Using C language to achieve two complementary procedures matrix, two matrices are free to enter their data, after multiplying array realize print. Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
Using C language to determine the substring procedures, the importation of the two strings to determine the second string is a string is not the first substring. Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
Using C language print string substring procedures, enter a string, enter the starting location and want to print the length of substring to print it, if the start position beyond the scope of string or substring is long Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
Using C language to achieve the shuffle procedure, to achieve a Chapter 52 poker cards, if not satisfied with the results of shuffling cards can be repeated until the user satisfaction. Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
Using C language to achieve a list of plug-ins, each enter a number, to be inserted in the location of the final list, the user may choose to insert the data or the end of insertion, after the end of the procedure will i Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
The two methods of the merge algorithm implemented in C language are used to store two sets of Numbers. The user enters two sets of Numbers on their own, and then returns them to List1 using the sub-function and prints i Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
Using C language to achieve the election of the monkey king of the procedure, with list of numbers stored monkeys, in accordance with the rules that filter monkeys, each out of a monkey then delete his number, until only Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 宋莹
In a grid divided into the playground, n soldiers stood scattered on the grid points. Grid point by the integer coordinates (x, y) express. Soldiers along the edge of the grid, down, left and right moving step, but at th Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 程光