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ADRC 0 2018-01-31
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners 0 2018-01-26
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo 0 2018-01-26
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\ADRC Demo for 1st and 2nd order plants 0 2018-01-26
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\ADRC Demo for 1st and 2nd order plants\CSU method.lyx 7447 2012-03-03
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\ADRC Demo for 1st and 2nd order plants\CSU method_ADRC 1st Order.pdf 105630 2012-03-03
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\ADRC Demo for 1st and 2nd order plants\ESO2.png 22234 2012-11-21
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\ADRC Demo for 1st and 2nd order plants\ESO3.png 25196 2012-11-21
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\ADRC Demo for 1st and 2nd order plants\adrc_eso2.mdl 42329 2018-01-26
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ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Demo\Simulation files for the 2003ACC paper\tuning.m 137 2016-09-27
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers 0 2018-01-26
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese 0 2018-01-26
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese\2010 中国控制会议 控制工程的抗扰范式.pdf 290319 2011-08-29
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese\2013 控制理论与应用 像韩老师那样做学问 像韩老师那样做人.pdf 111125 2014-01-18
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese\2013 控制理论与应用 自抗扰控制思想探究.pdf 1494852 2014-03-07
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese\2016 系统科学与数学 浅谈工程控制的信息问题.pdf 737505 2016-07-28
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese\学习、研究自抗扰控制的几个切入点.pdf 499845 2014-04-19
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\Chinese\韩老师论文经典 0 2018-01-26
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ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English 0 2018-01-26
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2003 ACC_LADRC.pdf 157556 2004-07-20
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2006 ACC_Paradigm.pdf 280226 2010-07-09
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2007 MSC_ADRC Freq Resp.pdf 327790 2015-08-13
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2014 ISAT Centrality of Disturbance Rejection.pdf 490701 2014-09-09
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2015 Romoco ADRC Overview.pdf 503003 2015-07-07
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2016 CTT ADRC Time and Frequency.pdf 661636 2016-09-25
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\ADRC Intro Papers\English\2016 CTT Editorial Disturbance Rejection.pdf 55430 2016-09-25
ADRC\2016 ADRC for Beginners\Control Theory Tutorial_.pdf 272075 2010-07-09
ADRC\ADRC.c 1895 2018-01-26
ADRC\ADRC.c.bak 1894 2018-01-26
ADRC\ 939 2018-01-31
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