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  • Category : Embeded-SCM Develop
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  • Update : 2017-12-14
  • Size : 466kb
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  • Author :J*****
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This program is used for the online upgrade of the device so as to update the upgrade code.
Packet file list
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IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\FOXUSER.DBF 857 2009-08-07
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\FOXUSER.FPT 4608 2009-08-07
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\HIGH.sct 337 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\InChip.sct 265 2009-07-23
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\LOW.sct 338 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\LPC1700PinCfg.h 54886 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\rt_sys_c.c 15782 2009-07-24
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\rt_sys_s.s 1614 2009-07-27
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\Startup\vector_cfg.h 16976 2009-08-07
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\target_cfg.h 4944 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\cfg_file\zy_if\zy_if_cfg.h 1699 2009-07-27
IAP\在线升级\config.h 2564 2009-07-27
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.opt.bak 7120 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.Uv2.bak 6027 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.uvgui.HJW 71477 2017-12-08
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.uvgui.zokin2 70652 2016-10-20
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.uvgui_zokin2.bak 76005 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.uvopt 24865 2017-12-08
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.uvproj 38077 2016-10-18
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700_HIGH.dep 9009 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700_LOW.dep 10786 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700_uvopt.bak 24865 2016-10-20
IAP\在线升级\HIGH.bin\SAVE2009-9-21_10-02-08.TXT 308 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\HIGH.bin\sscom.ini 1043 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\HIGH.bin\SYSTEM 4736 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\HIGH.bin\USER 116 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\ 73858 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\LOW.bin\sscom.ini 1025 2009-08-20
IAP\在线升级\LOW.bin\SYSTEM 4732 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\LOW.bin\USER 116 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\ 74275 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\ExtDll.iex 19 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\HIGH.axf 40468 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\HIGH.hex 13724 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\HIGH.htm 37341 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\HIGH.lnp 416 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\HIGH.plg 454 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\HIGH.tra 1434 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\iap.crf 60974 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\iap.d 874 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\iap.o 85464 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\LOW.axf 45752 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\LOW.build_log.htm 289 2017-12-08
IAP\在线升级\out\LOW.htm 34263 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\LOW.lnp 410 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\LOW.plg 836 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\LOW.tra 1426 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\out\lpc1700pincfg.crf 60425 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\lpc1700pincfg.d 996 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\lpc1700pincfg.o 81156 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\main.crf 64239 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\main.d 953 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\main.o 90372 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\rt_sys_c.crf 62415 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\rt_sys_c.d 1100 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\rt_sys_c.o 88656 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\rt_sys_s.d 47 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\rt_sys_s.o 2100 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\target.crf 59333 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\target.d 898 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\target.o 82060 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\user.crf 59157 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\user.d 862 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\user.o 81364 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\vector_table.crf 67351 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\vector_table.d 1057 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\vector_table.o 90212 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\zy_if.crf 62162 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\zy_if.d 1012 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\out\zy_if.o 88892 2016-10-19
IAP\在线升级\USER_CODE\IAP\IAP.c 7978 2009-08-08
IAP\在线升级\USER_CODE\IAP\IAP.h 6854 2009-08-08
IAP\在线升级\USER_CODE\main.c 16961 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\USER_CODE\USER\user.c 1680 2009-09-21
IAP\在线升级\USER_CODE\USER\user.h 437 2009-08-08
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\firmware.h 4653 2009-08-10
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\Startup\lpc1700.h 85017 2009-07-27
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\Startup\LPC1700PinCfg.c 7377 2009-08-10
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\Startup\target.c 8173 2009-08-27
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\Startup\target.h 3005 2009-07-25
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\Startup\vector_table.c 11486 2009-08-27
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\zy_if\zy_if.c 13639 2009-08-21
IAP\在线升级\ZY_CODE\zy_if\zy_if.h 10078 2009-07-25
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\Startup\InChip.sct 265 2009-07-23
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\Startup\LPC1700PinCfg.h 54888 2009-07-27
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\Startup\rt_sys_c.c 15782 2009-07-24
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\Startup\rt_sys_s.s 1614 2009-07-27
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\Startup\vector_cfg.h 16976 2009-07-28
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\target_cfg.h 4944 2009-09-19
IAP\数据存储\cfg_file\zy_if\zy_if_cfg.h 1699 2009-07-27
IAP\数据存储\config.h 2939 2009-07-28
IAP\数据存储\Cortex-M3 Execute for lpc1700.Uv2 5896 2009-09-19
IAP\数据存储\USER_CODE\main.c 14645 2009-09-19
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\firmware.h 4653 2009-07-23
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\Startup\lpc1700.h 85017 2009-07-27
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\Startup\LPC1700PinCfg.c 7377 2009-08-10
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\Startup\target.c 8173 2009-08-27
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\Startup\target.h 3005 2009-07-25
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\Startup\vector_table.c 11455 2009-08-27
IAP\数据存储\ZY_CODE\zy_if\zy_if.c 13639 2009-08-21
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