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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The implementation of the cure clustering of the demo. At the beginning of the algorithm, each point is a cluster, and then the nearest cluster is combined to the number of clusters K. It is a hierarchical cluster of divisions. The algorithm is divided into the following 6 steps: 1) extract a random sample S from the source data object. 2) the sample S is divided into a set of partitions. 3) to divide the local clustering. 4) the isolated point is proposed by random sampling. If a cluster is growing too slowly, get rid of it. 5) clustering the local clusters. 6) mark the data with the corresponding cluster tag.
Packet file list
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CureDemo\bin\Debug\CureDemo.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2007-07-21
CureDemo\CureDemo.csproj 4139 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Form1.cs 4593 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Form1.Designer.cs 4871 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Form1.resx 5814 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\CureDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 973 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\CureDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 847 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\CureDemo.exe 11776 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\CureDemo.Form1.resources 180 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\CureDemo.pdb 24064 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\CureDemo.Properties.Resources.resources 180 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 5012 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Program.cs 489 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1384 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2866 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Properties\Resources.resx 5612 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1093 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Properties\Settings.settings 249 2010-02-27
CureDemo.sln 1849 2010-02-27
CureDemo.suo 36864 2010-02-27
Cure\Cure.csproj 2734 2010-02-27
Cure\CureCluster.cs 6154 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug\Cure.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 799 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug\Cure.dll 7680 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug\Cure.pdb 19968 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 3239 2010-02-27
Cure\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1376 2010-02-27
Cure\TextCure.cs 8756 2010-02-27
TFIDF\bin\Debug\TFIDF.dll 9728 2010-01-12
TFIDF\bin\Debug\TFIDF.pdb 28160 2010-01-12
TFIDF\bin\Release\TFIDF.dll 9216 2010-01-12
TFIDF\bin\Release\TFIDF.pdb 26112 2010-01-12
TFIDF\ITokeniser.cs 222 2010-01-12
TFIDF\obj\Debug\Refactor\TFIDF.dll 5120 2010-02-03
TFIDF\obj\Debug\TFIDF.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 2159 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Debug\TFIDF.dll 12288 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Debug\TFIDF.pdb 34304 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Release\TFIDF.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 341 2010-01-12
TFIDF\obj\Release\TFIDF.dll 9216 2010-01-12
TFIDF\obj\Release\TFIDF.pdb 26112 2010-01-12
TFIDF\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1378 2010-02-27
TFIDF\StopWordsHandler.cs 2302 2010-02-27
TFIDF\TermVector.cs 1254 2010-01-12
TFIDF\TFIDF.csproj 2915 2010-01-29
TFIDF\TFIDFMeasure.cs 13052 2010-02-21
TFIDF\Tokeniser.cs 1379 2010-02-27
bin\Debug\Cure.dll 7680 2010-02-27
bin\Debug\Cure.pdb 19968 2010-02-27
bin\Debug\TFIDF.dll 12288 2010-02-27
bin\Debug\TFIDF.pdb 34304 2010-02-27
bin\Release\Common.dll 5632 2010-02-21
bin\Release\Common.pdb 13824 2010-02-21
bin\Release\Cure.dll 7680 2010-02-27
bin\Release\Cure.pdb 19968 2010-02-27
bin\Release\CureDemo.exe 11776 2010-02-27
bin\Release\CureDemo.pdb 24064 2010-02-27
bin\Release\CureDemo.vshost.exe 14328 2010-02-27
bin\Release\CureDemo.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2007-07-21
bin\Release\input.txt 605 2010-02-27
bin\Release\result.txt 679 2010-02-27
bin\Release\stopword.txt 2827 2009-11-25
bin\Release\TFIDF.dll 12288 2010-02-27
bin\Release\TFIDF.pdb 34304 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Release\TempPE 0 2010-02-27
CureDemo\bin\Debug 0 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj\Debug 0 2010-02-27
Cure\bin\Debug 0 2010-02-27
Cure\obj\Debug 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\bin\Debug 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\bin\Release 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Debug 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj\Release 0 2010-02-27
CureDemo\bin 0 2010-02-27
CureDemo\obj 0 2010-02-27
CureDemo\Properties 0 2010-02-27
Cure\bin 0 2010-02-27
Cure\obj 0 2010-02-27
Cure\Properties 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\bin 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\obj 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF\Properties 0 2010-02-27
bin\Debug 0 2010-02-27
bin\Release 0 2010-02-27
CureDemo 0 2010-02-27
Cure 0 2010-02-27
TFIDF 0 2010-02-27
bin 0 2010-02-27
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