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  • Category : Data structs
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  • Update : 2017-12-18
  • Size : 11.19mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :嗨呀哈***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
It simulates the parking lot by the stack, simulates the road outside the yard by the queue and simulates it according to the data sequence input from the terminal. Each set of input data includes three data items: the car "reach" or "leave" information, the license number of the car, and the arrival or departure time. The output information on the operation of each set of input data after: if the vehicle arrives, enter the parking position of motor vehicles in the parking lot or sidewalk; if the vehicle arrives, the output of motor vehicles in the parking lot or parking spaces on the sidewalk, if the vehicle left, then the output in the car in the parking lot to stay time and should be pay the costs (no fee stay on the sidewalk). The stack is implemented in a sequential structure, and the queue is implemented by a linked list structure.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
DataStructure2\.vs\DataStructure2\v15\.suo 26624 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\.vs\DataStructure2\v15\Browse.VC.db 5578752 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\.vs\DataStructure2\v15\ipch\AutoPCH\b0495cb0e9993983\PARK.ipch 25690112 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\.vs\DataStructure2\v15\ipch\AutoPCH\d96156da3260b0ca\PARK1.ipch 25886720 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\.vs\slnx.sqlite 73728 2017-12-01
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\DataStructure2.vcxproj 7217 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\DataStructure2.vcxproj.filters 945 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.log 464 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog 1698 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\ 13376 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog 780 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\DataStructure2.lastbuildstate 242 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\link.command.1.tlog 1468 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\ 3526 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.tlog\link.write.1.tlog 758 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\park.obj 85105 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\park1.obj 85249 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\vc141.idb 543744 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\Debug\vc141.pdb 405504 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2\park.cpp 8555 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\DataStructure2.sln 1456 2017-12-01
DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.exe 56832 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.ilk 390416 2017-12-18
DataStructure2\Debug\DataStructure2.pdb 487424 2017-12-18
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