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[Other resourceup_VC_Prolog

Description: VC和prolog联合开发的prolog的编译器.是我的毕业设计,河海大学2006届毕业生的优秀毕业设计.以下是论文的一部分: 第三章 VC++与PROLOG的接口 一.接口方案及准备工作 在这里,我所采用的接口方案是直接调用库函数.PROLOG系列语言中,有一种叫Amzi PROLOG的,提供了较完善的库函数接口.在我的毕业设计中,我所采用的是Amzi PROLOG 5.0版本所提供的库函数接口,所引用的文件为Amzi.h,amzi.dll,amzi.lib.这些文件可以通过下载并安装Amzi PROLOG 5.0而获得,具体使用方法为: 找到Amzi PROLOG 5.0所被安装的路径\\bin目录下面的amzi.dll文件,并且复制到你的windows目录下,或复制到你的程序文件所在的目录. 找到Amzi PROLOG 5.0所被安装的路径\\include目录下的amzi.h文件,并且复制到VC++所在文件夹的include子目录下. 找到Amzi PROLOG 5.0所被安装的路径\\lib目录下的amzi.lib文件,复制到你的程序文件所在的目录. 选择VC++编译菜单中的工程,添加到工程,把文件amzi.dll添加到工程中...这是我论文中的一节,相信根据这段你已经能完整的编译连接我的源代码了,如果你想得到进一步的指导和我的完整的论文请联系韩冬09966782050-VC and prolog jointly developed by the compiler. I graduated from the design, Hehai University 2006 graduates of outstanding graduate design. Following is part of the thesis : Chapter III VC and a PROLOG interface. Interface programs and preparatory work here, I have adopted the program interface is a direct function of the call. PROLOG language series, There is a call Amzi PROLOG, provided a better interface to the library functions. I graduated in the design, I used the 5.0 version of PROLOG Amzi provided by the function interface, quoted by the paper as Amzi.h, amzi.dll. amzi.lib. These documents can be downloaded and installed Amzi PROLOG 5.0 obtains specific use : find Amzi PROLOG 5.0 to be installed in the path \\ bin directory of text amzi.dll pieces, and copy it to your Windo
Platform: | Size: 114041 | Author: 寒冬 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImagesegementation

Description: To carry on small comparison for he different threshold value under the image segmentation result, have to use many windows,namely for take a look at a different threshold value of slice segmentation ’s result at same window , the window be divided into many small window.But conduct a lone medical science slice observation, withdraw\"interested area\", need bilever value , even multi-threshold value, can carry on a single piece at fixed position to browse and segment into slices by selected threshold value .Multi-windows bilever threshold value methods can not only withdraw\"interested area\" of the medical science slice, but also take a look at a different threshold value of slice segmentation ’s result at same window-To carry on small comparison for he differe nt threshold value under the image segmentatio n result, many have to use windows, namely for take a look at a different threshold v alue of slice segmentation 's win at same result dow. the window be divided into many small window.Bu not conduct a lone medical science slice observat ion, withdraw "interested area," need bilever value, even multi-threshold value, can carry on a single piece at fixed position to b rowse and segment into slices by selected thres hold value. Multi-windows bilever threshold v alue methods can not only withdraw "interested area "of the medical science slice. but also take a look at a different threshold val ue of slice segmentation 's result at same windo w
Platform: | Size: 1500 | Author: lizhengrong | Hits:


Description: 神龙卡 SDK_84xx_DShow_145_02.zip 这个是 windows 上二个是linux -SDK_84xx_DShow_145_02.zip Dragon Card is the windo ws123 on two of linux
Platform: | Size: 1723740 | Author: yedingye | Hits:

[IME Developfg180cn

Description: 拟拼音输入法具有真正的拼音输入法的基本功能。 [输入法编程指南.rar] - 输入法编程指南(根据msdn翻译) Windows 95输入法编辑器(IME) 原著:Microsoft 翻译:TBsoft Software Studio 一、关于Windows 95混合语言IME [Visual Basic中的键盘输入法.rar] - Visual Basic中的键盘输入法 [WINDOWS.zip] - windows下输入法-一昊输入法(钱码)源码-Pinyin input method to be true Pinyin input method's basic functions. [Input method Programming Guide. Rar] - input method Programming Guide (under VARIANT translation) Windows 95 Input Method Editor (IME) original works : Microsoft translation : TBsoft Software Studio 1, About Windows 95 mixed language IME [Visual Basic keyboard input methods. ra r] - Visual Basic keyboard input methods [WINDOWS.zip] - windo ws123 importation of France - a total of input (money code) FOSS
Platform: | Size: 1782425 | Author: mamateli | Hits:


