际新方法,重点介绍成功实现现有机器人与外设的低成本集成,一步一步地详细示例演示了如何在32位Windows环境下实际实现一个机遇视觉的导航模块。-A detailed description of the autonomous navigation algorithms and practical method for SLAM several new vision-based, focusing on the successful implementation of a low-cost integration with existing robots and peripherals, step by step, a detailed example demonstrates how to actually implement a 32-bit Windows environment opportunities for visual navigation module.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.88mb Publisher : 陶潜水

Our world is three-dimensional, but camera image is two-dimensional, in order to obtain the three-dimensional information of objective object’s by the two-dimensional images, we need to rebuild the three-dimensional model of the target so that we can target the quantitative analysis. The same subject in computer vision and photogrammetry community,the stereo vision-based three-dimensional reconstruction techniques have been widely used in medical imaging, robot navigation, virtual reality, terrain exploration and other fields.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.42mb Publisher : 杨松

一种基于视觉的火星车自主导航方案设计,很好的文章,讲的很详细,欢迎大家下载-A vision based autonomous navigation scheme for the rover, a very good article, very detailed, welcome to download
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 480kb Publisher : zyf

基于视觉的机器人自主导航算法教程,高清扫描版本(Vision based robot autonomous navigation algorithm tutorial)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32.98mb Publisher : wang3017

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利用发光二级管作为信标,成像设备计算发光二级光的坐标,从而得出相对位置(Vision-Based Sensor and Navigation System for Autonomous Air Refueling)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.09mb Publisher : isn
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