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  • Category : Embeded-SCM Develop
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  • Update : 2018-02-02
  • Size : 225kb
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  • Author :pcc****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The source code is annotated with detailed notes; a clear interface operation process with a schematic diagram;
Packet file list
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FM收音机\List\Channel_Handle.lst 30226 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Delay.lst 1689 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\DS1302.lst 7012 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\DS18B20.lst 3807 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\EEPROM.lst 3404 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\FM Radio.m51 94189 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\IIC.lst 4318 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Key_Handle.lst 28979 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Key_Scan.lst 4736 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\LCD_Display.lst 13337 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Main.lst 5017 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Radio.lst 7042 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\RT12864M.lst 7709 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Save_Channel.lst 6967 2011-04-13
FM收音机\List\STARTUP.lst 14299 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\System_Init.lst 3675 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Temperature_Handle.lst 3266 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Time_Handle.lst 5430 2013-10-31
FM收音机\List\Volume_Handle.lst 5075 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Channel_Handle.obj 19620 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Delay.obj 1646 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\DS1302.obj 7422 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\DS18B20.obj 4032 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\EEPROM.obj 3729 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\FM Radio 95966 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\FM Radio.hex 21643 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\FM Radio.lnp 487 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\FM Radio.plg 200 2016-03-16
FM收音机\Obj\IIC.obj 4464 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Key_Handle.obj 14663 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Key_Scan.obj 2485 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\LCD_Display.obj 12864 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Main.obj 8168 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Radio.obj 7376 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\RT12864M.obj 9431 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Save_Channel.obj 5498 2011-04-13
FM收音机\Obj\STARTUP.obj 969 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\System_Init.obj 3910 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Temperature_Handle.obj 3233 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Time_Handle.obj 4022 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Obj\Volume_Handle.obj 6365 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio.lnp 175 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio.plg 28510 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio.uvgui.Administrator 77965 2016-03-16
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio.uvgui_Administrator.bak 77970 2016-03-16
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio.uvopt 13525 2016-03-16
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio.uvproj 16705 2016-01-05
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio_uvopt.bak 13523 2016-03-16
FM收音机\Project\FM Radio_uvproj.bak 16605 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Source\Channel_Handle.c 12839 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\Channel_Handle.H 414 2011-04-13
FM收音机\Source\Delay.c 491 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Source\Delay.h 157 2013-10-31
FM收音机\Source\DS1302.c 3480 2011-04-23
FM收音机\Source\DS1302.H 357 2011-04-10
FM收音机\Source\DS18B20.c 1157 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Source\DS18B20.H 324 2011-04-23
FM收音机\Source\EEPROM.c 1588 2011-04-13
FM收音机\Source\EEPROM.H 370 2011-04-13
FM收音机\Source\IIC.c 1633 2011-04-15
FM收音机\Source\IIC.H 458 2011-04-14
FM收音机\Source\Key_Handle.c 10153 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\Key_Handle.H 255 2011-09-19
FM收音机\Source\Key_Scan.c 1599 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\Key_Scan.H 266 2011-04-10
FM收音机\Source\LCD_Display.c 5947 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\LCD_Display.H 169 2011-04-12
FM收音机\Source\Main.c 2302 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\Radio.c 3668 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\Radio.H 365 2011-04-13
FM收音机\Source\RT12864M.c 3784 2011-11-08
FM收音机\Source\RT12864M.h 741 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Source\STARTUP.A51 6381 2011-03-15
FM收音机\Source\STC12C5620AD.H 4138 2011-02-24
FM收音机\Source\System_Init.c 1435 2011-04-14
FM收音机\Source\System_Init.H 91 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Source\Temperature_Handle.c 1456 2011-04-23
FM收音机\Source\Temperature_Handle.H 188 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Source\Time_Handle.c 1818 2011-04-13
FM收音机\Source\Time_Handle.H 167 2011-04-04
FM收音机\Source\UART.c 1157 2011-03-09
FM收音机\Source\UART.H 320 2011-03-09
FM收音机\Source\Volume_Handle.c 2098 2011-04-15
FM收音机\Source\Volume_Handle.H 278 2011-04-23
FM收音机\原理图.pdf 75815 2013-10-30
FM收音机\List 0 2014-09-17
FM收音机\Obj 0 2014-09-17
FM收音机\Project 0 2016-03-16
FM收音机\Source 0 2014-09-17
FM收音机 0 2014-09-17
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