Description: The tool shows a simple Clipboard viewer application. There are several examples of Clipboard usage in MSDN documents. With them, I have made this tool as a spy to understand and debug Clipboard exchanges. It uses a particular feature of linking an application with the Windows Clipboard to allow you to make a viewer.-The tool shows a simple Clipboard viewer ap plication. There are several examples of Clipb oard usage in the MSDN documents. With them, I have made this tool as a spy to understand and de bug Clipboard exchanges. It uses a particular f eature of linking an application with the Windo ws123 Clipboard to allow you to make a viewer.
Platform: | Size: 95594 | Author: liuyue | Hits:

[Video Capturertotex

Description: It is a simple project which creates a render-to-texture-enabled pbuffer, and a texture object related to it. When rendering, the pbuffer is made the current context, and two wire tori are rendered into it. The window is then made current, and the pbuffer is used to texture a single rectangle. The camera can be moved around this rectangle.-It is a simple project which creates a rende r-to-texture-enabled pbuffer. and a texture object related to it. When renderi Vi, the pbuffer is made the current context. and two wire tori are rendered into it. The windo w is then made current, and the pbuffer is used to texture a single recta ngle. The camera can be moved around this rectan Le.
Platform: | Size: 127615 | Author: henry | Hits:


Description: its a useful code. Use this to hide MFC window. when your window code don t want to show other users. -its a useful code. Use this to hide MFC windo w. when your window code do not want to show other u sers.
Platform: | Size: 35349 | Author: 郭迎祥 | Hits:

[Other resourceSpiPgm37

Description: 单晶片烧录程式,功能强大,支援ISP烧录功能,可以烧录AT89SXX,AT90SXX,MEGAXX以及ATTINYXX等多种单晶片.软体包含介面制作.适用于WINDOWS系统.-single chip copying programs, powerful, supporting ISP replication function could AT89SXX replication, AT90SXX. MEGAXX ATTINYXX and various single chip. Software includes interface production. apply to WINDO WAS system.
Platform: | Size: 400736 | Author: 陈明裕 | Hits:

[WEB Codeoci_windows

Description: 站长写的使用OCI开发Oracle程序的通用函数库for windows- Stationmaster writes use OCI develops Oracle procedure general function storehouse for windows
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSDL 1.2.4 source

Description: SDL 1.2.4 source
Platform: | Size: 2673664 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: WINDOWS文件共享协议SMB-WINDOWS document sharing agreement SMB
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programgina

Description: windows的gina源码-windows gina source code
Platform: | Size: 559104 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCIPE-Win32-2.0-pre14

Description: 一款在LINUX常用的VPN软件的WINDOWS版本源码-one commonly used in the Linux VPN software version of the Windows source code
Platform: | Size: 401408 | Author: 李锦 | Hits:


Description: windows下用的vim-windows uses vim
Platform: | Size: 3997696 | Author: 李月 | Hits:

[Multimedia program音量控制

Description: 实现WINDOWS操作系统的音量控制的源代码-Windows operating system to achieve the volume control of the source code
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 代科学 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDasm

Description: 本人编写的一个反汇编外壳.感觉写得很烂-I prepared a compilation of anti-shell. Written poor-quality feel
Platform: | Size: 552960 | Author: 周子寒 | Hits:

[Windows Developxmlrpc-c-0.9.9.tar

Description: xml rpc 的c 实现代码-xml rpc c achieve code
Platform: | Size: 416768 | Author: 张磊 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopCmosRW

Description: Windows9x/Windows2000/WindowsXP平台下CMOS的读取与修改,慎重使用哦,一切后果自负。-Windows9x/Windows2000/WindowsXP platform CMOS read with the revision, the use of careful, oh, all bear the consequences themselves.
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: 郭瑞杰 | Hits:

[Consolesocket(for Windows and UNIX)

Description: 一个封装标准BSD Socket的C++类- c++ class encapsulat standard bsd
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 罗少波 | Hits:

[OS programsslsniffer-1.21

Description: a great way to see the SSL protocol in action。-a great way to see the SSL protocol in action
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 周渊 | Hits:
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