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Description: Jaoso新闻文章发布系统 0.9.1final 程序架构: Struts+Spring+Hibernate 主要功能:   ·新闻采用在线编辑器,可以象使用word一样编辑新闻,可简繁体互换   ·可web上传图片,新闻内其它网站图片自动下载   ·无限级目录分类   ·可设头条新闻和图片新闻   ·新闻点评功能,可自由发表评论   ·权限管理可以任意设置角色\\权限   ·采用MVC模式显示与逻辑分离,方便修改页面显示效果 ·支持多界面风格,只需增加相应的风格包(目前有11种风格) ·支持国际化多语言,只需要增加响应语言包(目前支持简\\繁\\英) ·支持多种数据库,目前测试过的数据库(Oracle,SqlServer,Mysql) ·支持全文索引,检索速度更快更准确 ·支持rss新闻聚合 ·自带留言本<br>     版权所有:边缘孤客  程序制作:边缘孤客  Contact 联系方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技术支持: edgeloner@163.com QQ:1521331 官方站点 http://www.jaoso.com http://www.jaoso.net-Jaoso news article publishing system 0.9.1final procedural framework : Struts Spring Hibernate main functions : using online news editor, As word can be used as news editor, can be exchanged Jane Spanish web upload pictures, News Photo within other websites automatically download unlimited directory-based classification can be headline news and pictures Comments on the news function, free to comment on the competence of management can be set up without role \\ competence using MVC pattern display and the logic Isolation, facilitate change pages show results for the multi-interface style. only a corresponding increase in the style package (there are currently 11 species of style) support international languages. only respond to the need for additional language packs (currently support KAN \\
Platform: | Size: 17124019 | Author: yi zhuoshi | Hits:

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Description: csharp wan quan shou ce ,da jia kan kan-csharp wan Quan shou ce, da jia kan kan
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: 李长春 | Hits:


Description: Jaoso新闻文章发布系统 0.9.1final 程序架构: Struts+Spring+Hibernate 主要功能:   ·新闻采用在线编辑器,可以象使用word一样编辑新闻,可简繁体互换   ·可web上传图片,新闻内其它网站图片自动下载   ·无限级目录分类   ·可设头条新闻和图片新闻   ·新闻点评功能,可自由发表评论   ·权限管理可以任意设置角色\权限   ·采用MVC模式显示与逻辑分离,方便修改页面显示效果 ·支持多界面风格,只需增加相应的风格包(目前有11种风格) ·支持国际化多语言,只需要增加响应语言包(目前支持简\繁\英) ·支持多种数据库,目前测试过的数据库(Oracle,SqlServer,Mysql) ·支持全文索引,检索速度更快更准确 ·支持rss新闻聚合 ·自带留言本<br>     版权所有:边缘孤客  程序制作:边缘孤客  Contact 联系方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技术支持: edgeloner@163.com QQ:1521331 官方站点 http://www.jaoso.com http://www.jaoso.net-Jaoso news article publishing system 0.9.1final procedural framework : Struts Spring Hibernate main functions : using online news editor, As word can be used as news editor, can be exchanged Jane Spanish web upload pictures, News Photo within other websites automatically download unlimited directory-based classification can be headline news and pictures Comments on the news function, free to comment on the competence of management can be set up without role \ competence using MVC pattern display and the logic Isolation, facilitate change pages show results for the multi-interface style. only a corresponding increase in the style package (there are currently 11 species of style) support international languages. only respond to the need for additional language packs (currently support KAN \
Platform: | Size: 17123328 | Author: yi zhuoshi | Hits:


Description: zhe me duo shuo ming a da jia kan zhe xia zai ba-zhe me a duo shuo ming da jia kan zhe i gonna ba
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 韩志军 | Hits:


Description: VS6.0环境下开发的连连看小游戏完整代码-VS6.0 game of lianliankan
Platform: | Size: 854016 | Author: calong | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: christadhi2 | Hits:

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