Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The x sequence is inserted into the appropriate position on the table, in order to maintain the orderliness of the table. Input data: text file input.txt file 5 lines: Line 1 is the number of data elements in the order form va n, n < 20. If n < 1 or n> 19 is considered to input data error. The second line is the increasing order of n data elements, each element is a decimal integer between-999 to 999, separated by a space between the elements. Line 3 is an integer x, x is a decimal integer between-999 to 999. Line 4 is a blank line. Output data: file output.txt file has only one line: Line 1 is completed in order to insert a table n+1 after a decimal integer ordered elements, separated by a space between each element. If the input data error, or an error during the operation, the problem has no solution, etc., then the first line of the output string " ERROR" .