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  • Category : Embeded-SCM Develop
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  • Update : 2018-03-12
  • Size : 249kb
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  • Author :别来***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Realize the configuration of the timer module for DSP C6657. This example is configured as a 64 bit general timer mode, working in interrupt mode.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
test_timer 0 2017-10-26
test_timer\.ccsproject 527 2017-10-22
test_timer\.cproject 20507 2017-10-22
test_timer\.launches 0 2017-10-23
test_timer\.launches\test_timer.launch 5674 2017-10-26
test_timer\.project 840 2017-10-21
test_timer\.settings 0 2017-10-22
test_timer\.settings\org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core.prefs 62 2017-10-21
test_timer\.settings\org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.prefs 123 2017-10-21
test_timer\.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs 395 2017-10-26
test_timer\csl_intcAsmUtils.c 1997 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcClose.c 3446 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcGetHwStatus.c 4306 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcHookIsr.c 2700 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcHwControl.c 6747 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcInit.c 4167 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcOpen.c 4785 2017-09-28
test_timer\csl_intcPlugEventHandler.c 3393 2017-09-28
test_timer\Debug 0 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\ccsObjs.opt 367 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcAsmUtils.d 241 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcAsmUtils.obj 4548 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcClose.d 2303 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcClose.obj 20868 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcExcep.d 1582 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcGetHwStatus.d 2262 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcGetHwStatus.obj 23300 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcHookIsr.d 1755 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcHookIsr.obj 20080 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcHwControl.d 2224 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcHwControl.obj 32352 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcInit.d 2283 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcInit.obj 21860 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcOpen.d 2283 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcOpen.obj 24680 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcPlugEventHandler.d 2523 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\csl_intcPlugEventHandler.obj 21072 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\main.d 3009 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\main.obj 37656 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\makefile 4875 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\ 281 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\ 2073 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\ 7076 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\ 2228 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\ 34255 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\test_timer.out 272640 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\test_timer_linkInfo.xml 391515 2017-10-26
test_timer\Debug\_csl_intcCombEventDispatcher.d 2433 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\_csl_intcCombEventDispatcher.obj 25232 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\_csl_intcDispatcher.d 2262 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\_csl_intcDispatcher.obj 21316 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\_csl_intcResource.d 1787 2017-10-22
test_timer\Debug\_csl_intcResource.obj 19972 2017-10-22
test_timer\main.c 3448 2017-10-26
test_timer\NewTargetConfiguration.ccxml 1481 2017-10-22
test_timer\Release 0 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\ccsObjs.opt 334 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcAsmUtils.d 83 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcClose.d 74 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcGetHwStatus.d 92 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcHookIsr.d 80 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcHwControl.d 86 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcInit.d 71 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcOpen.d 71 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\csl_intcPlugEventHandler.d 107 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\main.d 467 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\makefile 4724 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\ 248 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\ 2073 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\ 6512 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\ 2228 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\_csl_intcCombEventDispatcher.d 119 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\_csl_intcDispatcher.d 92 2017-10-26
test_timer\Release\_csl_intcResource.d 86 2017-10-26
test_timer\TMS320C6655.cmd 1504 2017-10-22
test_timer\_csl_intcCombEventDispatcher.c 7263 2017-09-28
test_timer\_csl_intcDispatcher.c 3467 2017-09-28
test_timer\_csl_intcResource.c 2759 2017-09-28
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