Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Hash table: HashTable H int s, a, n, w, i, q, t g = 1 cout < < " Enter the number of elements n: \ n" cin> > n InitList_H (H) for (i = 0 i < 16 i++) H.elem [i] = 10000 for (i = 0 i <n i++)
cin> > S t = 1 H.count++ if (H.elem [s 13] == 10000) H.elem [s 13] = s else (while (H.elem [(s 13+ t ) 16]! = 10000) t++ H.elem [(s 13+ t) 16] = s )) cout < < " Enter the number you want to find: \ n" cin> > w a = SearchHash (H, w) if (a) (if (a == 200) cout < < " find success!:" < <H.elem[0]<<endl else cout<<"查找成功! :"<<H.elem[a]<<endl }
else { q=InsertHash(H,w) cout<<q<<"已插入!\n" }
for(i=0 i<16 i++)
{cout<<H.elem[i]<<" " }//if((i+1) 11==0)cout<<endl }
return 0