DC motor speed: stc microcontroller 0-99% adjustable PWM signal. Use 1602 to display the duty cycle of the PWM signal. And the speed of the motor. Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 44kb
Publisher : tangying
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface, serial peripheral interface) is a synchronous serial data transmission standard put forward by Motorola company, is a high-speed, full duplex, synchronous communication bus, is widely us Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 6kb
Publisher : helimpopo
Of spherical harmonics graphic simulation, Import data files as input parameters matlab program is running, Maximum Likelihood (ML) criteria and maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion. Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 8kb
Publisher : qbueujp
Interpolation and fitting, solution of equations, data analysis, Using matlab to calculate the Mahalanobis distance for the image, There ULA CRB curve. Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 6kb
Publisher : fenggaotanming