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  • Category : Embeded-SCM Develop
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  • Update : 2018-03-02
  • Size : 64kb
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  • Author :王*****
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Msp430fg439 routines, including serial communication, a/d conversion and so on, and a routine for a/d conversion and real-time display of ECG signals.
Packet file list
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fet430_adc12_06.c 3517 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_07.c 2165 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_08.c 2887 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_09.c 3301 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_10.c 2967 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_11.c 1735 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_12.c 1734 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_13.c 1735 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_14.c 1735 2008-05-01
fet430_bt_01.c 1681 2008-05-01
fet430_bt_02.c 1595 2008-05-01
fet430_clks_02.c 3044 2008-05-01
fet430_dac12_01.c 1214 2008-05-01
fet430_dac12_02.c 1207 2008-05-01
fet430_dac12_03.c 1737 2008-05-01
fet430_dac12_04.c 1971 2008-05-01
fet430_dac12_05.c 2090 2008-05-01
FET430_demolist_C.txt 4665 2007-08-31
fet430_dma_01.c 1874 2008-05-01
fet430_dma_02.c 1652 2008-05-01
fet430_dma_03.c 2538 2008-05-01
fet430_dma_04.c 2745 2008-05-01
fet430_dma_05.c 2235 2008-05-01
fet430_dma_06.c 3700 2008-05-01
fet430_dma_07.c 4551 2008-05-01
fet430_fll_01.c 1629 2008-05-01
fet430_fll_02.c 1613 2008-05-01
fet430_lcd_01.c 2924 2008-05-01
fet430_lcd_02.c 3894 2008-05-01
fet430_lpm3.c 2531 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_01.c 1499 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_02.c 1660 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_03.c 1235 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_04.c 1851 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_05.c 1304 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_06.c 1171 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_07.c 1489 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_08.c 1663 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_09.c 1810 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_10.c 1295 2008-05-01
fet430_oa_11.c 1248 2008-05-01
fet430_spi0_016x.c 2447 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_01.c 1611 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_02.c 1430 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_03.c 1786 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_04.c 1776 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_05.c 1670 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_16.c 2038 2008-05-01
fet430_ta_17.c 2075 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_01.c 1643 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_02.c 1469 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_03.c 2009 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_04.c 1769 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_05.c 1679 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_10.c 1795 2008-05-01
fet430_tb_11.c 1836 2008-05-01
fet430_uart01_0115k.c 2147 2008-05-01
fet430_uart01_02400.c 2510 2008-05-01
fet430_uart01_09600.c 2209 2008-05-01
fet430_uart01_19200.c 2142 2008-05-01
fet430_uart02_19200.c 3996 2008-05-01
fet430_wdt_01.c 1609 2008-05-01
fet430_wdt_02.c 1567 2008-05-01
fet430_1.c 1148 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_01.c 2248 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_02.c 1670 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_03.c 1889 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_04.c 2314 2008-05-01
fet430_adc12_05.c 1827 2008-05-01
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